Prayers of Peace

I decided on this title a while back. It is no secret that Jesus is coming back soon and today was the perfect day to publish prayers of peace. Not only what believers are in need of, but Israel after the attack and possibility of a looming war.

Jesus came and was not received by His own, but we were grafted into His covenant that includes peace, and it is a gift like no that that He left us in John 14:27, but we do have to receive it.

There is a time appointed, that the Jews would call a moedim. God has good plans for Israel still. But there will be a lot that happens, yet there are many who will come to know the Messiah and be saved, I believe before the Great Tribulation, as well as some during.

Many are unaware of prophetic words and the impact on all believers in all countries. But we should be praying for those in the government, military and leadership to make the best decisions and for protection of God’s people everywhere and that those hearts that will turn to Him will understand real peace by His Spirit.

All Eyes on Israel

Spiritual Warfare and Demons

Green Pastures

Are You Biblically Following Christ?

Bold and Brave

Lord, help me to be,
more bold and brave
to share my faith
that to me You gave.

Help me to be the Light,
that reflects on You
in everything I say
in all the things I do.

Lord, help me to be,
for You more courageous…

Acts 4:31

And when they had prayed,
the place was shaken where
they were assembled together;
and they were all filled with the
Holy Ghost, and they spake the
word of God with boldness.

King James Version
Public Domain

Copyright 2023
Deborah Ann Belka

~ to GOD be the GLORY ~

CHRISTian poetry ~ by deborah ann

What Did Jesus Say?

My journey through the scriptures led me to a place which has me questioning a remark Christ made during His sermon on the mount. During His teaching, He says;

What did Jesus mean by this? To me the clue lies in His statement, which is, “he who does the will of My Father in Heaven.” And look what else he says, “depart from Me you workers of lawlessness.”

What is God’s will and why does Jesus call them workers of lawlessness?

Lawlessness is going against God’s Law, which means, those who don’t keep His commandments along with His ordinances and statues are considered lawbreakers. So what exactly does this mean? To answer this I revisited the scriptures found in Ezekiel which states;

From this scripture alone, we can see, God is VERY serious about walking in His Statues and His Judgments. He wants us to follow His commands and do what is right. In fact, He tells us that His Spirit will cause us to walk in His Laws and we will keep His Judgments and we will do them.

Which means, once we repent of our sins, and believe in Jesus as the Son of God, as the Christ, who came to set us free by becoming the sacrifice and paying the penalty of death, we’re given a new heart and a new Spirit, the Spirit of God. But something else I found during my study, the scriptures read;

You see, the Apostles never taught that the commandments weren’t to be followed, it was quite the opposite. What they taught was that our FAITH and belief in Christ Jesus, Yeshua, as the Son of God would give us a new heart and a new Spirit so we could keep God’s law. To illustrate this point, look at the very words of one of the three angels written in the Book of Revelation, which reads;

Notice what one of the three Angels said, those who KEEP God’s commandments AND the FAITH of Jesus. Meaning, this isn’t optional, it’s non-negotiable! But to illustrate this even further, let’s examine the very words of Jesus which He provided at the end of Revelation, which reads;

So ask yourself, am I being guided by the Holy Spirit to follow God’s commands, OR, am I following a false doctrine which is twisted by man and emphasizes a belief that the Law was nailed to the cross? Because, Jesus states himself, nothing will pass from the Law until heaven and earth pass away.

Please understand, I’m NOT suggesting we follow the Law as the Jewish people did, no, what I’m trying to say is, it’s OUR FAITH in CHRIST which makes us SPIRTIUALLY keep GOD’s LAW.

But the BELIEF that the LAW was nailed to the cross is NOT biblical, per Jesus. And that’s my whole point.

Jesus On Murder and Anger

Usually when one commits murder we view it as someone with deep seeded anger issues. Generally, these people may wear a façade so we’re unable to see what is hidden deep within them, causing many to miss important warning flags. And just like the story found in Genesis when Cain killed Abel, there was anger involved.

Cain and Abel both brought offerings to the Lord, but, the offering given by Abel was respected and the one given by Cain was not. This lead Cain to becoming annoyed, hostile and angry with his brother. But the Lord spoke to Cain about his offering and said;

Basically the Lord is saying by believing Him, doing what is acceptable and pleasing to Him Cain’s offering would be accepted, but, if he ignored the Lord’s instruction then sin would be there waiting for him. Unfortunately, Cain murdered his brother Abel out of jealousy, rage and anger which meant, he wasn’t able to overcome his anger.

I used the story of Cain and Abel as an illustration to complement what Jesus taught regarding murder and anger with your brother. Because Jesus said;

Since the Lord sees our heart, He knows everything about us. Our thoughts, our desires, and even our stumbling blocks. So, it shouldn’t be a surprise that Jesus, is teaching that we need to change how we interact with one another. Instead of allowing anger to consume us and fester within, we need to be proactive, seek that person out and make things right. Talk it out, apologize, do whatever it takes to keep the peace, because, sin is always waiting at the door! And remember what Jesus said;

When we listen and follow the Lord’s instruction, we’re accepted, but, if we choose to resist Him, sin will be there waiting…

Jesus’ Love is Peace

How true this is! I can tell you from recent experience that His love is peace and not only so but also protection. I have been shown His grace and mercy and experienced His peace like never before as I have endured the past few years. And not only endured but overcome in His love. I am addling this line just now, ” I am fighting not to stay broken. “

I should not be here writing about His love. I don’t want to go into specifics but the surgeries I had were life threatening, and the recovery nothing short of miraculous and even with that, there was so much more. I know so many are suffering…


The Only One

What if you were the only one available to take an elderly neighbor to her doctor’s appointment?

What if you were the only one who noticed a child running in the parking lot, headed straight for a car backing out of a spot?

What if you were the only one who knew how a single mom struggled to feed her three children?

What if you were the only one who knew the secret weighing down a friend and how close he was to giving up everything?

Joey Rudder

Eyes of the Lord

The eyes of the Lord are
on the righteous, and His
ears are open to their cry.

Psalm 34:15

Last night as I was reading the Book of Psalms I came across this scripture which reaffirms that God sees all and hears all. He looks to those who are righteous, those with moral courage and spiritual integrity. God wants His people to boldly stand firm in the face of adversity and in His truth. We’re not called to be spiritually deficient in His teachings, but rather, to be of good moral character and living a lifestyle that is pleasing in His sight.

My Prayer
Lord God Almighty, thank you for Your eyes being on the righteous and Your ears open to our cry. As a believer I want to stand up for what is right, good and acceptable and live a life that is filled with spiritual integrity. Strengthen me in your word, in the faith, in your teachings and in your love so my light shines brightly in the darkness. Let the Holy Spirit guide, teach and correct when I have difficulty understanding. I Praise you my Lord God and I hope the words of my prayer are pleasing to your ears. These things I pray in Jesus name…Amen

Confessing Lord Jesus

And I say to you that everyone who will confess
Me before the children of men, the Son of Man
will also confess him before the Angels of God.

Luke 12:8 (ARA Peshitta)

Many social media platforms, hollywood elites, mainstream news outlets, big tech, sports leagues, product sponsors, government leaders, along with, the WEF, the UN and other fundamentalist groups are doing their best to cancel the name of Jesus. They don’t want anyone connected to them speaking His name or wearing clothing professing Him as Lord. Those who aren’t afraid to speak God’s truth are often threatened, smeared, or outright harassed and persecuted for their beliefs. But Jesus taught that anyone who openly confesses and speaks freely of Him as His Lord before men, then He will confess him as one of His own before the Angels of God. You see, as believers we live in this world, but, we’re not of this world, meaning, our thoughts, our belief, our trust, and our hope are all in the Lord Jesus. And regardless of how difficult it becomes in this nation due to exclusion, persecution, cancel culture or spiritual warfare, I will continue to openly confess and freely speak that Jesus is my Lord. I will tell of His wonderful works, healing the sick, the lame walking, the blind seeing and the dead were raised. And His most important work, paying the penalty for our sin which was the crucifixion He endured on the cross.

My Prayer
Lord God Almighty, I pray for all who believe in you to stand strong during these difficult days. Empower each of us with your strength, renewing our minds daily so we are ready, able and willing to rise up before the enemy and confess openly that Jesus is Lord. Let the outpouring of the Holy Spirit cover and anoint each of us so we boldly stand in the face of persecution, even to death, that Jesus is Lord. We remember all the good works Jesus performed and the suffering He endured on the cross when the debt for our sins was paid in full. Help us to keep our focus, our thoughts, along with our actions on Jesus daily and to stand up boldly proclaiming that Jesus is Lord. And at His return every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is LORD! All these things I pray in Jesus name and through Him I pray, Amen. Glory be to the Lord God, who was, who is and who is to come!

Our Shield and Protector

Wickedness lingers all around us,
it attacks day and night,
but the Lord is our shield and protector,
as we continue the Good fight.

His love is so empowering,
it’s the reasons we proclaim,
the one above all others,
Jesus, is His name.

He’s a light in the darkness,
gentle, patient and kind,
removing all our brokenness,
and renewing our worldly mind.

He’s our most powerful weapon,
before men I will confess,
Jesus is my Lord and Savior,
the one who offers eternal rest.

Accept God’s gift with thanksgiving,
cause Jesus forgives, redeems and frees,
cleansing the heart deep within,
for those who trust in Him and believe.

What is True Freedom?

Life in the Spirit

There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.  For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.

For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of…
