Meditating On God’s Word

Meditating on God's Word

One of the hardest issues for Christians is meditating on God’s Word. And usually, when someone says the word meditate our brain responds automatically by showing us a picture of someone sitting on the floor, legs crossed, eyes closed, arms extended upwarded along the side with their fingers pinched together, wearing long beads around the neck, strange calming music playing in the background with incense and candles burning. Or, you may picture someone in a room alone with their Bible on their knees praying.

It’s instrumental to understand the difference between Biblical Meditation and Prayer. In Prayer, we speak to God. We repent of our sins, glorify him, tell him our thoughts, our needs, ask for wisdom, help for ourselves, for others, our nation and the list is endless.

In Biblical Meditation, better known as Devotions or Devotionals, God uses his scriptures to speak to us and if we want to draw closer to God, to show ourselves approved we should learn how to devote time to God. Another word for it, is Devotions. Regardless of the label, it’s just spending time with God through his scriptures and listening to what He has to say.

So what are steps to help us with this?

Be Still

Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth. (Psalm 46:10)

God is all powerful and should be held in high regard. This is why it’s important to “be still” in God’s presence and reflect on his words. (Psalm 1:2)


I will meditate on your precepts, and contemplate your ways. (Psalm 119:15 NKJ)

But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in his law doth he mediatate day and night.

Give your full attention to God’s word in a quite space so you can read, study, consider, deliberate, reflect and think about his words. Meditating on God’s word is merely focusing on it. Give it your full attention, no distraction, just you and God’s word.


So faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ. (Romans 10:17 NKJ)

Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. (Revelation 3:20 KJB)

Incline your ear and come to Me. Listen, that you may hear; And I will make an everlasting covenant with you, according to the faithful mercies shown to David. (Isaiah 55:3 NASB)

Unless we take time to be still, to meditate or focus on God’s word and listen to what he has to say, we cannot hear God’s voice. While many of us do spend time studying God’s word we’re so busy reading his word, that we fail to listen to it. This means we’re not feeding on God and if we want seeds sown into our hearts, we must learn to listen to his word.


Out of all the steps, this is probably the hardest. Taking time to listen to God’s words, contemplate and reflect on them is easier, but, applying it or putting it into action can be difficult. Life happens and we get so distracted with what’s going on in our lives, with our families or with our world that we forget to take time out to listen. Don’t beat yourself up about it, but, start out small. We all must start somewhere so try once a week and as it becomes a habit increase the time to twice a week. Spend as much time throughout your week as you like. But the key is devoting time and committing to it.

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