Every Word

With everything taking place within the United States it’s easy to see how Christians will fall away from the Faith. Maybe it’s due to a lack of love for God, maybe because some are luke warm, maybe they’re afraid of persecution, maybe they’re a Christian in name only, or maybe they’re just to worldly and refuse to give it up.

But, now more than ever, we need to ensure we’re following the Word of God. That we’re putting Christ and His teachings to work in us. We’re memorizing scriptures and have made peace with the knowledge that some of us may be called to give our lives for Christ, just as He did for us. But remember what Christ said;

I have told you these things so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take courage; I have overcome the world!”

John 16:33

Be Prepared

With everything transpiring in our world today I believe it’s imperative for Christians to be ready for any type of persecution that may come our way. Corruption, wickedness and mockers are everywhere so Christians must be getting prepared for what will take place. This involves, building up your faith, standing in God’s word and memorizing scripture. But one of the most important scriptures to remember is;

A stark reminder we must keep the Faith regardless of what comes our way. Remember, Christ Jesus gave His life for us, we shouldn’t be afraid to do the same for Him. Defend the FAITH, Defend who Christ Jesus is and that He’s coming back. Don’t give in to what the world wants you to believe because if you do, and deny Him, the scriptures are clear, He will deny you!

Michigan House passes “Hate Speech” bill

The Michigan State Legislature is pushing forward a new “Hate Speech” bill that threatens anyone who speaks the truth on a variety of controversial and inherently offensive topics. The proposed legislation, HB 4474, does more than threaten the First Amendment and the free speech rights of Americans. The proposed legislation amends the state’s Ethnic Intimidation Act of 1988 – making it a “hate crime” if a person causes “severe mental anguish” to another individual……..People, you better wake up!

End Time Bible Prophecy

Memorizing Scripture

A couple of weeks ago I decided to implement a plan to help me memorize scripture. While I love reading and studying the Bible I believe it’s extremely important to have scriptures memorized. But it can be difficult so I thought I would share my process.

A few things I’ve found helpful, is to start with scriptures which you’re drawn to, start with shorter scriptures, and memorize one scripture per week. Since the first day of the week is Sunday for me, that’s usually when I will start and try to end it on the Sabbath. Of course, there are exceptions and if for some reason you find yourself straying from the process don’t beat yourself up, just start over.

First, Pray to God asking for help memorizing scripture then I use a large spiral notebook with lined pages and write the scripture location as the heading. Example, Luke 4:8

Next, I write the actual scripture in the lined body portion of the page underneath the heading.

And Jesus answered and said to him, Get behind Me, satan! For it is written, you shall worship the Lord your God and him only you shall serve. Luke 4:8

But to actually help me memorize the scripture, after I’ve written it down the first time, I will skip one line and rewrite it. I do this process over and over for a whole week on the same page I started with, the front, the back and even the next blank page if needed.

If for some reason I’m still having difficulty with this scripture I will change things up and go to a new one. If I still have time left within the week I will go back to the one I was having difficulty with and continue the same process as before. And if I still can’t get it I completely back away from it and return at a later date.

But there are other ways to help you memorize scripture you just need to find the one which works best for you. For me it’s writing the scripture then rewriting it over and over until it’s cemented into my brain. For you it maybe;

Using index cards. Write the verse on one side and the location on the backside.

Record your voice reading the scripture than while studying, relaxing or sleeping listen to your recording.

Meditate on the scripture during your one on one time.

Turn the scripture into a song. Now you don’t have to write your own music, use a tune that sticks in your head and apply the words. Select music that is catchy or upbeat to make the process easier.

But why should we memorize scripture anyway?

One of the main reasons to memorize scripture is because Jesus Himself, the Word of God, quoted scriptures throughout His ministry. It also helps us fight temptation by putting on the armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-20). It helps us live in obedience to God by following His word since we’re told to let the word of Christ dwell within us (Colossians 3:16). And of course, memorizing scriptures makes us a better witness to non-believers (1 Peter 3:15).

But I believe there’s another reason, because I believe a time is coming when the Bible will be a crime, Christian Churches will be closed down, and Christianity will no longer be tolerated. It will be a crime to own a Bible, a crime to mention the name Jesus and a crime to attend a Christian Church. And when you look at Bible Prophecy, specifically, the Book of Revelation it says;

When he opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain because of the word of God and the testimony they had maintained. They called out in a loud voice, How long, Sovereign Lord, holy and true, until you judge the inhabitants of the earth and avenge our blood? Then each of them was given a white robe, and they were told to wait a little longer, until the full number of their brothers and sisters, were killed just as they had been. Revelation 6:9-11

See what I mean? There will be more persecution, and this is another reason to memorize scriptures so that you can stand strong in your faith if and when that time comes.

Plus, memorizing scriptures reaffirms our faith, gives us peace of mind, gives us hope knowing the Lord Christ Jesus is coming again…..

List of Countries Persecuting Christians

I’ve posted before about the Open Door initiative watch list which is composed of many different countries where Chrisitians face the most extreme persecution. On January the 18th their new list came out for 2023 so I thought I would post this information.

Open Doors World Watch List 2023

Country Religion Type of Government

  1. North Korea – Agnosticism – Single Party Dictatorship
  2. Somalia – Islam – Federal Parliamentary Republic
  3. Yemen – Islam – In Transition
  4. Eritrea – Islam – Presidential Republic
  5. Libya – Islam – Transitional Government
  6. Nigeria – Christianity – Federal Presidential Republic
  7. Pakistan – Islam – Federal Parliamentary Republic
  8. Iran – Islam – Theocratic Republic
  9. Afganistan – Islam – Islamic Emirate of Afganistan
  10. Sudan – Islam – Presidential Republic
  11. India – Hinduism – Federal Parliamentary Republic
  12. Syria – Islam – Authoritarian Presidential Republic
  13. Saudi Arabia – Islam – Absolute Monarchy
  14. Myanmar – Buddism – Parliamentary Republic
  15. Maldives – Islam – Presidential Republic
  16. China – Agnosticism – Communist Party led state
  17. Mali – Islam – Semi-Presidential Republic
  18. Iraq – Islam – Federal Parliamentary Republic
  19. Algeria – Islam – Presidential Republic
  20. Mauritania – Islam – Presidential Republic
  21. Uzbekistan – Islam – Authoritarian Presidential Republic
  22. Colombia – Christianity – Presidential Republic
  23. Burkina Faso – Islam – Presidential Republic
  24. Central African Republic – Christianity – Presidential Republic
  25. Vietnam – Buddism – Communist State
  26. Turkmenistan – Islam – Authoritarian Presidential Republic
  27. Cuba – Christianity – Communist State
  28. Niger – Islam – Semi-Presidential Republic
  29. Morocco – Islam – Parliamentary Constitutional Monarchy
  30. Bangladesh – Islam – Parliamentary Republic
  31. Laos – Buddism – Communist State
  32. Mozambique – Christianity – Presidential Republic
  33. Indonesia – Islam – Presidential Republic
  34. Qatar – Islam – Absolute Monarchy
  35. Egypt – Islam – Presidential Republic
  36. Tunisia – Islam – Parliamentary Republic
  37. Congo DR (DRC) – Christianity – Semi-Presidential Republic
  38. Mexico – Christianity – Federal Presidential Republic
  39. Ethiopia – Christianity – Federal Parliamentary Republic
  40. Bhutan – Buddism – Constitutional Monarchy
  41. Turkey – Islam – Presidential Republic
  42. Comoros – Islam – Federal Presidential Republic
  43. Malaysia – Islam – Federal Parliamentary Constitutional Monarchy
  44. Tajikistan – Islam – Presidential Republic
  45. Cameroon – Christianity – Presidential Republic
  46. Brunei – Islam – Absolute Monarchy
  47. Oman – Islam – Absolute Monarchy
  48. Kazakhstan – Islam – Presidential Republic
  49. Jordan – Islam – Parliamentary Constitutional Monarchy
  50. Nicaragua – Christianity – Presidential Republic

Out of 50 countries 10 listed Christianity as their religion.

Out of 50 countries only 2 listed Agnosticism as their religion.

Out of 50 countries only 4 listed Buddism as their religion.

Out of 50 countries only 1 listed Hinduism as their religion.

Out of 50 countries 33 listed Islam as their religion.

What exactly does this mean for Christianity?

Unfortunately, the countries which list Christianity as their main religion are under attack. Nigeria, Mozambique, Niger, Ethiopia, Cameroon, Nicaragua, Central African Republic are all experiencing high levels of persecution including losing their livelihood, threatened, beaten, killed, houses burned, churches ransacked and torched with some pastors attacked or killed during services.

We need to pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ, we are ALL part of the Body of Christ, the Church and we must weep and pray for them. This breaks my heart and it shouldn’t be this way, but, the spirit of the antichrist is among us and it want stop until he has all the nations firmly within his grip.

If you think the US is immune, you better think again. We’re already starting to see pastors and Christians harassed for their belief. The persecution may look a little differently right now, but, with our border wide open you can bet what we’re seeing in other countries is headed to America!

But there is hope, hope in the Son of God called Jesus, Yeshua, the Messiah, the Anointed, the Chosen One, the Good Shepherd!