Seattle Washington Attack

This evening somewhere around 9:20 I received a warning urging me to give a message to the followers of Christ, which states;

Tell my people… Bomb in Washington, expose the leftist party. Persecution coming soon, very soon. I asked when but was only told soon. I then received the message to, go, meaning to let everyone know what is going to take place.

Then I received the name of the city where the attack will take place, it was Seattle. Not sure what type of attack this will be, but believe military grade explosives will be involved.

Please pray about this, ask for clarification, and pray this plot will be exposed! Even as I’m typing this, I keep hearing the word EXPOSE, EXPOSE!

Remember, we are not to fear man, but, we are all called to follow the Lord Jesus Christ regardless where it leads us. Because He is the Way, the Truth and the Life and our great hope.

Please continue to pray!

Be Prepared

With everything transpiring in our world today I believe it’s imperative for Christians to be ready for any type of persecution that may come our way. Corruption, wickedness and mockers are everywhere so Christians must be getting prepared for what will take place. This involves, building up your faith, standing in God’s word and memorizing scripture. But one of the most important scriptures to remember is;

A stark reminder we must keep the Faith regardless of what comes our way. Remember, Christ Jesus gave His life for us, we shouldn’t be afraid to do the same for Him. Defend the FAITH, Defend who Christ Jesus is and that He’s coming back. Don’t give in to what the world wants you to believe because if you do, and deny Him, the scriptures are clear, He will deny you!

In Times of Persecution

Religious freedom is a central issue nowadays. Western Christians are used to being free to do whatever they want, and honestly, as many are very involved in politics, they are used to being in control. The changing times make them worried and they want to do everything they can to make sure they stay free and their rights will be protected. How biblical is this attitude? 

Persecution is not fun. We are humans and we desire to be safe, loved, valued. It’s hard to live with constant fear, not knowing whether you will lose your job or freedom or life because of what you believe. It’s natural to want to avoid this, but unfortunately this is impossible and we have to understand this. Jesus said that His disciples will share His fate, and the disciples also wrote that persecution is something to be expected. You should not seek it, don’t provoke people.

Stranger in this world

List of Countries Persecuting Christians

I’ve posted before about the Open Door initiative watch list which is composed of many different countries where Chrisitians face the most extreme persecution. On January the 18th their new list came out for 2023 so I thought I would post this information.

Open Doors World Watch List 2023

Country Religion Type of Government

  1. North Korea – Agnosticism – Single Party Dictatorship
  2. Somalia – Islam – Federal Parliamentary Republic
  3. Yemen – Islam – In Transition
  4. Eritrea – Islam – Presidential Republic
  5. Libya – Islam – Transitional Government
  6. Nigeria – Christianity – Federal Presidential Republic
  7. Pakistan – Islam – Federal Parliamentary Republic
  8. Iran – Islam – Theocratic Republic
  9. Afganistan – Islam – Islamic Emirate of Afganistan
  10. Sudan – Islam – Presidential Republic
  11. India – Hinduism – Federal Parliamentary Republic
  12. Syria – Islam – Authoritarian Presidential Republic
  13. Saudi Arabia – Islam – Absolute Monarchy
  14. Myanmar – Buddism – Parliamentary Republic
  15. Maldives – Islam – Presidential Republic
  16. China – Agnosticism – Communist Party led state
  17. Mali – Islam – Semi-Presidential Republic
  18. Iraq – Islam – Federal Parliamentary Republic
  19. Algeria – Islam – Presidential Republic
  20. Mauritania – Islam – Presidential Republic
  21. Uzbekistan – Islam – Authoritarian Presidential Republic
  22. Colombia – Christianity – Presidential Republic
  23. Burkina Faso – Islam – Presidential Republic
  24. Central African Republic – Christianity – Presidential Republic
  25. Vietnam – Buddism – Communist State
  26. Turkmenistan – Islam – Authoritarian Presidential Republic
  27. Cuba – Christianity – Communist State
  28. Niger – Islam – Semi-Presidential Republic
  29. Morocco – Islam – Parliamentary Constitutional Monarchy
  30. Bangladesh – Islam – Parliamentary Republic
  31. Laos – Buddism – Communist State
  32. Mozambique – Christianity – Presidential Republic
  33. Indonesia – Islam – Presidential Republic
  34. Qatar – Islam – Absolute Monarchy
  35. Egypt – Islam – Presidential Republic
  36. Tunisia – Islam – Parliamentary Republic
  37. Congo DR (DRC) – Christianity – Semi-Presidential Republic
  38. Mexico – Christianity – Federal Presidential Republic
  39. Ethiopia – Christianity – Federal Parliamentary Republic
  40. Bhutan – Buddism – Constitutional Monarchy
  41. Turkey – Islam – Presidential Republic
  42. Comoros – Islam – Federal Presidential Republic
  43. Malaysia – Islam – Federal Parliamentary Constitutional Monarchy
  44. Tajikistan – Islam – Presidential Republic
  45. Cameroon – Christianity – Presidential Republic
  46. Brunei – Islam – Absolute Monarchy
  47. Oman – Islam – Absolute Monarchy
  48. Kazakhstan – Islam – Presidential Republic
  49. Jordan – Islam – Parliamentary Constitutional Monarchy
  50. Nicaragua – Christianity – Presidential Republic

Out of 50 countries 10 listed Christianity as their religion.

Out of 50 countries only 2 listed Agnosticism as their religion.

Out of 50 countries only 4 listed Buddism as their religion.

Out of 50 countries only 1 listed Hinduism as their religion.

Out of 50 countries 33 listed Islam as their religion.

What exactly does this mean for Christianity?

Unfortunately, the countries which list Christianity as their main religion are under attack. Nigeria, Mozambique, Niger, Ethiopia, Cameroon, Nicaragua, Central African Republic are all experiencing high levels of persecution including losing their livelihood, threatened, beaten, killed, houses burned, churches ransacked and torched with some pastors attacked or killed during services.

We need to pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ, we are ALL part of the Body of Christ, the Church and we must weep and pray for them. This breaks my heart and it shouldn’t be this way, but, the spirit of the antichrist is among us and it want stop until he has all the nations firmly within his grip.

If you think the US is immune, you better think again. We’re already starting to see pastors and Christians harassed for their belief. The persecution may look a little differently right now, but, with our border wide open you can bet what we’re seeing in other countries is headed to America!

But there is hope, hope in the Son of God called Jesus, Yeshua, the Messiah, the Anointed, the Chosen One, the Good Shepherd!

The 5th Seal – Persecution

Beware, Christian Persecution

I’ve been preparing for this for awhile and it’s “why” I’ve spoken of false teachings, false prophets, and false doctrines so much. As Christians we know our “Christian brothers and sisters” are being persecuted in places such as Iran, Turkey and all of the Middle East.

Get your house in order, repent of any sins, pray for strength, don’t be afraid to share the “True Christian Faith”. You will either stand for Christ to DEATH, or, you will perish with those who go against Christ. I say this because of Pope Francis latest address to the United Arab Emirates called the Document on “Human Fraternity”. In this document #PopeFrancis mentions God, but, never Jesus Christ. People, we’re headed into a one world religion. We know from the scriptures in Revelation chapters 1 through 3 this was the very reason Christ had John address the Churches, to warn them and us, to turn from sin, focus on Christ and to get ready because the Church would be persecuted. That time is here, believe it or not, Christ Church in the US will be persecuted!

I want to leave you with a warning from two underground Christians in Iran which was videoed by Joel Richardson’s Ministry. Joel Richardson also has a Partner located in Israel at the Gaza Strip. They preach the word, work with missionaries in #islamic countries and do such amazing things. But the video I want to share with all Christians is below. Please take time to watch! Pray for our Christian Brothers and Sisters in other countries and share this video so we can warn others.