Envy the Backbone of America

I’ve never really thought much about envy and how it plays such a big role in our culture. And just like myself, many Christians may be harboring this sin within themselves without even realizing it. But before I go into what envy is, let’s look at it from a different view. If you ever listened to the song by Waylon Jennings, Luckenbach Texas, you may relate. A portion of the chorus reads;

We’ve been so busy keepin’ up with the Jones, four car garage and we’re still building on.

See what I mean?

In the past the phrase, keeping up with the Jones, was acceptable. Today, we don’t even sugarcoat it. But it’s the desire, longing, or lusting after what someone else has, or, something even better. And envy can cause feelings of discontent, resentment, bitterness, jealousy and even hate.

But there is another word for envy many of us miss and it’s the word Covet. The very definition of Coveting is a desire, craving or yearning for what someone else possesses. Whether it’s wealth, a new home, a new car, owning your own business, traveling, buying new furniture, or the perfect dream job, it’s the very act of wanting what someone else has.

But God warned us against this in His 10 commandments. However, we know those who believe in Christ Jesus and follow Him keep these commandments by the Spirit which God has given us. It’s Grace through Faith. But look at the scripture which reads;

You shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, not his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor’s.

Yes, God told from the very beginning that we should not lust, long, yearn or desire anything that our neighbor possesses. Unfortunately, many Christians have missed the connection between these two words.

But what’s even more surprising is how these words have now evolved into today’s terminology as, our passions, desires, aspirations, goals, and our best life now.

Please don’t put off repenting of this sin, because when we fail to repent of these things, it can hinder our walk with Christ…

God bless you!

Do Not Be Deceived

Many times Christians tend to point fingers at others for their sin while completely disregarding their own. But as my momma used to say, you better clean up around your own doorsteps before telling others to clean up around theirs. Which is exactly what Jesus taught, remember, when He spoke about removing the plank from your brothers eye and ignoring the one in your own eye? Yes, Jesus taught against finger pointing, however, He did not teach against helping others see the error of their ways, as long, as it’s done in a gentle, loving manner and your own doorsteps are clean. Keep in mind what the scriptures say, which read;

Remember, God will not be mocked…Sin is sin and one of the worst is sexual immorality. Now, sexual immorality comes in many forms, everything from having lust in your heart for another, fornication, adultery, same sex relationships, Lewdness, Whoring or Prostituting, Rape, Exposing ones Private Parts or Voyeurism, and Incest. While this is not an exhaustive list it basically covers, everything experienced in our world today. As a Christian I’m not called to judge non-believers who are committing these sins, but, I am called to speak the Truth. As for Christians, we know sexual immorality is wrong and those who find themselves somewhere on the list, please repent because the scriptures read;

Bitter for Sweet

It’s very heartbreaking for me what I see going on in our country. Everywhere I turn there’s nothing but chaos, lawlessness, filthiness, violence and darkness being pushed on those who choose to follow Christ Jesus. Even churches are turning from biblical doctrine and are embracing worldly ideologies, which, scripture tells us are merely doctrines of demons. All these things remind me of the scripture which reads;

Isn’t this exactly what we’re seeing take place today? As a Christian I have to follow what the Lord Jesus and His Apostles taught. Not to take on the ways of this world, the lust, the desires, pleasures or the hate which this world has. It also means I’m not called to buy guns for self defensive, to march in protest, to riot, to break into homes and businesses, instead, to keep my eyes on the Lord Jesus Christ and follow Him. The scripture reads;

For Christians who are following the ways of this world instead of Jesus Christ, REPENT while you still have an opportunity, because none of us know when He’s returning.

Sexual Sins

Scripture memorization is extremely important to me to help when I’m fighting against Spiritual Warfare, so, I try to dedicate a portion of my day to learning scripture. Tonight as I was writing down scriptures I came across a few that really made me question where our culture is today. It’s no secret within the United States sin is completely off the charts, specifically, sexual immorality and lust. But it’s not just non-believers, unfortunately, there are many Christians struggling with this same issue. Whether it’s adultery, pornography, fornication, sexually promiscuous or the issue of lusting, it’s sin and considered wickedness to God. So as I was researching this topic I came across this scripture which reads;

It’s extremely important to remember who God is, He’s Holy, Divine and deserves respect along with our complete loyalty. Because He loved us so much He gave His only Son, the Lord Jesus, as a sacrifice for the penalty of our sin, death. It cost Christ His life just so we could be made right with God. If you’re a Christian please stop and think before you defile the body because scripture tells us God will destroy those who defile the body.

Sowing What You Reap

The one who sows to please the flesh,
from the flesh will reap destruction; but
the one who sows to please the Spirit,
from the Spirit will reap eternal life.
Galatians 6:8

Our culture has gone completely off course, which means, many are in the path of God’s wrath. I’m not just referring to non-believers but to Christians who still prefer to live life their own way. While my hope is for all the lost to turn to the Lord Jesus, I’m burdened by how many Christians profess their belief in Him and yet still embrace these worldly ways. But the scriptures tell me those who live a worldly lifestyle will reap the destruction this life brings. Staying out all night partying, drinking, drugging, hooking up and living life to it’s fullest will only bring death. If you profess to be a Christian, if you believe in the Lord Jesus and the sacrifice He made, if you have faith in Him, then, you bare the responsibility to walk in His ways. Those who live a worldly lifestyle destined to satisfy their every desire, lust or pleasure will reap destruction. Because the scriptures tell us, do not be deceived, God will not be mocked!

My Prayer
Lord God Almighty, I pray for those who are still living their lives according to the flesh, especially, for those who profess to be Christians. I pray that all will wake-up to your tender mercies and realize the error of their ways. But for the lost sheep, I pray they remember this life is temporary, it only brings death and destruction. My hope is that each Christian who has strayed turns back to you, repents of their ways and loves you with all their heart, mind, soul and strength. Let them flee from this world’s toxic ways by running back into your arms and seeking your solace. All these things I pray, through Christ Jesus and in His name, Amen.

Conforming to the World

Over the past couple of years I’ve cut out alot of television shows, movies and series from my daily life. I did this because I don’t like the path that Hollywood entertainment has taken. And, I don’t like what many of these actors, actresses, musicians, comedians, talk show host and singers are promoting. The things they’re promoting are NOT biblical OR beneficial for Christian living.

Don’t get me wrong, there’s been movies that I really liked and would watch multiple times, that is, until it was brought to my attention that the main actor was a high level scientologist. Needless to say I want be watching or supporting that actor again. Other times I would cut out a movie or series because of the profanity, nudity or the actor blaspheming God or Jesus. Nope, can’t go there!

While many may call you names for choosing to guard your eyes and ears from a world filled with every possible sin imaginable, the Bible is very clear, believers are to live a lifestyle that does not adhere to this world.

Do not love the world nor the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life, is not from the Father, but is from the world. 1 John 2:15,16 (NASB)

From the New Living Translation this scripture reads;

Do not love this world not the things it offers you, for when you love the world, you do not have the love of the Father in you. For the world offers only a craving for physical pleasure, a craving for everything we see, and pride in our achievements and possessions. These are not from the Father, but are from this world. 1John 2:15,16 (NLT)

This world is full of sinful temptations whether it’s in the physical world or through the internet, and, if one isn’t careful they can find themselves becoming an enemy to God by the choices they make concerning this world.

You adulterers! Don’t you realize that friendship with the world makes you an enemy of God? I say it again: If you want to be a friend of the world, you make yourself an enemy to God. James 4:4 (NLT)

But how are we to avoid this?

We must be proactive in guarding ourselves from what we hear, what we see, what we say and even where we go. Because the scriptures tell us;

Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life. Avoid all perverse talk; stay away from corrupt speech. Look straight ahead, and fix your eyes on what lies before you. Mark out a straight path for your feet; stay on the safe path. Don’t get sidetracked; keep your feet from following evil. Proverbs 4:23-27 (NLT)

From this scripture one can see if you practice these things, chances are you’ll be ostracized from this world, from friends and in some cases even family. Eventually you’ll be faced with a decision, to stand strong in your beliefs and follow the Bible or give in and conform to this world.

The choice is always up to you, but remember, if you choose this world you become an enemy to God!