Heartfelt Prayer Against Spirit of Offense

Hello Friends! As Christians, it is important for us to understand the meaning of “spirit of offense.”

This term refers to when we allow ourselves to become easily offended and hold onto that offense rather than letting go and forgiving.

If we look at the Greek root of offense via the Blue Letter Bible, we find the word skandalizō which means a stumbling block that can entice us to sin, cause us to fall away or judge others unfavorably!

So in short, the spirit of offense should not be taken lightly!

In this blog post, I will start off with scripture so that you understand what offense means, and then we will move over to the prayer.

Ready? Let’s go

Scripture anchors for the prayer against spirit of offense

In Mark 4:16-17 KJV, Jesus speaks about those who receive the Word with joy but have no root in themselves and endure only for a short time, as they are offended when tribulation or persecution arises. Verse 17 states, “When affliction or persecution ariseth for the word’s sake, immediately they are offended.” This shows us that allowing ourselves to be easily offended can hinder our spiritual growth and relationship with God.

In Matthew 24:10 KJV, Jesus also warns us about the dangers of offense, saying that many will be offended, betray, and hate one another in the last days. This is a warning for us to be on guard against the spirit of offense, as it can lead us down a destructive path.

Furthermore, in Luke 17:1-2, Jesus teaches us that it is impossible not to be offended in this world. But He also offers a solution in verse 3 – to forgive those who offend us and let go of our anger. This is because holding onto offense can prevent us from serving effectively, as it consumes our thoughts and emotions. It also leads to bitterness, which can poison our relationships and hinder our spiritual growth.

Moreover, holding onto offense gives the enemy a legal ground to block us from receiving God’s blessings in our lives. This is because when we refuse to forgive others, we are essentially blocking ourselves from receiving forgiveness from God (see Matthew 6:15). Therefore, it is crucial for us to pray for the strength and ability to forgive others, as well as ourselves, in order to break free from the spirit of offense.

Made of Still

Accursed Objects

Come As You Are

Are Your Kids Asking Demons For Guidance?

Green Pastures

Are You Biblically Following Christ?

Coveting is Another Reason God’s Wrath is Coming

One of the most difficult problems I see in the world today, at least, within in the United States is the issue of coveting. When we think of sin, coveting usually doesn’t enter our minds. But in reality people covet everything! And what’s so frightening is Christians don’t often recognize it when it appears.

What exactly is covetousness?

Basically, it means having a strong desire, longing, or wish for something material that will benefit us. In fact, Jesus tells us;

Coveting is simply a materialistic, world view in which we obtain everything we possibly can. This may mean more money, nicer cars, power and fame, designer clothes, designer handbags and shoes, a bigger house, a homestead, hoarding food, a big garden, more land, the dream job, climbing the corporate ladder, living in a certain zip code, being a member of an exclusive club, owning your own business, buying a vacation home, taking multiple vacations, or anything which takes time away from God.

You see, God wants us to be happy with what we have, what we’ve been given and if a change is desired by the Lord, he will provide the way. That’s why we should always look to Him for guidance instead of longing for the things we do not have. The Apostle Paul puts it this way;

And just like the Apostle Paul states, coveting is idolatry!

An Awesome Presence

Where was God? King Nebuchadnezzar absorbed the children of Israel into his idolatrous nation, giving them new names, and teaching them the ways of his kingdom. He destroyed their city, robbing them of any hope of returning to Jerusalem, anytime soon.

Ezekiel’s visions included the departure of the Lord’s glory from the temple, from Jerusalem. Had he left them alone with no hope? Ezekiel’s last words promised the return of the Lord’s presence.

“It was round about *eighteen thousand measures:

and the name of the city from that day shall be,

The LORD is there.”

Ezekiel 48: 35, KJV (*6 miles)

In captivity, Israel learned to live in a foreign country with its many gods and immoral living. Some adapted well to the lifestyle. 

Meeting Jesus With Donna Stearns

In Times of Persecution

Religious freedom is a central issue nowadays. Western Christians are used to being free to do whatever they want, and honestly, as many are very involved in politics, they are used to being in control. The changing times make them worried and they want to do everything they can to make sure they stay free and their rights will be protected. How biblical is this attitude? 

Persecution is not fun. We are humans and we desire to be safe, loved, valued. It’s hard to live with constant fear, not knowing whether you will lose your job or freedom or life because of what you believe. It’s natural to want to avoid this, but unfortunately this is impossible and we have to understand this. Jesus said that His disciples will share His fate, and the disciples also wrote that persecution is something to be expected. You should not seek it, don’t provoke people.

Stranger in this world

Jesus, The Bread of Life

There are many scriptures I’ve had difficulty understanding, that is, until I read the passage in different Bible translations. One of those scriptures is when Jesus is speaking to the Jewish people about being the bread of life. Jesus tells them if they want eternal life, they must eat His flesh. I admit, the first time I read this I was wondering, what did He just say? And, what does that mean? Because at the time, I didn’t get it, it just didn’t connect for me. I have a carnal mind so I couldn’t get past the eating flesh part, which when you think about it, is probably the same thing the Jewish people had difficulty with. The scripture I’m referring to reads;

Ever since I had the dream about feeding on Jesus, I knew I wanted to talk about the Bread of Life passage. After several translations I felt it was time to discuss what Jesus was referring to. Jesus was saying, if you “truly” believe in Him, the one whom the Father sent, those people would be given eternal life.

You see, the bread Christ speaks of represents His body that is being sacrificed on the cross. His blood represents the New Covenant between God and His people as an atonement poured out for the forgiveness of sin. So when Jesus speaks of eating the Bread of Life and drinking His Blood it’s like He’s saying, God’s giving you a second chance to experience eternal life, to experience a relationship with the creator. Since Jesus sacrifice is a binding covenant with God through His blood if we believe in Him as the one the Father sent, we will have eternal life.

Remember, we were all under a death sentence, but, through the sacrifice Jesus made, we all have an opportunity to receive eternal life if we believe in Him and live a life that is reflective of that New Covenant.

How AMAZING is that?!!!!!

Understanding Anger Through a Biblical Lens

Let’s face it: we all get angry sometimes. And unfortunately, the church hasn’t always been a source of clarity or wisdom when it comes to expressing our anger in a healthy way. The pendulum can swing from complete opposers to anger, claiming even the emotion itself is a sin, to others saying it’s completely justified to be angry and bitter all the time. There are many false beliefs about anger that I’ve grown up with and have had to unlearn as an adult. 

The Will to Wake Up

Worship in Spirit

Reading the Bible is a must for anyone who longs to learn about God Almighty, about Christ Jesus, about Truth, about the Kingdom, and what is expected from a believer. When I first started reading the Bible there were many scriptures that puzzled me, one of those reads;

As I reflected on this, my first question was, how do I worship God in Spirit?

Worshipping in truth I felt would come in time as I continued reading the Bible, but, worshipping God in Spirit, well, I had no clue. So I did an enormous amount of reading, studying and researching. Unfortunately, I didn’t find what I was looking for until I turned to the Strong’s Concordance then it all came together.

Spirit is interchangeable with the words wind or breath and depending on it’s context will determine the actual usage. But, what I found extremely fascinating is how the words wind and breath can be used together to represent worshipping in the Spirit.

In the Thayer’s Greek Lexicon, the word wind is a movement of air (gentle) blast. Breath is of the nostrils or mouth. So when we combine these two together we speaks words from our mouth which causes a gentle constant flow of words.

But there’s one last element to worshipping in the Spirit, and that’s the heart. You see I can create a constant flow of words but if those words aren’t reflective of what’s in my heart, they mean nothing. Because, Yehovah, God Almighty, wants us to speak words from the heart, words of praise, words of thankfulness, words of blessings and words of love.

At least, this is how it appears to me.

The Importance of Hebrews 4

My journey through the scriptures has taught me it’s extremely important to read the Bible, to study it and to listen to those who are acknowledgeable without bringing in man’s doctrines or rules. Hebrew 4 speaks of entering God’s rest.

Let’s read the scriptures to see what it says

From the very beginning as you read these scriptures, it makes the remark that “entering His rest still stands”. But the only way to enter His rest is by believing in the good news. However, the scriptures provide more information, it states for we also received the good news just as they did but because of their unbelief, their lack of faith, they would not enter God’s rest. So in God’s anger He swore an oath they would NEVER enter His rest.

Who is the Apostle Paul referring to when He says “they” and why did He quote GOD?

Again, we see the Apostle Paul is referring to the Jewish people of the Old Testament who was led by Moses out of Egypt. From these scriptures GOD became angry with them because they rebelled, they did NOT obey. What did they NOT obey? Let’s read from Jeremiah in the Old Testament, which says;

What was the old paths that lead to the good way? It was God’s Law along with His statues and ordinances. And it’s the very reason Isaiah says;

But Jesus came to fulfill the Law and the prophecies, but, how?

When we accept Jesus as our Lord and savior, we walk in His path and the Holy Spirit is there to help guide, to teach, to lead and to keep us from sinning among many other spiritual jobs. But, we can still sin if we ignore the Holy Spirit and live according to the flesh. But to provide further information, Jesus says this;

Now let’s re-read from another Biblical version.

What is the message of this scripture?

Come to Me, Follow Me as My disciple, learn from Me, do as I do and I will give you REST! The REST Jesus speaks of is our SALVATION! But we must EMULATE CHRIST, to pick up our cross and follow Him. And even Jesus says in Revelation,

When we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior, when we believe in Him we’re given the Holy Spirit as a pledge, as a guarantee. And it’s the Holy Spirit which guides, teaches, convicts, prays for us, gives spiritual gifts, comforts, and leads us so we can walk in God’s ways. But faith comes by believing in Christ. Because when we believe, we receive forgiveness of sin, our hearts are purified, we are justified, we are sanctified, we receive God’s peace, our faith grows, we receive salvation, the fruit of the spirit works within us, and we enter God’s rest.

Because we walk by FAITH not by SIGHT

Abram and Lot Separate

Lot, Abram’s (#Abraham) nephew, also accompanied Abram to Egypt along with all of his possessions, flocks, herds and tents. Between the two of them they owned so much livestock and possessions that the land wasn’t able to sustain them both. Plus, when you had quarreling into the mix between their herdsmen, Abram knew eventually things would take a turn for the worse. To avoid any further dissension Abram made a suggestion.

Abram (Abraham) spoke to Lot and basically told him, we’re brothers so let’s not have any strife between us. This is when Abram suggested to Lot they should separate to avoid any further issues. Abram told Lot to choose which way he wanted to go, right or left and Abram would go in the opposite direction. Lot liked how the plain of Jordan looked since it was well watered, so, he decided on the plain of Jordan and began his journey toward the east. This left Abram in the land of Canaan and Lot living in various cities of the plain till he pitched his tent at Sodom.

Lot had no way of knowing just how wicked and sinful the men of Sodom were against the Lord. But, as my momma used to say, you’ve made your bed, now, you got to lay it in. In other words, for those who don’t understand Southern idioms, you made your choice now you’ve got to live with the consequences.

After Lot left, the Lord spoke to Abram.

Basically, The Lord tells Abram to look all around him to the North, South, East and West because this is the land He’s giving to him, along with his descendants, forever. The Lord also tells Abram that He would make his descendants as the dust of the earth; so that if a man could number the dust of the earth, then Abrams descendants also could be numbered.

The Lord tells Abram to get up and walk in the land and inspect it since it was what the Lord had given him. Abram decides to move his tent and dwell by the terebinth trees of Mamre, located in Hebron, and he built an altar there to the Lord.

While it appeared Abram and Lot wanted to live close to one another, it just wasn’t feasible. Because all the possessions between them was too much for the land to bare so they separated themselves. But maybe there’s more to it than that, after all, the Lord had set His eyes on Abram to receive a great blessing. I also noticed Lot eyed the land which appeared to be more lush, well watered, and green while Abram humbled himself and took the less desirable area. I guess it didn’t matter to Abram because after Lot left, the Lord Himself told him he would make his descendants as the dust of the earth. I don’t think anything could compare to that!

Next, Abraham Rescues Lot

Jesus On Murder and Anger

Usually when one commits murder we view it as someone with deep seeded anger issues. Generally, these people may wear a façade so we’re unable to see what is hidden deep within them, causing many to miss important warning flags. And just like the story found in Genesis when Cain killed Abel, there was anger involved.

Cain and Abel both brought offerings to the Lord, but, the offering given by Abel was respected and the one given by Cain was not. This lead Cain to becoming annoyed, hostile and angry with his brother. But the Lord spoke to Cain about his offering and said;

Basically the Lord is saying by believing Him, doing what is acceptable and pleasing to Him Cain’s offering would be accepted, but, if he ignored the Lord’s instruction then sin would be there waiting for him. Unfortunately, Cain murdered his brother Abel out of jealousy, rage and anger which meant, he wasn’t able to overcome his anger.

I used the story of Cain and Abel as an illustration to complement what Jesus taught regarding murder and anger with your brother. Because Jesus said;

Since the Lord sees our heart, He knows everything about us. Our thoughts, our desires, and even our stumbling blocks. So, it shouldn’t be a surprise that Jesus, is teaching that we need to change how we interact with one another. Instead of allowing anger to consume us and fester within, we need to be proactive, seek that person out and make things right. Talk it out, apologize, do whatever it takes to keep the peace, because, sin is always waiting at the door! And remember what Jesus said;

When we listen and follow the Lord’s instruction, we’re accepted, but, if we choose to resist Him, sin will be there waiting…

How We View Adultery

What would you say if I made the remark that almost every man and woman has committed adultery at least once in their life time. Would you agree or disagree? Seriously, if you’re being totally honest with yourself and God, how would you answer?

First, you would probably think, I’ve never committed adultery, so, why would you say such a thing? But, according to Jesus (Yehoshua/Yeshua), the way mankind defines adultery is totally different than the way He views it. You see, Jesus tells us;

You see, in our limited thinking we only view adultery as a ‘physical’ act, and, we believe it all starts in the mind, because, that’s where our thoughts come from. But Jesus, who knew the very essence of man didn’t teach it started in the mind, instead, He taught adultery starts in the heart! Jesus also stated;

See what I mean….