What’s the Goal?

Everyone who is called by my name, whom I created for my glory, whom I formed and made.

So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.

Isaiah 43:7 ESV 1,  Corinthians 10:31

While serving and chatting with friends, my raspy, and newly baritone voice, gave evidence to the cold I’d been fighting all week. Amidst the, “I’ll pray for you” and, “Oh, you sound awful,” came something along these lines. “I pray that stuff away, it can’t come on me.” The words were pregnant with the implied idea that sicknesses (or any “difficult” thing) are always something that we ought to/should be able to pray away.

The poor guy had no idea what puddle he’d just stepped into.

Thus began my short, but penetrating theological dive into the value of life’s thorns and struggles. My main point to him was this; our life is for one purpose. To bring Him glory. Sometimes, that is best achieved through a miraculous healing or intervention, but much more often, God’s glory is manifested in how He walks us through life’s inevitable challenges. As those around us see His peace in the midst of our pain, His comfort as we grieve, or His strength…

In A Broken World

In a broken world,
you can see the pain
you can feel the hurt
the stress and the strain.

You can hear the cries,
the howling’s of grief
you can more than sense
the need for relief.

The only way to fix,
a world that is broken
is to truly listen to . . .
the words once spoken.

For Jesus came to tell us,
about a more perfect way…

John 10:9

I am the door:
by me if any man enter in,
he shall be saved,
and shall go in and out,
and find pasture.

King James Version
Public Domain

Copyright 2021
Deborah Ann Belka

~ to GOD be the GLORY ~

Think of Others

We never know what someone may be dealing with. Traumatic issues can occur in numerous way and may appear as family issues, breakups, the loss of a child, medical issues, loneliness or mental anguish. I know as a Christian, we are to encourage, build each other up, but, one scripture which really stands out to me, reads;

Just like the woman, I want to have that same kind of love that she demonstrated for Christ, with my brothers, sisters and yes, even my enemies.

God Bless you all…

Every Word

With everything taking place within the United States it’s easy to see how Christians will fall away from the Faith. Maybe it’s due to a lack of love for God, maybe because some are luke warm, maybe they’re afraid of persecution, maybe they’re a Christian in name only, or maybe they’re just to worldly and refuse to give it up.

But, now more than ever, we need to ensure we’re following the Word of God. That we’re putting Christ and His teachings to work in us. We’re memorizing scriptures and have made peace with the knowledge that some of us may be called to give our lives for Christ, just as He did for us. But remember what Christ said;

I have told you these things so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take courage; I have overcome the world!”

John 16:33

Hearts Far From Me

This people draw near to me with their
mouth, and respect Me with their lips,
but their heart is far from Me.
Matthew 14:8

Everything transpiring in our world today proves the accuracy of the Scriptures, because, they speak of the breakdown within society. Even Christians seem to be following the ways of this world instead of the way of God. Many Christians may go to church, say the right words, do the right things when others are looking, but, when they’re alone do their hearts truly reflect drawing near to Him? These are these things each of us need to reflect on because God wants us to draw near to Him. Ask Him to evaluate your heart so you can grow in Him, praise and worship Him the way He deserves to be worshipped. Remember, the Pharisees and Sadducees had this same issue, they said the right things and appeared to do the right things when others were looking, but, behind close doors their hearts were far from God.

My Prayer

Lord, My God, I pray for a heart that is tender, merciful, compassionate and loving for my fellow man. Lord please evaluate my heart and if there is anything displeasing found let me know so I can repent of it and replace it with actions that are righteous in Your sight. I pray to help keep my thoughts pure, focused on You so I can meditate and reflect on Your Ways instead of the ways of this world. Keep my tongue cleansed from this worldly flesh so I can offer words of encouragement that bring comfort and healing. Teach me Your Ways, Lord, and keep fleshly desires and temptations far from me. Thank you for Your Grace through faith in Christ, the Lord Jesus, who gave His life for the world. All these things I pray, in Christ Jesus name, Amen!

Time with God

God will meet with you today. Right where you are and exactly when you need Him.

He has the answers you need.

The peace you crave.

The direction you’ve been longing for.

Just like manna awaiting the Israelites in the desert every morning, God has something for you each day.

Slow down. Listen.

He may offer you something new to draw you closer into His presence – you’ll need more of Him to move forward, more of Him to understand.

A new song for your heart to sing.

A new artistic composition to create.

A new word to ponder and study.

A new and exciting challenge.

God has more for you in a single moment than the world can offer you in years.

When you turn away from the world and all its flashy, noisy distractions and you offer the sacrifice of your time to the Lord, He will bless you for it.

Joey Rudder

Jesus Wept

One of the most amazing works of the Lord Jesus, in the New Testament besides the crucifixion, is when He raised Lazarus from the dead. Can you imagine the shock and awe the people felt when this miracle was performed? I’ll be honest, I don’t know how I would have reacted, but, it’s definitely a testament to who the Lord Jesus truly was.

What’s really interesting about this narrative is how Mary and Martha sent word to Jesus letting Him know that Lazarus was sick. But instead of Jesus leaving immediately to heal Lazarus He waited an additional two days before leaving for Judea. But His disciples raised objection due to His recent controversy with the Jews and the the near stoning issue. Regardless, Jesus told them;

Of course the disciples didn’t realize Jesus was actually telling them Lazarus had died, they thought Lazarus was actually sleeping. Jesus told them directly, “Lazarus is dead.” After Jesus arrived at Martha’s and Mary’s, he was greeted by Martha. Basically, she expressed to Christ that if He had been there her brother wouldn’t had died, but, she knew whatever Jesus ask of God, God would grant it. Jesus told her, Your brother will rise again but Martha thought Jesus was referring to the resurrection so Jesus continues to tell Martha;

Mary answered, Yes, Lord, I believe that You are the Messiah (Christ), the Son of God, who is to come into the world. After speaking with Jesus Mary then went and told Mary The Teacher has come and is calling for you. Mary rose quickly and headed to Jesus. Those who were there to offer their support assumed she was going to the tomb of Lazarus so they followed. When Jesus saw Mary weeping along with the Jews who followed her, He groaned in the Spirit and was troubled. He asked where they had laid Lazarus and, Jesus swept.

Jesus was groaning in Himself when He arrived at the tomb and He asked for the stone to be removed. Martha, said to the Lord, by this time there is a stench since he’s be dead for 4 days. But Jesus says to Martha, did I not say to you that if you would believe you would see the Glory of God? Jesus lifted up His eyes and said, Father, I thank You that You have heard Me. And He continues telling the Father that He spoke this because of those standing there so they would believe that the Father sent Him.

Once Jesus said these things, He cried out with a loud voice, Lazarus, come forth! Lazarus who had died came out bound hand and foot with graveclothes, and His face was wrapped with a cloth. Jesus said to them, Loose him, and let him go.

While this is definitely one of my favorites next to the crucifixion, it completely verified who Jesus was when He walked among the Jewish people and what He will do when He comes back.

A Better Way

There are many in our world who struggle with the after effects of trauma. Unfortunately, trauma appears in many forms and often stems from issues beyond our control. It can occur when one is exposed to domestic violence, physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, loss of a loved one, assault, rape, murder, natural disasters or any traumatic event. While many will seek professional assistance to cope with one’s feelings, emotions and fears, it can literally take years to recover. One of the reasons is because the wound must be constantly dissected, which means, you will constantly relive the experience along with the emotions and fears. This is to allow the therapist to examine and analyze every detail.

Which also begs the question, why do so many Christians and non-believers put their trust in a licensed therapist who has difficulty coping with their own life issues? Because statics show many therapist seek their own professional licensed therapist. This is reminiscent of the blind leading the blind, because this person doesn’t love you, doesn’t truly care about you, isn’t really concerned with your mental state or your eternal destination. These are professionals who offer a service and charge a fee for it, so in essence, you’re paying a complete stranger to talk to you, to give you advice and if the money runs out, well, they can no longer see you. Still believe they truly care about you? I’m not here to play games, but, to encourage you so you know there is a better way. Stop putting your belief in man and turn to the one who can actually save you.

Since this is true, who can help me, who can take this pain away?

The answer is simple, the Lord Christ Jesus, the Son of God, the Christ, the Messiah, can take away your trauma, your hurt, your pain, your anger, your resentment and bitterness. But it all starts with God.

  • You see, God loved us so much that He sent His only begotten Son (Christ Jesus), that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life (John 3:16).
  • God did this so the world would be saved through Jesus (John 3:17).
  • But you must believe the Lord Jesus came down from Heaven(John 6:38).
  • Came in the flesh (1 John 4:2).
  • Born of a virgin (Matthew 1:23).
  • Lived a sinless life (1 Peter 2:21,22).
  • Preached the need to repent and believe in the good news (Mark 1:15).
  • And to do the will of His Father (John 6:40).
  • Jesus performed many other signs in the presence of His disciples, which are not written in this book. But these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name (John 20:30,31).
  • Then suffered and died on the cross for our sins (Isaiah 53:6) (1 Corinthians 15:3).
  • His body was buried, placed in a tomb (Matthew 27:57-60).
  • And He was raised from the dead on the third day (1 Corinthians 15:3,4).
  • He ascended back to heaven after 40 days seen by many of His disciples (Acts 1:3).
  • The Bible tells us, all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23).
  • We’re also told; For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord (Romans 6:23).

Believing in the Lord Jesus is simple, but you must humbly pray to Him, letting Him see you have a broken heart, and tell Him you realize you’re a sinner and your ashamed of all your sins. At this point it’s good to list them all out, every lie you can think of, every act of theft, every act of lusting, every act of having sex without being married, every act of adultery, every act of idolatry (putting other things before God like working or money), partying, drinking till you were drunk, taking drugs, every ugly cuss work or nasty talk and anything else that is considered sin. Then let Him know you want Him to be your Lord and Savior and it’s at this time you can say you’re a Christian, a believer in the Lord Jesus.

When we believe these things spoken about Jesus in the Bible and repent of our sins, we pass from death to life. Get a Bible, begin reading starting in the New Testament. Once you finish it, read it again, and again until you understand the message. Some really good Bibles for a New Christian is the Amplified Study Bible, the New International Version, the New King James Bible. It’s extremely important to read the Bible before stepping foot in a Church so you can discern false teachings from Truth. But it’s our Faith in the Lord Jesus that keeps us walking by the Spirit(Galatians 5:16) and keeps us from sinning (2 Corinthians 5:7).

He’ll start His work in you and as you read the Bible you’ll be washed by water so you can become part of the Church presented without stain, wrinkle or any blemish, but holy and blameless (Ephesians 5:25-27). It’s also important to note, pray to Him daily, tell Him of your worries, fears and what happened to you. Although He knows, it’s a good way to help build the relationship.

If you’re looking for a better way, if you TRULY want peace it can ONLY be found in the Lord Christ Jesus (John 14:27)!

Division in the Church

The United States today is divided in almost every way possible. We’re divided over religion, ideologies, politics, science and the whole border issue. I’ve found that even Christians are divided by denominations, doctrines, and the scriptures themselves. But the Bible teaches all believers in the Lord Jesus should be of like mind, they read;

From the scriptures it’s pretty clear, Christ taught His Apostles to be of one mind. Maybe the reason we’re so divided today is because many lack true love for one another within the faith. And if there’s a lack of love for one another, how can we claim to love Jesus when we’re not following His example. Because if we truly love the Lord Jesus the way the Apostles loved Him and one another, there wouldn’t be any division among us today.

Don’t be deceived because a lack of love tends to lead to protests, riots, or convoys that have and are popping up all around our country. Since these protest have nothing to do with following the Lord Jesus and deal with worldly desires, they go completely against what Jesus taught. As Christians, we are called to be a peaceful, loving people regardless of what comes our way. We do not repay evil for evil, instead, we love even our enemies just as Christ loved those who persecuted Him. Confrontation is not part of the Christian faith, as believers we’re called to love, forgive, and treat others the way we want to be treated. But remember the words the Lord Jesus spoke about division, which states;

Now more than ever God is calling His people to walk in The Way of Righteousness, to turn from fleshly desires and turn back to Him. To come out of this world, repent of your sins, follow the Lord Jesus, worship God and live a life consistent with the sacrifice He made. Instead of listening to the world, be still and listen to God!

The Presence of God

Sometimes God will pull you in so close that you don’t want to leave His side when He sends you back.

Back to work.

Back to folding laundry.

Back to paying bills.

But you have to go. You have to step back into your life and pick up where you left off.

Well, not exactly.

After spending time with your heavenly Father, you’ll be changed. Things won’t be the same because you’re not the same.

You may even feel lost, wondering where to go from here.

Do you go in a different direction?

Do you stand still or start over?

God will let you know. There is such freedom when you keep listening for His direction after you’ve been in His presence.

Joey Rudder

Consider Others

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or
empty pride, but in humility consider
others more important than yourselves.

Philippians 2:3

Sometimes when we find ourselves running around taking care of business or running errands we start to feel a disconnect between ourselves and others. This could partially be due to the past pandemic and the fear people felt to keep a distance from one another. But it should help to serve as a reminder anytime we’re out shopping, exercising, buying gas for our car, or just cooking dinner, we want to remember to keep our thoughts attuned to others. Treat others kindly, if someone needs help offer it, smile and don’t be afraid to start up a conversation while you shop. Because sometimes it’s the little things that brings such a heart warming blessing.

My Prayer

Lord God, the Holy of Holies, I pray to please help me stay attuned to others and their needs without having any selfish agenda. Help me keep my eyes focused on you always while remaining humble and helpful to others. Teach me to serve, instead, of being served always with a positive spirit and joyful smile. Especially in these times of difficulty, help my light shine before others so I can be an example of what Christ wants me to be. Guide me into your obedience, humility, understanding and wrap it all up with a loving heart. All these things I pray, in the name of Christ Jesus, Amen.

Reality Check