The Living Map

The Living Map

Before my husband and I moved to where we’re living today, we lived on the SW Coast of Florida. It was during our time in Florida when I had a dream that seemed very apocalyptic in nature, but, before the actual dream occurred I experienced other dreams where I would hear a soft voice saying to me; higher ground. The voice would appear soft, low and seemed almost genderless but with a touch of a male tone to it. I would wake up the next morning feeling a bit perplexed because the dream was nothing but the voice. I wasn’t scared, anxious or any feelings of doom, just puzzled.

Then late one night after falling to sleep I began to dream. I was in the heavens, it was dark out and I appeared at the edge of a huge room. This room didn’t have walls, it was completely open to the heavens and I stood at the very edge of that room waiting to be summed in.

As I stood there I saw three (3) men standing shoulder to shoulder, dressed in white robes with a white sash that was either plaided or twisted. Now the sash was positioned on the left side and hung down the front of the leg to around the knee area or maybe a little longer. Each of these men had a white beard with white hair. But they didn’t have a full head of hair it seemed each had a very receded hairline on the top and thin hair on the sides. And notice, I did say they had white hair not gray! As the men stood huddled together, staring at me and talking amongst themselves I immediately received the impression they were afraid of me.

Before I realized what was happening, I was completely on the other side of the room waiting while the men continued talking to decide who would be confronting me. Finally, the one in the center stepped out and headed toward an old wooden rectangular table that was positioned in the center of the room. As he stepped out, I began to move toward him and we met at the table. He held an old bronze looking candleholder and placed it over the map so I could see that the map was of the United States. He never spoke a word to me but would move the candle over the lower section of the United States which seemed to be Florida, lower parts of Georgia and maybe portions of South Carolina. What was so odd was when he placed the candle over those areas, I could see this map take on a life of it’s on. It was actually a living moving map!

I heard women screaming, I saw fires, people looting stores, I heard gunshots, explosions and people yelling at one another. It was total chaos! Then he would move the candle back toward the Tennessee area where I never heard any sounds but, saw complete darkness. This man continued moving the candle back and forth between these areas and then the dream ended.

My Thoughts

I’ve had some time to reflect on this dream and have had several realizations. The men dressed in white robes were prophets of God. They were completly dressed in white from their head to their feet, in fact, they reminded me of actual pictures of the Prophet Elijah and Elisha. While I don’t know who these men were, for some reason there was a need to show me this living map. Maybe they were warning me of what’s to come!

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