Work Hard Play Hard

Put to death, therefore, the
components of your earthly
nature: sexual immorality,
impurity, lust, evil desires, and

greed, which is idolatry.

Ephesians 4:32

One of my previous employments, as a administrative assistant, I found my boss often used the phrase, work hard, play hard. Since I worked in the purchasing department it meant we dealt with salesmen from all around the state. They would always tell stories of how my boss and some of the product salesman would go out and party together staying out till the wee hours of the night, and in some cases, all night. Making the next day a sunglass wearing work day due to too much alcohol, drugs, and partying with men and women. I was shocked when He told me he and his wife had an arrangement and I believe it was an open marriage situation. Which was odd since my boss also considered himself a Christian. But, when we look at the scriptures, we find this behavior is the exact opposite of what God expects. We’re not called to stay out all night drinking, partying, committing adultery, fornication or living life to it’s fullest, in fact, we’re called to do the exact opposite. When we believe in Jesus, and what He did for us on the cross, all we want to do is live for Him, to follow Him and sow good seed for the Lord. Our earthly nature no longer means anything, because it’s no longer about us, it’s all about the Lord Christ Jesus.

My Prayer
Lord God Almighty as I pray today I ask for your help so I can put to death any issues of my earthly nature that may cause behaviors that are unbecoming to you. Renew my mind so my thoughts are always focused on Christ Jesus and the works He wants me to do. Let the blood of Christ which was shed for my sins protect my mind from worldly temptations and the lust of the eyes. Don’t let everyday distractions such as work, family, health or financial issues cause me to stumble or fall. Let me walk by the Spirit so I can always project the love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control all Christians are called to exhibit. Lastly, keep me close so no one can snatch me out of your hand and let me offer words of encouragement, hope and life giving words that comfort and heal. Thank you for your love, compassion, mercy and Grace. These things I pray in Jesus name, Amen.

#partying #lifestyle #meditation #biblical meditation #JesusTheRighteousPath

Recipe for Peace?

Be still and rest in the Lord; wait for Him and patiently lean yourself upon Him; fret not yourself because of him who prospers in his way, because of the man who brings wicked schemes to pass. 

Do not fret or have any anxiety about anything, but in every circumstance and in everything, by prayer and petition (definite requests), with thanksgiving, continue to make your wants known to God.

And God’s peace [shall be yours]…[His peace] which transcends all understanding shall garrison and mount guard over your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

Psalm 37:7  Philippians 4:6-7  AMPC 

I’m not very good at following a recipe. It probably stems from years of creating my famous “what’s in the frig?”  casserole, working to stretch a dollar and the contents of the frig. Tossing in whatever we had, to create the hoped-for taste. Eyeballing and improvising my way through the cooking until a “casserole surprise,” of culinary delight appeared on the table.

While this approach worked great for hamburger surprise, it doesn’t work well when dealing with the real-world challenges of depression, sadness, stress, heaviness and anxiety.

These heavy weights that seem to be spiraling in our world today, require a step-by-step, grab-my-glasses, follow the recipe approach. We dare not ignore the ingredient list the Lord has offered us or the steps He has provided. If we follow His instructions, the end result will be His peace that is beyond our understanding. Not a shallow circumstance-based peace … But peace no matter the circumstance….

Though I’m not a *doctor nor do I play one on TV, I have walked through seasons of great difficulty and depression inducing trials, and have found by experience, the great faithfulness of our Father God to provide authentic peace that was beyond my understanding.

Devotions for Difficult Days

Avoid Negativity

Verse of the Day: 1 Peter 3:10

For, Whoever would love life and see good days must keep their tongue from evil and their lips from deceitful speech.

The way you speak and the words you use reveal your true character. In a world that allows you to be anything and to say anything, choose words of kindness, encouragement, empathy, love, and compassion. Don’t use foul, obscene, or harmful words. Avoid deceit and hurtful remarks, and put an end to gossip. 

The Consecrated Woman

Heartfelt Prayer Against Spirit of Offense

Hello Friends! As Christians, it is important for us to understand the meaning of “spirit of offense.”

This term refers to when we allow ourselves to become easily offended and hold onto that offense rather than letting go and forgiving.

If we look at the Greek root of offense via the Blue Letter Bible, we find the word skandalizō which means a stumbling block that can entice us to sin, cause us to fall away or judge others unfavorably!

So in short, the spirit of offense should not be taken lightly!

In this blog post, I will start off with scripture so that you understand what offense means, and then we will move over to the prayer.

Ready? Let’s go

Scripture anchors for the prayer against spirit of offense

In Mark 4:16-17 KJV, Jesus speaks about those who receive the Word with joy but have no root in themselves and endure only for a short time, as they are offended when tribulation or persecution arises. Verse 17 states, “When affliction or persecution ariseth for the word’s sake, immediately they are offended.” This shows us that allowing ourselves to be easily offended can hinder our spiritual growth and relationship with God.

In Matthew 24:10 KJV, Jesus also warns us about the dangers of offense, saying that many will be offended, betray, and hate one another in the last days. This is a warning for us to be on guard against the spirit of offense, as it can lead us down a destructive path.

Furthermore, in Luke 17:1-2, Jesus teaches us that it is impossible not to be offended in this world. But He also offers a solution in verse 3 – to forgive those who offend us and let go of our anger. This is because holding onto offense can prevent us from serving effectively, as it consumes our thoughts and emotions. It also leads to bitterness, which can poison our relationships and hinder our spiritual growth.

Moreover, holding onto offense gives the enemy a legal ground to block us from receiving God’s blessings in our lives. This is because when we refuse to forgive others, we are essentially blocking ourselves from receiving forgiveness from God (see Matthew 6:15). Therefore, it is crucial for us to pray for the strength and ability to forgive others, as well as ourselves, in order to break free from the spirit of offense.

Made of Still

Shape Me

Renewing the Mind

Spending Time With Christ

Hug From God Dream

Pray for a Godly President

Powerful Prayer to Cancel Bad Dreams (With Bible Verses!)

This post is all about Points & Prayer to Cancel Bad Dreams

Ready? Let’s go!

Christian Prayer to Cancel Bad Dreams (with 14 prayer points!)

I thank you that your Holy Scripture backs this prayer, for your word is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path (Psalm 119:105).

1. Father, I thank you for giving us authority through your son Jesus Christ.

Your word says in Luke 10:19, “Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.”

With this knowledge of the authority you have bestowed upon me, I declare that every bad dream will be canceled in the name of Jesus!

2. Father, I demand recompense for anything that was robbed in my dreams.

Your word says in Joel 2:25-26, “I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten… You shall eat in plenty and be satisfied.”

Lord, I trust in your promise of restoration and ask for it to manifest in my life.

I claim restoration and abundance for Anything lost or stolen through bad dreams.

3. Even those bad dreams I don’t recall, I cancel them in Jesus’ name!

Your word says in Jeremiah 33:3, “Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known.”

Father, I call upon your name and ask for revelation of any bad dream that may have slipped my memory.

By your grace, I cancel it in Jesus’ name.

4. We uproot any dreams planted by the enemy.

Your word says in Matthew 15:13, “Every plant that my heavenly Father has not planted will be rooted up.”

Lord, I declare that every bad dream planted by the enemy will be uprooted and destroyed.

By the blood of Jesus, we have victory over all schemes and attacks of the enemy.

5. We cancel any dreams that are not from you.

Your word says in 1 Corinthians 14:33, “For God is not a God of confusion but of peace.”

Father, I rebuke and cancel any dream that causes confusion or fear in our lives.

Your peace surpasses all understanding (Philippians 4:7), and we hold onto it as we cancel every bad dream in your name.

Stand on GOD’s Truth

Love is the Answer