When Mercy Ends

What Did Jesus Say?

My journey through the scriptures led me to a place which has me questioning a remark Christ made during His sermon on the mount. During His teaching, He says;

What did Jesus mean by this? To me the clue lies in His statement, which is, “he who does the will of My Father in Heaven.” And look what else he says, “depart from Me you workers of lawlessness.”

What is God’s will and why does Jesus call them workers of lawlessness?

Lawlessness is going against God’s Law, which means, those who don’t keep His commandments along with His ordinances and statues are considered lawbreakers. So what exactly does this mean? To answer this I revisited the scriptures found in Ezekiel which states;

From this scripture alone, we can see, God is VERY serious about walking in His Statues and His Judgments. He wants us to follow His commands and do what is right. In fact, He tells us that His Spirit will cause us to walk in His Laws and we will keep His Judgments and we will do them.

Which means, once we repent of our sins, and believe in Jesus as the Son of God, as the Christ, who came to set us free by becoming the sacrifice and paying the penalty of death, we’re given a new heart and a new Spirit, the Spirit of God. But something else I found during my study, the scriptures read;

You see, the Apostles never taught that the commandments weren’t to be followed, it was quite the opposite. What they taught was that our FAITH and belief in Christ Jesus, Yeshua, as the Son of God would give us a new heart and a new Spirit so we could keep God’s law. To illustrate this point, look at the very words of one of the three angels written in the Book of Revelation, which reads;

Notice what one of the three Angels said, those who KEEP God’s commandments AND the FAITH of Jesus. Meaning, this isn’t optional, it’s non-negotiable! But to illustrate this even further, let’s examine the very words of Jesus which He provided at the end of Revelation, which reads;

So ask yourself, am I being guided by the Holy Spirit to follow God’s commands, OR, am I following a false doctrine which is twisted by man and emphasizes a belief that the Law was nailed to the cross? Because, Jesus states himself, nothing will pass from the Law until heaven and earth pass away.

Please understand, I’m NOT suggesting we follow the Law as the Jewish people did, no, what I’m trying to say is, it’s OUR FAITH in CHRIST which makes us SPIRTIUALLY keep GOD’s LAW.

But the BELIEF that the LAW was nailed to the cross is NOT biblical, per Jesus. And that’s my whole point.