Jesus, The Bread of Life

There are many scriptures I’ve had difficulty understanding, that is, until I read the passage in different Bible translations. One of those scriptures is when Jesus is speaking to the Jewish people about being the bread of life. Jesus tells them if they want eternal life, they must eat His flesh. I admit, the first time I read this I was wondering, what did He just say? And, what does that mean? Because at the time, I didn’t get it, it just didn’t connect for me. I have a carnal mind so I couldn’t get past the eating flesh part, which when you think about it, is probably the same thing the Jewish people had difficulty with. The scripture I’m referring to reads;

Ever since I had the dream about feeding on Jesus, I knew I wanted to talk about the Bread of Life passage. After several translations I felt it was time to discuss what Jesus was referring to. Jesus was saying, if you “truly” believe in Him, the one whom the Father sent, those people would be given eternal life.

You see, the bread Christ speaks of represents His body that is being sacrificed on the cross. His blood represents the New Covenant between God and His people as an atonement poured out for the forgiveness of sin. So when Jesus speaks of eating the Bread of Life and drinking His Blood it’s like He’s saying, God’s giving you a second chance to experience eternal life, to experience a relationship with the creator. Since Jesus sacrifice is a binding covenant with God through His blood if we believe in Him as the one the Father sent, we will have eternal life.

Remember, we were all under a death sentence, but, through the sacrifice Jesus made, we all have an opportunity to receive eternal life if we believe in Him and live a life that is reflective of that New Covenant.

How AMAZING is that?!!!!!

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