This Video Could Save Your Life

After watching this video you will never see the world the same again. If you’re struggling as a Christian, this is breaking Christian News that all Christians and non-believers need to be aware of. It could potentially save your life. If you’re a none believer, maybe it’s time for you to change your path and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. This video exposed a global plan for a one world government or as some call it, the Great Reset. You will see how some blaspheme God and the Lord Jesus Christ and consider the Bible as Fake News. Within the video it states unless you are in complete compliance with them, you will NOT be able to buy food, travel, go to the doctor, or be within society. This is prophecy found within the Bible speaking of the MARK OF THE BEAST!

Those who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, follow Him and refuse the mark of the Beast, will have eternal life. Unfortunately, many people walk blindly through this world never questioning anything, including Christians. They trust the government, doctors, and political leaders to lead them safely, however, these are mere men trying to be God. They have one agenda, a global governance. So watch this video through the lens of the Bible.

But remember;

We all have sinned, we all have turned away from God, so, God sent His son into the world to save us. We are God’s creation, made in His image. The Bible tells us;

So God’s Son, took on flesh and was born of a virgin. In Hebrew His name is Yeshua/Yehoshua the Mashiach (Messiah) of Natsareth, and in English, Jesus the Christ of Nazareth, whom we call Jesus Christ.

He preached to the Jewish people the need to repent of ones sins and turn back to God. And when you repent of your sins and believe in Him as the Son of God, the Lord Jesus the Christ, you would move from death to life. But this teaching went against the Jewish religious leaders of the time, so, together with the Roman empire they conspired to have the Lord put to death.

Christ was sacrificed on a tree, completely sinless and those who believe in Him His blood covers them through the Covenant. The Scripture reads;

But something amazing happened. On the 3rd day, the Lord Jesus Christ rose, the scriptures read;

Yes, Jesus rose and He ascended back into Heaven with God the Father. But there are many who still doubt this ever took place. But let me say this, there are thousands of people who have had a supernatural awakening, me included. The time is now to turn back to God before it’s too late! Our world is changing fast, things are happening that beyond man’s control. Put your faith in the ONLY one who can save you, the Lord Jesus Christ!

How do you know if you’ve sinned?
Have you ever told a lie?
Ever stole a piece of candy or taken money from your mom’s purse without asking?
Had sex before marriage?
Used God’s name as a cuss word?
Lusted for a new house, new car, new boyfriend or husband?

Many never realize that every action, every word, and even our thoughts can go against God. When we put our family, our wants and desires above God we’re guilty of idolatry! So Pray to Jesus, call out to Him, because religion can’t help you, only HE can!

Get on your knees, cry out to Jesus with a broken heart letting
him know you’re a sinner and you repent of all your sins. Name
every single one of them that you can remember. After you’ve
done this step, tell Him you believe in Him, you believe in His
name and you believe in the one who sent you. And you want
Him to be your Lord and Savior so you can follow in His footsteps.

Remember, Jesus is Lord and He is coming back!

The Brokenhearted

Believers Gather

Last night I was watching a sermon on youtube and slowly I began to drift off to sleep on our sofa. After that sermon ended another preacher I’ve watched in the past came on, so, my television was playing back to back sermons. Several times I would wake up but then immediately I would drift back back off. The last time I drifted off I began dreaming, and this is what I saw.

I saw myself along with others walking into this large room. But this room didn’t have painted walls are walls of a modern house, instead, it reminded me of a large, well lit cave. I followed the path inside the cave and people were standing on multi-levels facing all in the same direction. Similar to a stadium, but in this particular instance, it was a cave.

I knew exactly where my place was and I found myself walking up and standing next to a young girl maybe in her mid to late 20’s. I remember turning, looking at her, and with my left arm I reached out and hugged her. She was much shorter than myself but it was a moment of happiness, love and recognition of this young dark haired girl.

As we stood there I noticed this cave was completely hand carved from dirt and rock and it had a deep almost smooth clay coloring. All the believers were facing in the same direction, all standing in an orderly fashion on multi-tiered levels, there was complete silence, all of us was wearing what appeared to be sackcloth, we all seemed to be waiting in anticipation, there was a large bright light coming from the center of the room that illuminated everything, and more and more people were finding their way in. Then my dream ended. But the dream only ended because my husband was calling my name to wake me, so, I could go to the bedroom and sleep.

When I awoke this morning I immediately thought of two things. When I pray I often ask God to show me things of Himself or from the time when Yeshua (Jesus) lived among us. Not to prove anything, but, to actually be able to experience those things. God knows my heart and maybe that’s exactly what He was doing, allowing me to not only see but experience by being a part of something.

Because in this dream I actually walked into the room, found my place, and interacted with another person something which has never happened in the past. So it didn’t seem like an ordinary dream, instead, it felt as if I was a part of something which was taking place. I can’t say for certain what I was being shone only God knows, but, it’s definitely an experience that will stick with me forever.

But with all this said, it wasn’t my only dream, I also dreamed of sharing the gospel to a little girl, more about that in another post.

Flooding Again

The night before last during prayer time I had another vision of flooding. The vision appeared quickly two different times but I didn’t get an idea of the location because I was focusing on prayer, on God and on Jesus. Now, I know about the flooding in California, so, I’m not sure if this flooding is an extension of what’s happening there now and more is coming or if it’s somewhere else. I will be continuing to pray for this situation and I ask that y’all do to.

What I find interesting is, I was actually born in Sacramento California. Yep, see, I bet y’all thought I was just another redneck country bumpkin, lol. Although I was born there, my parents moved from California when I was only two years old. What’s even more interesting is I was adopted by my parents.

So get this, a SOUTHERN couple adopted a blonde hair, blue eyed baby girl from California who just happened to have a British accent. You heard me correctly, a British accent. Can you imagine the shock and confusion when I said my first word? LOL. To make a long story short, I attended speech therapy as a child and finally lost the British accent only to pick up the SOUTHERN one. But back to the flooding……

If you read my past flooding dream I made a remark about a dam being broken or opened, the location seemed to have a Northern feel and I said the flooding seemed to be in a wooded area which indicated to me there would be a River flooding.

Today as I was catching up on the news of the flooding that’s going on in California, the guy made the remark that a dam was about to break. I did some research online and found the flooding he was referring to is taking place in and around the Sacramento area which is North-Central California, two levees are confirmed breached, and those levee breaches are near Wilton roughly 30 minutes from Sacramento and the levees which were breached are located on the Cosumnes River.

When I saw all of this, it definitely reminded me of the Flooding Dream I had back in August. But why would God allow me to see all of this and not provide the actual location? God knows how I am. He knows I would do everything within my power to prevent a disaster, because I have in the past by making many phone calls to authority personnel. And ultimately it could go against His plans.

So, I believe I’m given these dreams and visions to edify the church, to provide enough information for non-believers that they would question their own belief system, and to help those who maybe straying from God get back on track.

But wherever you find yourself on the spectrum, understand this, I believe Jesus is coming back and it’s alot sooner than many realize. And just like my dream, Jesus is Coming, I can still hear my voice saying over and over, Jesus is coming, Jesus is Coming, Jesus is Coming!

Remember, all dreams are given through the Holy Spirit to be used for the Glory of God. Because God always warns people before He acts.

If you haven’t accepted Jesus the Christ as your Lord and Savior now would be a Good time. Turn to Godrepent of all sinsbelieve in Jesus as the son of God who came in the flesh by being born of a virginpaid the penalty for our sins by being crucified on the cross, and was resurrected on the third day.

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16

For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 6:23

Surely He took up our pain and bore our suffering, yet we considered Him punished by God, stricken by Him, and afflicted. But He was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on Him and by His wounds we are healed. We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way; and the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all. Isaiah 53:4-6

Jesus Is Coming

Couple of nights ago I had a dream that was different than what I’ve experienced in the past. And if it’s what I believe to be, than, I’m very excited. This is what happened.

I was positioned roughly 50 feet above the ground watching myself below. I appeared in an area which held 5 or 6 different bundles of tasks scattered along the floor. I watched myself rushing toward each of the areas to complete their task before something was to take place. But what was interesting, as I watched myself rushing around from task to task I could here myself saying, Jesus is coming, Jesus is coming. I remember saying this 5 or 6 different times then suddenly I disappeared. Next thing I saw was myself appearing in heaven like I was called up. I actually saw myself materialize there. In fact, I was so stunned that when I appeared, I was standing upright but had crouched my knees to brace myself as I landed and as soon as my feet landed on the floor of heaven, I immediately touched the outside of each leg with my hands. Then the dream ended.

Is this a sign that Jesus maybe coming sooner than we may think? Possibly, afterall, God always warns His people ahead of time what’s to take place. As the time draws nearer He may be warning His people to have their house in order before we’re caught up. To be firmly planted in Jesus teachings, His commands and in Him.

If you’re not right with God, if you haven’t accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior now is the time.

Thank you Lord God Almighty for your mercy, your grace and your love. To God I give all the glory!

God’s Spirit Poured Out

There seems to be an abundance of dreams, visions, and prophesy happening all around the world. I know the Holy Spirit has given this gift to many, but lately, it seems they’re everywhere. I’ve listened to a few of them on #youtube and must say some of them are similar to mine. More importantly, they’re inline with what the Bible teaches about #prophesy. Look what God tells His people in the Book of Joel;

And it shall come to pass afterward that I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall #dream #dreams, your young men shall see #visions. And also on My menservants and on My maidservants I pour out My Spirit in those days.

Joel 2:28,29

I’m very aware of the Biblical teaching that women are to stay quiet in the Church, however, when God pours out His Spirit, we’re told women will be prophesying, and as a Christian, my duty is to obey God, listen to His message and pay attention to His warnings.

Because the Church is going through Spiritual warfare. Christians are being hit from all directions with everything from critical race theory, abortion rights, the LGBTQ2 movement, to global warming. But understand, it’s not our job to judge this world for the wrongs they do. Look what the Apostle Paul says;

I wrote to you in my epistle not to keep company with sexually immoral people. Yet I certainly did not mean with the sexually immoral people of this world, or with the covetous, or extortioners, or idolaters, since then you would need to go out of the world. But now I have written to you not to keep company with anyone named a brother, who is sexually immoral, or covetous, or an idolater, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or an extortionernot even to eat with such a person. For what have I to do with judging those also who are outside? Do you not judge those who are inside? But those who are outside God judges. Therefore put away from yourselves the evil person.

1 Corinthians 5:9-13

As Christians it doesn’t matter what the world is doing, because God will judge the world. Our job is to keep the Church strong, keep the faith, maintain our focus, to remain in Christ, tell others of the Gospel of the Kingdom, and to help others who are struggling within the Church. But, if there is someone within the Church straying, then we are to approach them with a loving heart and gently show them the error of their ways. We are not called to judge them, but, to help them see the light. I leave you with the words of Christ;

Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

John 14:27

Flooding Update

On August 20th I posted an article about flooding and thought it may be in the Pennsylvania area, but, wasn’t certain because it had a Northern feel to it or at least from where I reside in Georgia.

Today I saw that Northwest Georgia, the state in which I live, received flooding. In fact, it’s so bad Governor Kemp has declared a flooding state of emergency. To read about it and see the video, click on the link below.

Flooding Emergency Declared Northwest Georgia

The Northern feel now makes sense, but, I still believe Pennsylvania will flood along with states that are situated close by. Time will tell!

Glory to God for ALWAYS providing warnings. Because a time is coming when the warnings will stop and it’ll be too late.

So repent of your sins, ask for forgiveness, live a Holy life and be a light in the darkness to others.


Before I awoke this morning I heard the words, “it’s a massive” and then I woke up. But as I was lying there thinking about those words, a #vision of a massive #flood appeared before my eyes. The #flooding takes place in a wooded area, which “usually” indicates a river flood. The water was very deep, rushing between the trees and the water was relatively clean. Just like the water in my picture above, the water I saw was very similar in color. As I looked at that rushing water a thought crossed my mind that this flooding may be caused from a dam either being opened up or a dam breaking, but, can’t say for certainity. What I will say is the water had a tremendous force which will impact the immediate area, those around it and below it.

This was completely different than the, Something’s Coming, dream because the terrain in this vision was wooded and green while the Something’s Coming was in a dry, drought ridden area. I’m unsure of the exact location, but, it seems to have a “Northern” feel to the area, at least from where I’m located in Georgia. Pennsylvania is my first candidate, but, it could be any area that has that same type of wooded feel and it may affect multiple states. At this point, I don’t know the exact location, but hopefully, before anything happens I’ll receive multiples warning with more details. If it follows the same pattern than more dreams and visions will occur. But, time will tell.

God “always” provides warnings through the #Bible, #dreams, #visions, prophetic words, or through His Church. We must pay attention, especially, during these troubled times and pray for what is about to happen. If you’re not in good standing with God, now’s the time to make things right. Turn from your ways, repent of your sins, believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of God, follow Christ teachings and glorify God in all that you do.

Because, unfortunately, when things go “wrong” in our lives we’re usually quick to blame God. We fail to realize that everything “negative” that happens to us is caused by the “evil choices” of others, our “own” mistakes or demonic spirits around us.

Just remember, it’s “easy to forget” how God can take a negative and turn it into a positive, “it’s easy to forget” His patience, “it’s easy to forget” His mercy, “it’s easy to forget” He loves us and “it’s easy to forget” his warnings!

When Jesus Cooked Dinner

I was reciting a scripture one night as I was trying to fall asleep and later that night I dreamed I was visited by Jesus. In my dream, He was cooking dinner for me and I remember standing there a little confused wondering what was happening. As I looked around I saw a package of meat on the counter which appeared to be steaks. But standing in front of the stove cooking was Jesus. I remember saying to Him, next time I can cook something for you cause I know how to cook. While, I couldn’t see his face directly I would receive flashes of him turning and smiling at me. But they were just that, flashes. So I knew this pleased him. Then I remember saying, I’m not a child and the next thing I knew He reached out and grabbed me around the waste and pulled me to him. He placed me on His hip just like you would a toddler, before placing me on His right shoulder. Once He placed me on His shoulder I remember tracing the outline of his ear. Then the dream ended.

A couple of things I do remember was that He was very tall and when he reached out and grabbed me his arm was long and His movement was lightening quick. Plus, while I knew it was my kitchen Jesus was cooking in, it had drastically changed. In the dream my kitchen looked like it was straight out of a magazine! Same layout just different fixtures.

What’s interesting to note is I probably would’ve chalked it up to just a dream, however, I soon realized this was an actual visitation by Jesus. Why?

Because Jesus stated in scripture that He would come in to anyone who opens the door when they hear his knock and He would dine with them. These are the very words of Jesus and for me that sealed it. Here’s the scripture I was quoting;

Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with me.

Revelation 3:20

I have quoted this scripture many times, especially, when having difficultly sleeping since it’s always been one of my favorites. But this was the first time Jesus actually appeared to me and fulfilled this scripture.

The Living Map

The Living Map

Before my husband and I moved to where we’re living today, we lived on the SW Coast of Florida. It was during our time in Florida when I had a dream that seemed very apocalyptic in nature, but, before the actual dream occurred I experienced other dreams where I would hear a soft voice saying to me; higher ground. The voice would appear soft, low and seemed almost genderless but with a touch of a male tone to it. I would wake up the next morning feeling a bit perplexed because the dream was nothing but the voice. I wasn’t scared, anxious or any feelings of doom, just puzzled.

Then late one night after falling to sleep I began to dream. I was in the heavens, it was dark out and I appeared at the edge of a huge room. This room didn’t have walls, it was completely open to the heavens and I stood at the very edge of that room waiting to be summed in.

As I stood there I saw three (3) men standing shoulder to shoulder, dressed in white robes with a white sash that was either plaided or twisted. Now the sash was positioned on the left side and hung down the front of the leg to around the knee area or maybe a little longer. Each of these men had a white beard with white hair. But they didn’t have a full head of hair it seemed each had a very receded hairline on the top and thin hair on the sides. And notice, I did say they had white hair not gray! As the men stood huddled together, staring at me and talking amongst themselves I immediately received the impression they were afraid of me.

Before I realized what was happening, I was completely on the other side of the room waiting while the men continued talking to decide who would be confronting me. Finally, the one in the center stepped out and headed toward an old wooden rectangular table that was positioned in the center of the room. As he stepped out, I began to move toward him and we met at the table. He held an old bronze looking candleholder and placed it over the map so I could see that the map was of the United States. He never spoke a word to me but would move the candle over the lower section of the United States which seemed to be Florida, lower parts of Georgia and maybe portions of South Carolina. What was so odd was when he placed the candle over those areas, I could see this map take on a life of it’s on. It was actually a living moving map!

I heard women screaming, I saw fires, people looting stores, I heard gunshots, explosions and people yelling at one another. It was total chaos! Then he would move the candle back toward the Tennessee area where I never heard any sounds but, saw complete darkness. This man continued moving the candle back and forth between these areas and then the dream ended.

My Thoughts

I’ve had some time to reflect on this dream and have had several realizations. The men dressed in white robes were prophets of God. They were completly dressed in white from their head to their feet, in fact, they reminded me of actual pictures of the Prophet Elijah and Elisha. While I don’t know who these men were, for some reason there was a need to show me this living map. Maybe they were warning me of what’s to come!