Envy the Backbone of America

I’ve never really thought much about envy and how it plays such a big role in our culture. And just like myself, many Christians may be harboring this sin within themselves without even realizing it. But before I go into what envy is, let’s look at it from a different view. If you ever listened to the song by Waylon Jennings, Luckenbach Texas, you may relate. A portion of the chorus reads;

We’ve been so busy keepin’ up with the Jones, four car garage and we’re still building on.

See what I mean?

In the past the phrase, keeping up with the Jones, was acceptable. Today, we don’t even sugarcoat it. But it’s the desire, longing, or lusting after what someone else has, or, something even better. And envy can cause feelings of discontent, resentment, bitterness, jealousy and even hate.

But there is another word for envy many of us miss and it’s the word Covet. The very definition of Coveting is a desire, craving or yearning for what someone else possesses. Whether it’s wealth, a new home, a new car, owning your own business, traveling, buying new furniture, or the perfect dream job, it’s the very act of wanting what someone else has.

But God warned us against this in His 10 commandments. However, we know those who believe in Christ Jesus and follow Him keep these commandments by the Spirit which God has given us. It’s Grace through Faith. But look at the scripture which reads;

You shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, not his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor’s.

Yes, God told from the very beginning that we should not lust, long, yearn or desire anything that our neighbor possesses. Unfortunately, many Christians have missed the connection between these two words.

But what’s even more surprising is how these words have now evolved into today’s terminology as, our passions, desires, aspirations, goals, and our best life now.

Please don’t put off repenting of this sin, because when we fail to repent of these things, it can hinder our walk with Christ…

God bless you!

Coveting is Another Reason God’s Wrath is Coming

One of the most difficult problems I see in the world today, at least, within in the United States is the issue of coveting. When we think of sin, coveting usually doesn’t enter our minds. But in reality people covet everything! And what’s so frightening is Christians don’t often recognize it when it appears.

What exactly is covetousness?

Basically, it means having a strong desire, longing, or wish for something material that will benefit us. In fact, Jesus tells us;

Coveting is simply a materialistic, world view in which we obtain everything we possibly can. This may mean more money, nicer cars, power and fame, designer clothes, designer handbags and shoes, a bigger house, a homestead, hoarding food, a big garden, more land, the dream job, climbing the corporate ladder, living in a certain zip code, being a member of an exclusive club, owning your own business, buying a vacation home, taking multiple vacations, or anything which takes time away from God.

You see, God wants us to be happy with what we have, what we’ve been given and if a change is desired by the Lord, he will provide the way. That’s why we should always look to Him for guidance instead of longing for the things we do not have. The Apostle Paul puts it this way;

And just like the Apostle Paul states, coveting is idolatry!