Four Crescent Moons

Last night before I laid down to sleep I practiced some scripture memorization, read in the Book of Enoch then switched to the Bible and did some reading in the Book of Acts, Romans and Psalm. Since I’m so drawn to the Book of Psalm I try to read at least one chapter before I fall to sleep. And of course during my prayer time I like to remind God, I’m His servant put here to do His will. And with that said, He sent me a dream along with an answer to something I’ve been praying about.

It appeared to be late evening or in the wee hours of the morning when I saw what looked like 4 (possibly 5 but believe I counted four), crescent moon signs sticking in the ground. Each sign was standing at different heights with a dull dark orange tint behind them. After briefly glancing at them, I looked at each of the signs starting with the far right, the shortest, and continued till I came to the last one standing in the center, the tallest.

Immediately after looking at these crescent moon signs I was taken to a bright sunny day location to pick up my children. As we got in the car and I started it up I realized it was packed with people. My husband was sitting in the passenger side, I was driving, and my children were sitting on the edge of the back seat leaning forward as they talked to us. But the car was packed with people I didn’t know and before I could put the car into reverse and hit the gas pedal it begin to roll backwards. My children and the other people began to panic wondering what was happening as it gained momentum and begin to speed up in a reverse projection. It was as if the car had a mind of it’s own, and, I couldn’t do anything to stop it. Then, the car begin to cross over the road and I thought we would crash, but, instead it was picked up.

All of a sudden the car started spinning round as it was caught inside of a white wind tunnel. I could hear and see the wind all around us, and even though it was loud it wasn’t destructive. The car was being controlled, never tipping, tilting, rolling over or anything of that nature, it remained completely level. Since there wasn’t any damaging issues with the car itself, we became calm inside and enjoyed a smooth and comfortable ride. Then one of my daughters stated, we’re going over the railroad tracks, it was at that point we were completely lifted up into the air and the dream ended.

I believe these crescent moon signs are literally “actual” signs that point to something “significant” taking place in September. Please, get your hearts right with God, study His word and do as Jesus taught, because, everything is about to change…

Remember, all dreams are given to edify the Church, pray and ask Jesus to provide the truth to you. Because our faith, our belief, our trust, and our hope is in Jesus, Yeshua, the Messiah, our Lord. God bless.