The Sinful Nature

Spending Time With Christ

Come As You Are

His Suffering Was Heartbreaking

As I journey through the scriptures, I read a passage which broke my heart into pieces last night. While many believers claim to be a Christian, Jesus told His Apostles that if they truly love Him, they would do the will of His Father and follow His commands. Each of us must evaluate ourselves in truth because Christ is coming back, and those who mock, ridicule, blaspheme against Him will pay the ultimate price. There are two sets of scriptures I’m sharing and I’ll be writing them back to back, hopefully, you’ll understand the emotion I felt. The first passage reads;

You see, Jesus came to the land of Israel, to the Jewish people first, His people. They rejected Him, the one who could save them. He was their Messiah, the King of Israel, the Chosen One from the House of David. Yet, they rejected Him because their minds were worldly.

And it’s no different today, cause while Christ suffered and died on a cross for all man’s sins, there are those who still deny, reject and mock Him. They put their FAITH, their BELIEF, their HOPE in science, in politics, and in themselves! But the Word teaches all these things will perish along with those who put their TRUST in these worldly things.

So make NO mistake, Jesus IS COMING BACK and all will fall on their knees and confess, JESUS IS LORD! Question is, whose side will YOU be on?

Glitters Can Be Trouble

I am certain that even the tiniest details in our lives have revelations in them that can blow our minds. I use the expression “blow our minds” because the word given to me today has stirred up a bunch of dust particles in my mind like a whirlwind.

I had a little check in my spirit as I eyed the case named “Stardust” in making a selection for the new iPhone I had purchased. I didn’t want to go through the trouble of putting the screen saver and case together on the phone, so when the Verizon salesman offered to do it for me, my decision didn’t gather dust. The sparkles on the cover were…

Ride The Heavens

Change and Renewal

When I dedicated my life to the Lord Jesus (Yeshua), I noticed I begin to change. I realized my heart and mind was being renewed, which is a way of saying, I’m no longer drawn to worldly distractions as before. I would rather go into a room and read God’s Word instead of spending time watching television, shopping or any of those things. But I also noticed my taste for food was changing. I no longer enjoyed big heavy meals or meat as I did previously, instead, I prefer eating more fruits and vegetables. And lately my favorite is stir fried veggies in a delicious sauce over white rice or with noodles. You see, I hadn’t planned on making any changes to the way I eat, but, the Holy Spirit knew better.

When we accept Christ as the Son of God and our Lord, those same laws are placed in our minds and written on our hearts. We receive the Holy Spirit as a seal, and, it’s Him who guides and directs our path leading us to truth.

Now, this is the covenant that I will make with the people of Israel in the days to come, says the Lord: I will put my laws in their minds and write them on their hearts. I will be their God and they will be my people.

Hebrews 8:10

We each have a choice to make, to follow the Law which was placed in our minds and written on our hearts when we accepted Christ, or, we can continue to follow the ways of the this world, the distractions which leads us to chaos and fear. Because we walk by Faith, not by sight.

Aliens and the Coming Messiah

Strange title right, but, have you really given any thought to this whole UFO scenario? We watch movies like War of the Worlds, Alien, Star Wars, Men in Black, Independence Day, but, if a large round disc like object was to actually appear over different countries causing destruction, what do you think would happen? Because our government has recently admitted to the possibility they exist, and, we’ve seen declassified document after document released to the general public on such things. So it brings up alot of questions like;

Would the governments of the world unite to fight against them? And, what better way to create a one world government than through a global threat to humanity. Because after all, we know everyone would give up more freedom to the governments if they were to fight against an alien invasion to help save our families.

And, why now? And, is there more to this story then we know?

I bring this up because of an recent interview I watched with a retired 25 year veteran FBI agent who was recently on the Redacted show. He stated governments have an agenda and will use a “fake” alien invasion to destroy cities as a way to control the population. He also stated “aliens” are real, that they’re filled with light, can manifest in our world for a short period of time, they’re not solid like a person, and are here to help us. This FBI agent goes on to provide several instances where he states these beings appeared and intervened in human activities shutting off nuclear facilities.

But, is it really an alien invasion?

I bring this up because I see similarities in the Bible to God’s Kingdom, God’s Angels, to Christ coming, and, for many it could definitely look like a scene straight out of the next big Hollywood blockbuster alien movie. But we also know there’s no such things as UFO’s. There are demonic spirits which will try to deceive mankind into believing they’re here to help us, when in fact, they’re goal is to manipulate and deceive.

You see Hollywood, along with some very powerful individuals, have preconditioned us to believe that an alien invasion is imminent and we must fight them to save the human race. So let’s take a look at scripture to see if this explains what all these movies, video games, governments and military are referring to.

And each one had four faces. The first face was the face of a cherub, the second face was face was the face of a human, the third, the face of a lion, and the fourth, the face of an eagle. Ezekiel 10:14

Then I looked, and behold, four wheels beside the cherubim, one wheel beside each cherub; and the appearance of the wheels was like the gleam of a Tarshish stone. And as for their appearance, all four of them had the same likeness, as if one wheel were within another wheel. When they moved, they went in any of their four directions without turning as they went; but they followed in the direction which they faced, without turning as they went. And their whole body, their backs, their hands, their wings and the wheels were covered with eyes all around, the wheels belonging to all four of them. The wheels were called, as I heard, the whirling wheels.  Ezekiel 10:9-13

Each of them had four faces and four wings. Their legs were straight and their feet were like a calf’s hoof, and they sparkled like polished bronze. Under their wings on their four sides were human hands. As for the faces and wings of the four of them, their wings touched one another; their faces did not turn when they moved, each went straight forward. As for the form of their faces, each had a human face; all four had the face of a lion on the right and the face of a bull on the left, and all four had the face of an eagle. Such were their faces. Their wings were spread out above; each had two touching another being, and two covering their bodies. And each went straight forward; wherever the spirit was about to go, they would go, without turning as they went. In the midst of the living beings there was something that looked like burning coals of fire, like torches moving among the living beings. The fire was bright, and lightning was flashing from the fire. And the living beings ran back and forth like bolts of lightning. Ezekiel 1:6-14

It’s possible God sent angels to protect us during an uncertain time, but, it’s also possible these Government agents are being deceived by demonic entities. Because we know satan can appear as an angel of light as stated by the Apostle Paul.

No wonder for even satan disguises himself as an angel of light. Therefore it is not surprising if his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness, whose end will be according to their deeds. 2Corinthians 11:14,15

If you notice the past couple of years our world has experienced more and more of these flying objects throughout our skies with some even matching the scripture referring to the cloud with fire flashing in its midst with gleaming metal.

As I looked, behold, a high wind was coming from the north, a great cloud with fire flashing intermittently and a bright light around it, and in its midst something like gleaming metal in the midst of the fire. And within it there were figures resembling four living beings. And this was their appearance: they had human form. Ezekiel 1:4,5

So it makes me wonder, what’s really going on and what is the government NOT telling us?

As a Christian I want to ensure I’m on the right side, to know the Truth and what God’s word says about these beings. Because we worship the One True GOD and Christians wait for the glorious coming of our King, Jesus the Christ!

We will NOT be deceived!

Yeshua’s Love and the Twisting of Scripture

There are numerous scriptures that are being misinterpreted by the LGBTQ+ community, by liberals, by false prophets, by false evangelist churches, and false new age churches that just aren’t Biblical. One of them is that Jesus, Yeshua, is love. Well, that IS absolutely true, Jesus is love, because God the Father is love. So this isn’t up for debate. We all understand from a Christian perspective that Jesus, Yeshua, is love, no doubt about that. But, He was much more!

Yeshua, Jesus, Himself told us that He didn’t come to judge the world but to save it. Look what it says in the book of John;

I have come as Light into the world, so that no one who believes in Me will remain in darkness. If anyone hears My teachings and does not keep them, I do not judge him; for I did not come to judge the world, but to save the world. The one who rejects Me and does not accept My teachings has one who judges him; the word which I spoke. That will judge him on the last day. John 12:47

When Yeshua, Jesus, came to this earth and walked among the people, He didn’t come to judge them, instead, He came to save them. Meaning, God’s plan for Jesus, Yeshua, at that time was to be our living sacrifice, our atonement, for the sins of this world.

But notice what else Jesus said, those who hear His teachings but they don’t keep them wasn’t being judged at that time but the word which Jesus spoke will JUDGE him on the LAST DAY. But let’s take a closer look at one of the most famous scriptures in the Bible, John 3:16;

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. John 3:16,17

Usually, Churches use this scripture as a way to witness and bring people to Christ, and, it’s perfect for that. But, what I want people to see is what’s being said afterwards. Again, we’re told Jesus, Yeshua, didn’t come into the world to judge it but to save it. So again, at that time, Yeshua wasn’t there to judge the people but to make atonement for sin. He was the ultimate sacrifice.

Yes, Yeshua, Jesus, was all about love. We are to love one another and anyone should be welcomed in Church regardless of their race, color of their skin, religious beliefs or their sexual preference. However, the problem isn’t with those who come into the church, rather, that churches are catering to these communities. They begin changing doctrines to accomodate them. Those Churches are trying so desperately to convince the world that they’re about loving others, they tend to forget what else Jesus said, to FOLLOW His TEACHINGS. If a Church is celebrating transgender ideology or the LGBQT+ community then they are NOT following the teachings of Jesus.

As a true born again Christian we are NOT to celebrate sin. The Bible is VERY clear on this. We are to REPENT of our sins so we can continue to grow in Christ. We are to present the Gospel as outlined in the Bible and not twist scripture to fit our OWN agenda.

When a Church celebrates it’s transgender and LGBQT+ community, they’re doing nothing more than celebrating SIN!

Not one time in the Bible did God tell the Jewish people, “I love you and accept you for the way you are”. Absolutely not! Instead, if they didn’t follow His ways they would experience war, captivity, famine, plague and death. Everything that the US is and will experience.

God is very serious about sin, therefore, we should be serious about sin.

As a Christian we should be willing to speak the truth in a loving manner, not in judgement, not in anger, but in a Christ like manner. We should always display the fruit of the spirit, which is;

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control; against such things there is no law. Galatians 5:22

Nowhere in this scripture does it say we are to force the message down someone’s throat, or, to argue with them. But, we are to present the Gospel as given by the the Bible in a loving manner, by the fruit of the Spirit.

In other words, we simply tell people about the Gospel in a loving kind manner, we plant the seed and if they’re not receptive then it’s between God and them. You, well, you just walk away.

Slow to Speak

About three days ago I wrote a post on memorizing scriptures and thought I would share the newest scripture I’ve chosen and the reasoning behind it. When I’m memorizing scripture I try to be consistent and stick with one particular Bible, but, sometimes the wording from a different Bible resonates with me more and makes the scripture easier to memorize. The two Bibles I’m usually learning the scripture from are the NKJ(New King James bible) because of it’s modern wording or from the NASB (New American Standard Bible) because of the actual word for word interpretation. But I also tend to like the ESV(English Standard Version), the NLT(New Living Translation) and the NIV (New International Version) again because of the wording.

But one thing I enjoy doing, is once I’ve identified a particular scripture to memorize I like to look it up in my AMP (Amplified Bible) for a more detailed reading. This often adds more clarification and can even help with the memorization process by understanding that particular scripture more deeply.

The scripture I’ve chosen to memorize this week is one I believe will help me in my Christian growth and to help me as I journey through these unprecedented times. Because, I do believe a time is coming when Christians in the United States will be persecuted for their belief in Jesus, just as He warned. For those who are not aware, Isis and Iran are on our doorsteps, so, it’s vitally imperative that every Christian be ready. The scripture I chose says;

You know this, my beloved brothers and sisters. Now everyone must be quick to hear, slow to speak, and slow to anger; for a man’s anger does not bring about the righteousness of God. James 1:19 (NASB)

This scripture helps to keep me humble. It’s a reminder that God is righteous and we are flawed. But to fully grasp the deeper meaning of this scripture, I’m using the AMP (Amplified Bible) to provide additional information. It says;

Understand this, my beloved brothers and sisters. Let everyone be quick to hear [be a careful, thoughtful listener], slow to speak [a speaker of carefully chosen words and], slow to anger [patient, reflective, forgiving]; for the [resentful, deep-seated] anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God [that standard of behavior which He requires of us]. James 1:19 (AMP)

See what I mean?

After taking the time to study the scripture in a more detailed manner I’ve learned that most of us may “hear” what’s being said, but, we’re not necessarily “listening” to the person. What I also found fascinating is the, slow to speak“, reference which indicates we should choose our words carefully. And then the slow to anger reference indicates the need to exhibit patience, reflective and forgiving. But what does reflective mean? It’s someone who is thoughtful.

As a Christian, if I act from a place of love, someone who is patient, thoughtful and chooses their words carefully, non-believers may see me in a different light. It could open up a conversation between the two of us that is respectful, and even if we don’t agree, at least I’ve planted the seed.

However, the reason I chose this particular scripture is it’s exactly the actions I saw in Christ when He was arrested and taken to Caiaphas, the high priest, and was presented before the Sanhedrin(Jewish high Court). Even during this difficult time Christ listened to them attentively and chose His words carefully. He did not allow anger to interfere with God’s plans. And He displayed the same characteristics when He went before Pilate.

But the kicker for me is when Christ was crucified and He said;

Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. And they parted his raiment, and cast lots. Luke 23:34

This is Christ, a shining example for His followers. Which means we are to quickly hear, be slow to speak and slow to anger.

Sin Within the Church

We know sin is anything which causes disobedience to God and rebellion against Him, but, have you thought about how you would handle a situation if someone within your Church, or online Church community, was committing a sin? Would you ignore it believing it’s wasn’t any of your business, would you report it to the pastor, would you allow a certain amount of time to make changes, or would you pull the person aside and talk about it with them? Because sin comes in many forms. If your unsure Christ tells us exactly what we should do, He says;

If your brother or sister sins, go and point out their fault, just between the two of you. If they listen to you, you have won them over. But if they will not listen, take one or two others along, so that every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses. If they still refuse to listen, tell it to the church; and if they refuse to listen even to the church, treat them as you would a pagan or a tax collector.

Matthew 18:15-17 (NIV)

You see, there’s a process Christians are called to follow within the Church when a brother or sister is caught sinning. Christ didn’t say to judge them, but, He did say to point out their fault. However, we should do it in a way which displays the fruit of the spirit; love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control; against such things there is no law.

No longer Christian CoffeeShop Blog

For the past couple of weeks it was laid on my heart a need to change my site from Christian CoffeeShop Blog to a new name. So the past couple of days I’ve been working on that, changing it. There are a few tweaks left to make but overall, it’s pretty much done. The new blog name is A Path to Righteousness. There were several new names but I prayed about this and asked God to show me the way and it was put in my head Path to Righteousness. I had to add the A in front of the name because the other was taken, but, it’s still a reflection of my theme. The new address is as follows. or

I’ve also made a few changes on the site and wanted to say “Thank You” for being patient. The message which I had on the front page is now listed at the bottom of the page in the footer area along with a drop down menu for convenience. I’ve also added a keep in touch form as an easy way to contact me.


Hour of Trial

Believers and non-believers alike try every way possible to avoid this conversation. But it’s a FACT, Christ is returning, and, from the state of this world it may be alot sooner than many have anticipated. We need to have an HONEST conversation with one another and be willing to ask the difficult question, are you ready? Meaning, have you prepared your heart? Are you living a righteous life? Are you repenting of your sin? Are you forgiving others? Are you listening to the Holy Spirit? Because there are several scriptures I want to point out in this post.

First, I want to repeat what Jesus says when He’s providing the signs to the Apostles regarding the End Times. Jesus says;

But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and did not know until the flood came and took them all away, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.

Matthew 24:37,38

What really stands out from this scripture for me is, basically, mankind will continue doing what it’s always done. Focusing on their own wants, needs, and the things of this world without the slightest thought of Christ returning. But as a Christian this needs to be addressed from a BIBLICAL perspective! I know many believe Christ Church will be raptured up, or, caught up before the tribulations, but, that’s not what Jesus taught. Just look at the Book of Revelation it was written to reveal to the CHURCHES what would transpire in the last days, because, God always gives warning to His people before He acts!

Jesus gave the signs in Matthew 24 but there’s something which He says that makes me believe we will know exactly when the tribulation begins. This is what Jesus says;

Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations for My names’s sake.

Matthew 24:9

Clearly Christ is referring to the nation of Israel and the coming war which ushers in the antichrist. But if you read Matthew 24:4-8 you’ll notice Jesus ended that portion of the conversation with, All these are the beginning of sorrows. Then as Christ once again starts talking He says, they will deliver you up to tribulation. Personally, I believe this is the beginning of the tribulations which also means, Christians will be on this earth during the tribulations. But for comparison, let’s read the scripture when Jesus is speaking to the Churches, there He says;

Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth. Behold, I am coming quickly! Hold fast what you have, that no one may take your crown. He who overcomes, I will make him a pillar in the temple of My God, and he shall go out no more. I will write on him the name of My God and the name of the city of My God, the New Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven from My God. And I will write on him My new name. He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.

Revelation 3:10-13

This particular scripture is loaded with information but for clarification purposes Christ is referring to the Philadelphia Church, which is the Faithful, Persevering Church. First, Christ tells us this is the ONLY CHURCH which will be kept from the hour of trial which comes upon the WHOLE earth. Christ also states that the name of My God, the name of the city of My God, which is the NEW JERUSALEM, which comes down out of heaven from My God along with His NEW NAME will be written on that person. This is the SEAL which will PROTECT them from the Hour of Trial. But, this is the ONLY church that receives protection. Remember, there are 7 Churches in all which means 6 others will go through the hour of trial. The remaining Christians will be among the Lukewarm Church, the Dead Church, the Persecuted Church, the Loveless Church, the Corrupt Church, and the Compromising Church.

So it’s important to know the signs, to understand the information Christ provided and to ask yourself, which Church do I belong to?

Because if it’s not the Faithful, Persevering Church, you may want to start REPENTING!