A Russian Missile Will Hit America

This morning I received an ominous warning from the Spirit of Truth. And today I was told to sound the alarm. While I always hate giving bad news, I know when the Lord speaks I must be obedient and do as He says. This is what He had to say;

America will be hit by a missile from Russia in the Washington D.C. area. There will be military chaos in the USA and the Navy will cease to exist. It was at this point I briefly saw an image of a few Navy ships heading back to the USA. The USA will topple and become a third world country. France will also fire upon an enemy.

I wasn’t given a time frame only told it would happen soon. From what I was told and from the vision I saw I believe America is about to enter into war when Washington DC is hit by a missile. The Navy will probably be attacked and destroyed leaving it in shambles.

Please do not fear these things, because, Christians have great Hope in the Lord Jesus Christ. Whether we die or we survive, He will never leave us. But please ensure you are walking in His ways!

Seattle Washington Attack

This evening somewhere around 9:20 I received a warning urging me to give a message to the followers of Christ, which states;

Tell my people… Bomb in Washington, expose the leftist party. Persecution coming soon, very soon. I asked when but was only told soon. I then received the message to, go, meaning to let everyone know what is going to take place.

Then I received the name of the city where the attack will take place, it was Seattle. Not sure what type of attack this will be, but believe military grade explosives will be involved.

Please pray about this, ask for clarification, and pray this plot will be exposed! Even as I’m typing this, I keep hearing the word EXPOSE, EXPOSE!

Remember, we are not to fear man, but, we are all called to follow the Lord Jesus Christ regardless where it leads us. Because He is the Way, the Truth and the Life and our great hope.

Please continue to pray!

Being Obedient

I’ve noticed many people are receiving dreams and vision which are providing information of things to come. I do believe God sends messages to wake His people up. But not only to wake them up, but, to spread the message and ensure we are walking in the Righteous Way which Jesus taught. I’m convinced a time is coming on us that will take many by surprise. America is about to see difficult times in which we’ve never experienced. Prepare your hearts, follow the Lord Jesus, the Christ, the Son of God, who is coming back.

And remember, Christ is before everyone and everything. What is transpiring in America with Christian persecution is happening. So be prepared to stand on your FAITH, your BELIEF in the Lord Jesus Christ. Just as the Apostles Peter and John did when they were brought before the Sanhedrin for professing the name Jesus (or Yeshua/Yehoshua), the scriptures read;

God Bless You all and Glory to God…

Did You Know This About Angels?

Daily I hear spirits speaking phrases, words or putting an image in my mind while I’m reading the bible, studying scripture, or trying to go to sleep. Other times I have dreams of war, storms, earthquakes and even dreams of Jesus Coming. From a biblical perspective, we see this as prophetic dreams and visions in the Spiritual Realm. But in my instance, something changed and I realized this was NOT what I thought it was. Unfortunately, I don’t believe many Christians are aware of this either, but, to back up what I’m referring to, the scripture reads;

What I hadn’t realized was that the Holy Spirit was working with me along with ministering spirits, Angels, to help me learn scripture, which was something I had prayed for. We know Angels have many task and one of them is ministering to Christ believers. These ministering Spirits along with the Holy Spirit often say a phrase, a word or an image and then I quote the scripture back to them. It’s important to understand, God sends these Spirits for our benefit. They’re hear to teach us God’s Word so we are equipped and are able to wear the whole Armor of God.

If you’re given a word, a phrase, or a vision try connecting it to scripture then quote it to them or even paraphrase it. If you don’t know that scripture by heart tell them you don’t know it, but, you’ll memorize it the next day. Scriptures which are being brought to my attention are those which deal with lying, judging or condemning others, forgiveness, stealing, filthy talk, crude joking, adultery, taking the Lord’s name in vain, sexual immorality, the tribulation period, how to be forgiven of your sins, Bride of Christ, in fact, everything the Lord Jesus taught along with His apostles. So if you’re hearing, a word, a phrase, a vision or dream, chances are ministering Spirits along with the Holy Spirit is trying to guide you, to help you learn and get you ready for your inheritance or to stand strong against something or someone that is soon coming.

Dreaming of Sheep

The Harvest

Hug From God Dream

People Should Prepare

Hearing God’s Voice

Feeding On Jesus Dream

Lately I’ve had numerous dreams and while I don’t always share each of them on my blog, I did feel compelled to share this particular one. This is what I saw.

I was seated at a long rectangular table somewhere in heaven that was located in an outside area, and, I knew we were outside because I could see green grass. Each side of the table had people sitting across from one another and while I didn’t see how far this table extended I knew it was long. The table was covered with what appeared to be a seamless white table cloth with white plates of food sitting in front of each of the seated guest. While I wasn’t allowed to see the faces of the other people, for some reason they were blurred out, I knew I was seated in the third chair on the right side from the head of the table.

I remember turning and looking at the person standing at the head of the table and I instantly knew He was God. I could only see from the shoulders down but He was wearing a long flowing white robe with one side of the robe crossed over to the other side and it had long sleeves. He stood at the head of the table holding a white plate in His hand. While I didn’t hear Him actually speak, I knew He was getting ready to award this plate to someone seated at the table. Since I was sitting all I could see was pieces of food on the plate, but, then as I was looking down at my own plate, His right arm appeared in front of me and He placed the white plate in front of my place setting.

As I stared at it I remember trying to figure out what it was. Because this food was on a white plate, there appeared to be 7 pieces, they were oblong shaped with each piece approximately 2 to 3 inches in length, and approximately 1 to 1.5 inches in height, and each one of these pieces were white. As I stared at it God removed His arm and I could feel the disappointment of the others sitting around me. Then the dream ended.

Upon waking and realizing where I had been, what I had dreamed, what I had seen, it was nothing short of miraculous for me. You see, those pieces of food on the plate given by God was miniature loaves of pure bread, the bread of life spoken of by Jesus. The scripture reads;

I was awarded this bread from among all who was sitting at the table, and while I do feel for the others, I couldn’t be more happier!

Jesus Says He’s Returning!

I awoke around 7:30ish this morning with a message of Jesus imminent return. Many Christians believe Jesus is coming back, yet, they’re not living a life that is reflective of His coming. They’re still living as if they have years, but, that’s not what I was told in my dream. This dream is one of urgency, especially, to those who are sitting on the fence. Because His appearance and the words He spoke to me left me a bit stunned. This is what I saw and was told.

I was in the living room area of my parents house when Jesus suddenly appeared in front of me. I knew who He was so I greeted Him with a kiss on the cheek and as I did so there was a bit of fear, because I knew His power, His glory, His divinity. He stood there in my parents living room telling me He was coming back in a matter of days and I seemed to feel a sense of urgency. I noticed He was tall, had short darker brown hair, didn’t have a beard and was wearing a long sleeve white shirt and pants. It was at this point that I showed Him to my parents room where He went in and then He looked at me as if He was staring through to my heart and examining every detail. I’ve seen this look before, from a woman I met at a local convenient store a couple of years ago, and every since that encounter, I believed she was an angel, so, I recognized that look. Anyways, Jesus stayed in my parent’s bedroom waiting for me to send people to him. People, that was connected to my house or somehow connected to my family.

As I walked back into the main area of the house I could hear people talking so I was aware others were around, but, they weren’t inside the house, they were all outside. But than a woman walked in and I immediately met her in the kitchen area and began speaking with her. We stood there talking in the kitchen area, the heart of the home, when her husband casually walked up. It was at this point that I leaned into her space, placed my hands on her forearms, looked directly into her eyes and said, You know I have dreams and visions, but I’m telling you Jesus is coming. And I remember I couldn’t tell them the exact time, but, remember saying it’s a matter of days. I guess they understood the urgency and decided to follow Him.

While I didn’t recognize them, this couple seemed to believe in Jesus but I guess they were sitting on the fence and hadn’t made an actual commitment yet. Somehow they were connected to my family and after speaking with them, we prayed and they accepted Jesus as their Lord. It was at this point, I started to lead them to my parents bedroom where Jesus was waiting when the woman suddenly stopped and said, we need to tell Colby (I believe the name given was either Colby or Colton). Immediately, I was given information that Colby was their teenage son, but then the woman said, oh well, we’ll get with him later and continued following me to the room to meet Jesus. I opened the door, the woman went in and Kissed Jesus on the cheek and then I left and went back to the kitchen. It was at this point one of my daughters, Alicia, spoke from another room voicing her concern over the woman’s son Colby. I told my daughter we’re going to get in contact with him so he knows what’s going on. As I spoke to my daughter she was sitting at the window of another bedroom by herself just looking out. I took this as a sign that she was the only one within her family(she is married with a son of her own) that believes in Jesus.

Then the dream ended.

All I can say is their was URGENCY in this dream! I understood when Jesus told me He was coming in a matter of days that everything was about to change. We were being given a very short window to get our house in order before the day of His coming. Plus, he didn’t leave, He made Himself at home in my parent’s house.

While I don’t know exactly what He meant by the word days I felt compelled to share.

And please remember, these dreams are not meant to cause fear, panic are anxiety. They’re meant to edify the Church, God’s true believers. God always provides warnings to His people. So please take comfort, be filled with joy, encourage one another, and live a lifestyle that is reflective of our King.

Darkness is Coming

The night before last I had a dream which details something that is headed our way along with a very short message, this is what I saw.

I appeared somewhere in Florida on a bright sunny day where a small group of young people decided to call in sick to work and head for the Keys, this could could represent Key West or an area with Key in it. I watched as their car drove down the road when suddenly my position changed and I was positioned above the waters approximately 50 to 100 feet away from the middle of the bridge which connects to the Keys. As I watched the car make it’s way along the bridge, I was taken to another location.

At the new location I saw another group of young people climbing up a steep rocky cliff that was mixed with a bit of sand which reminded me of Hawaii. The reason I noticed the terrain is because the last person climbing up the cliff would place their hand in the spot that the previous climber had stepped in. As I watched the last person climb up I could see how the ground was a gravel and sand mixture and how it didn’t hold the footprints due to it being loose. They had to be very careful climbing up this cliff to keep from slipping. But within a few moments the last climber reached the top and lifted the top half of their body onto the level area and kind of laid over it as if they were exhausted. The other two guys were watching and I saw one bending down as if to help lift the other person to the top. Then, the scene changed again.

Suddenly, I was in the atmosphere and watched as the bright sunny day turn into absolute blackness. This wasn’t a storm and the sky wasn’t dark, it was pitch black. As in the middle of the night black, but with no stars are moon for light. Then I saw something puzzling.

I saw an object which appeared to look like a asteroid, but, with differences. This object which appeared to be an asteroid was very rocky, with a reddish brown look, was a thinner, flatter type asteroid then what we normally picture. It also was surrounded by many smaller reddish brown rocks completely encircling the larger one. But in the middle of the larger object I saw a man driving it. The driver had on some sort of white suit and I could see him, along with another person who seemed to be located in the far back.

And I heard in my spirit, man is driving this! Over and over the voice kept saying this until I woke up.

So something is coming that will happen in the middle of a bright sunny day and blackness will completely take over the sky, then, an object similar to an asteroid will be visible. Whether it’s an ACTUAL asteroid sent as a WAKE UP CALL to man, OR, something MAN CREATED to LOOK like an asteroid OR even a FAKE Alien invasion, I’m not entirely certain. But either way, the WARNING message is quite clear, MAN IS DRIVING THIS!

These dreams are not sent to scare you, but, to prepare you for what is coming. If you don’t know the Lord Christ Jesus, now would be a good time to get to know Him and learn about Salvation. Christ is calling all sinners to REPENT of their sin and for Christians who are living a worldly lifestyle, to change. Because He is coming back and it’s a LOT sooner than many realize.

Boise Idaho Something’s Coming

Sometime between 9:05 am and 9:29 am this morning as I was lying in bed I had a very short vision. A map of the United States appeared before my eyes and I saw every state except Alaska and Hawaii. Before I realized what was happening I saw the map shift toward the Mountain Pacific time zone area. It was as if my eyes was literally flying up the map so quickly that all I could see were small black dots representing towns and cities because the names of them were blurred.

When I got close to the area that I was being warned of my eyes was pulled back so I could see the whole Pacific, Mountain time zone states again but from an angel that was slightly different than my first look. I could see all of the upper states to the lower ones within those time zones, then, as my eyes adjusted I saw a bullseye target set on or very, very close to the Boise Idaho area. I believe Boise Idaho is the main target, but, whatever happens will affect probably the many states within these two times zones. For those who live in or close to the Boise Idaho area, please be careful, stock up on food, water and make sure you have a safe place with the amenities to shelter in.

I wasn’t shown what will take place but something is going to shake up the area in and around Boise Idaho that could affect multiple cities and towns.

Pray for this area and as more unfolds I will keep everyone posted.

Flying Disk Dream

Early Friday morning after doing some reading in the Bible and doing some scripture memorization I decided it was time to go to bed. But before drifting off to sleep I kept reciting this new scripture because I really wanted to memorize it. The scripture I was quoting states;

The Angel of the Lord encamps all around those who fear Him, and He delivers them.
Psalms 34:7

As I was reciting this scripture I drifted off to sleep and had a dream which involved a flying disk. Something which I’ve never dreamed of in the past. In my dream I was awake, lying on my back on top of the covers of my bed, fully dressed, then turned to my left looking out the window. It was daylight, possibly early to mid afternoon, my curtains were opened so I could see everything perfectly. As I gazed out I saw a metallic flying disk hovering directly across from my window approximately 35 to 45 feet away. This disk appeared to have a slightly bluish-greenish tint, it didn’t make any sound, I saw no emissions from it, couldn’t see anything underneath the craft and since it appeared during daylight no lights were lit. The craft just hovered there as if waiting for me to see it, then the dream ended.

I awoke very perplexed, puzzled and wondering if this was connected to the scripture I was trying to memorize or if the Holy Spirit was showing me something that’s coming in the near future. Something that’s looming in our skies and will be making an appearance soon, something connected to fallen angels and a false UFO flag. The funny thing is, it was only one flying disk, it didn’t appear to be threatening, but, just hovered directly outside of my bedroom window. Now, the bedroom is where I do almost all of my praying, praising, studying and reading so, I’m not sure what to think. I am praying about this and will continue to seek additional information, hopefully, I’ll receive an update soon.

But don’t be anxious because we believe, trust, rely and hope in our Lord Christ Jesus who is coming soon. And if you don’t know Christ, get to know Him through the section entitled, The Gospel.

Catastrophic Flooding Update

August of last year I posted about a vision which involved flooding. I stated that I saw massive flooding in an area that was heavily wooded and I felt it had a “Northern” feel compared to where I’m located in Georgia. Pennsylvania was my first candidate but strongly felt it would affect multiple states around Pennsylvania that had that same type of wooded landscape. I also felt there maybe an issue with a dam, maybe they had to open a dam to prevent it’s failure or the dam may be in danger of breaking.

Recently, Vermont experienced catastrophic flooding along with flooding in Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maine and even parts of New York. In my vision the voice said it was “massive” and from the pictures online, that’s exactly what this event has turned out to be.

While people may not understand the reasons “why” these events take place God always provides warnings to His people. He doesn’t want us to be fearful or anxious but to put our total trust in Him.