
Before I awoke this morning I heard the words, “it’s a massive” and then I woke up. But as I was lying there thinking about those words, a #vision of a massive #flood appeared before my eyes. The #flooding takes place in a wooded area, which “usually” indicates a river flood. The water was very deep, rushing between the trees and the water was relatively clean. Just like the water in my picture above, the water I saw was very similar in color. As I looked at that rushing water a thought crossed my mind that this flooding may be caused from a dam either being opened up or a dam breaking, but, can’t say for certainity. What I will say is the water had a tremendous force which will impact the immediate area, those around it and below it.

This was completely different than the, Something’s Coming, dream because the terrain in this vision was wooded and green while the Something’s Coming was in a dry, drought ridden area. I’m unsure of the exact location, but, it seems to have a “Northern” feel to the area, at least from where I’m located in Georgia. Pennsylvania is my first candidate, but, it could be any area that has that same type of wooded feel and it may affect multiple states. At this point, I don’t know the exact location, but hopefully, before anything happens I’ll receive multiples warning with more details. If it follows the same pattern than more dreams and visions will occur. But, time will tell.

God “always” provides warnings through the #Bible, #dreams, #visions, prophetic words, or through His Church. We must pay attention, especially, during these troubled times and pray for what is about to happen. If you’re not in good standing with God, now’s the time to make things right. Turn from your ways, repent of your sins, believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of God, follow Christ teachings and glorify God in all that you do.

Because, unfortunately, when things go “wrong” in our lives we’re usually quick to blame God. We fail to realize that everything “negative” that happens to us is caused by the “evil choices” of others, our “own” mistakes or demonic spirits around us.

Just remember, it’s “easy to forget” how God can take a negative and turn it into a positive, “it’s easy to forget” His patience, “it’s easy to forget” His mercy, “it’s easy to forget” He loves us and “it’s easy to forget” his warnings!