Boise Idaho Something’s Coming

Sometime between 9:05 am and 9:29 am this morning as I was lying in bed I had a very short vision. A map of the United States appeared before my eyes and I saw every state except Alaska and Hawaii. Before I realized what was happening I saw the map shift toward the Mountain Pacific time zone area. It was as if my eyes was literally flying up the map so quickly that all I could see were small black dots representing towns and cities because the names of them were blurred.

When I got close to the area that I was being warned of my eyes was pulled back so I could see the whole Pacific, Mountain time zone states again but from an angel that was slightly different than my first look. I could see all of the upper states to the lower ones within those time zones, then, as my eyes adjusted I saw a bullseye target set on or very, very close to the Boise Idaho area. I believe Boise Idaho is the main target, but, whatever happens will affect probably the many states within these two times zones. For those who live in or close to the Boise Idaho area, please be careful, stock up on food, water and make sure you have a safe place with the amenities to shelter in.

I wasn’t shown what will take place but something is going to shake up the area in and around Boise Idaho that could affect multiple cities and towns.

Pray for this area and as more unfolds I will keep everyone posted.

Flying Disk Dream

Early Friday morning after doing some reading in the Bible and doing some scripture memorization I decided it was time to go to bed. But before drifting off to sleep I kept reciting this new scripture because I really wanted to memorize it. The scripture I was quoting states;

The Angel of the Lord encamps all around those who fear Him, and He delivers them.
Psalms 34:7

As I was reciting this scripture I drifted off to sleep and had a dream which involved a flying disk. Something which I’ve never dreamed of in the past. In my dream I was awake, lying on my back on top of the covers of my bed, fully dressed, then turned to my left looking out the window. It was daylight, possibly early to mid afternoon, my curtains were opened so I could see everything perfectly. As I gazed out I saw a metallic flying disk hovering directly across from my window approximately 35 to 45 feet away. This disk appeared to have a slightly bluish-greenish tint, it didn’t make any sound, I saw no emissions from it, couldn’t see anything underneath the craft and since it appeared during daylight no lights were lit. The craft just hovered there as if waiting for me to see it, then the dream ended.

I awoke very perplexed, puzzled and wondering if this was connected to the scripture I was trying to memorize or if the Holy Spirit was showing me something that’s coming in the near future. Something that’s looming in our skies and will be making an appearance soon, something connected to fallen angels and a false UFO flag. The funny thing is, it was only one flying disk, it didn’t appear to be threatening, but, just hovered directly outside of my bedroom window. Now, the bedroom is where I do almost all of my praying, praising, studying and reading so, I’m not sure what to think. I am praying about this and will continue to seek additional information, hopefully, I’ll receive an update soon.

But don’t be anxious because we believe, trust, rely and hope in our Lord Christ Jesus who is coming soon. And if you don’t know Christ, get to know Him through the section entitled, The Gospel.

Catastrophic Flooding Update

August of last year I posted about a vision which involved flooding. I stated that I saw massive flooding in an area that was heavily wooded and I felt it had a “Northern” feel compared to where I’m located in Georgia. Pennsylvania was my first candidate but strongly felt it would affect multiple states around Pennsylvania that had that same type of wooded landscape. I also felt there maybe an issue with a dam, maybe they had to open a dam to prevent it’s failure or the dam may be in danger of breaking.

Recently, Vermont experienced catastrophic flooding along with flooding in Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maine and even parts of New York. In my vision the voice said it was “massive” and from the pictures online, that’s exactly what this event has turned out to be.

While people may not understand the reasons “why” these events take place God always provides warnings to His people. He doesn’t want us to be fearful or anxious but to put our total trust in Him.

Spiritual Gift Vision

Last night after reading in the Bible I spent time in prayer along with spending time praising and worshipping the Lord. While I was praising God, there were times I felt someone was helping me lift my right arm because I could feel a fluttering and a breeze underneath the area close to the elbow. The reason this is so interesting is for the past two weeks I’ve had issues with my right elbow. Anytime I stretch out the arm, reach for something or lift anything with a little weight it causes pain all around the elbow area. So for me what I experienced proves God is always with us even when we don’t ask for help, it’s given directly from Him or through the Holy Spirit. Amazingly, the Holy Spirit helped me keep my focus by lifting up my right arm so I could continue my praise and worship to Lord God Almighty, and, as wonderful as this was, the Holy Spirit wasn’t done.

I decided to meditate on the scripture which reads; For we walk by faith, not by sight. For me, this scripture offers such a reminder that everything I do in Christ is by faith, and not of myself. Eventually I decided it was time for bed so I laid down, turned half way toward my right side, placed a pillow behind my back, was still quoting scripture and offering praise when I felt the Holy Spirit moving. Periodically, I would close my eyes then open them because I felt like maybe when I opened my eyes, Jesus would appear. But that didn’t happen, but, what did occur was something totally unexpected.

As I was laying there, my head was turned a little toward my right shoulder when from the left side a hand came out of thin air holding a gift and placed it on my left side between the heart and neck area. I was completely stunned. The gift box was approximately 4 to 5 inches tall, 3 to 3.5 inches wide, was a light golden color with small designs on it, and had a ribbon wrapped around the box and tied in a bow on the lid.

I had never experienced anything of this nature, so, I thanked God for the gift, praised Him and waited. I was still replaying this over and over in my mind as I slowly drifted off to sleep. When I woke this morning, obviously, the gift wasn’t there than I realized, I had received a Spiritual Gift, supernaturally from the Holy Spirit.

What’s the gift? I don’t know but hopefully it will be revealed.

Did Jesus Wash My Foot?

So yesterday a couple of us was discussing some scriptures from one of my post which ended up leading to a wonderful discussion about the rapture. Now, I believe this is how we grow by being open to what others have to say, listening to their view point then comparing it to the scriptures. Afterall, this is what the Church is called to do, to be in unity with one another. Which means we must be willing to listen so we can be on the same page. So as I took the scriptures furnished to me by my beloved sister in Christ, Michele at Ride the Heavens, I prayed for Jesus to open my eyes to the truth and began reading the scriptures furnished.

She posted several scriptures for me to read and the first one I read was John 17:15, then Luke 17:17-21, and since I was still struggling with what she stated, today, I re-read John 17:15 and lastly I re-read the scripture I quoted in the post found in 1 Corinthians 15:35-58. As I laid on my bed with my eyes closed contemplating these scriptures, not only did I have an epiphany, but, I suddenly had a vision. This is what I saw;

I was seated in a chair in a room that was completely filled with bright white light and as I was sitting there a man approached me from my right side, He bent down, picked up my left foot and when I realized what He was about to do I tried to stop Him. But He wasn’t detered He kept focusing on His intention. Never looking at me or speaking to me. So I sat there and watched as He washed my foot, wiped it off then bent down and kissed the top of it. Then the vision ended.

I was so blown away by what had just happened that it took a minute to gather my thoughts and once I did I realized I could still feel the kiss on the top of my foot, in fact, I can still feel it.

As I think back on this vision, I realized, as I was seated in the chair I never turned my head to look as He approached. He just suddenly appeared. And the room was flooded with such a bright white light that it was impossible to tell exctly where He (Jesus) came from, because, He just suddenly apeared on my right side. And as He washed my foot I saw a bowl of water underneath my feet.

Talking about being overwhelmed with emotion…..

Desert Shopping Center

On Wednesday I posted about a dream I had entitled Believers Gather but in that post I made a statement that I also had another dream and it involved a little girl. So with that said this is what I dreamed.

I found myself sitting on the ground in front of a shopping center which was located possibly in another country, speaking to a young girl that was of Middle Eastern descent. This shopping center had no paved parking lot only a desert type dirt, in fact, I don’t even recall seeing any cars.

The young girl spoke English was somewhere between the ages of 9 to 11, and I could understand perfectly when she spoke to me. As we were doodling in the dirt with our fingers I asked her a question and she said she had to check with her mother and father so she took off running toward the shopping center and within a few moments she was back.

It was at this point I remember asking her if she knew what the Torah was, she responded yes and I began talking to her about it. Within seconds the dream ended.

This is the first time I’ve ever found myself in a dream witnessing to anyone, let alone, such a young child. I also found it fascinating that I would say the actual word, Torah, instead of Bible, since I’m not Jewish or fluent in the Hebrew language.

But God’s ways or not our ways and I’m sure He has His purpose for what transpired.

Believers Gather

Last night I was watching a sermon on youtube and slowly I began to drift off to sleep on our sofa. After that sermon ended another preacher I’ve watched in the past came on, so, my television was playing back to back sermons. Several times I would wake up but then immediately I would drift back back off. The last time I drifted off I began dreaming, and this is what I saw.

I saw myself along with others walking into this large room. But this room didn’t have painted walls are walls of a modern house, instead, it reminded me of a large, well lit cave. I followed the path inside the cave and people were standing on multi-levels facing all in the same direction. Similar to a stadium, but in this particular instance, it was a cave.

I knew exactly where my place was and I found myself walking up and standing next to a young girl maybe in her mid to late 20’s. I remember turning, looking at her, and with my left arm I reached out and hugged her. She was much shorter than myself but it was a moment of happiness, love and recognition of this young dark haired girl.

As we stood there I noticed this cave was completely hand carved from dirt and rock and it had a deep almost smooth clay coloring. All the believers were facing in the same direction, all standing in an orderly fashion on multi-tiered levels, there was complete silence, all of us was wearing what appeared to be sackcloth, we all seemed to be waiting in anticipation, there was a large bright light coming from the center of the room that illuminated everything, and more and more people were finding their way in. Then my dream ended. But the dream only ended because my husband was calling my name to wake me, so, I could go to the bedroom and sleep.

When I awoke this morning I immediately thought of two things. When I pray I often ask God to show me things of Himself or from the time when Yeshua (Jesus) lived among us. Not to prove anything, but, to actually be able to experience those things. God knows my heart and maybe that’s exactly what He was doing, allowing me to not only see but experience by being a part of something.

Because in this dream I actually walked into the room, found my place, and interacted with another person something which has never happened in the past. So it didn’t seem like an ordinary dream, instead, it felt as if I was a part of something which was taking place. I can’t say for certain what I was being shone only God knows, but, it’s definitely an experience that will stick with me forever.

But with all this said, it wasn’t my only dream, I also dreamed of sharing the gospel to a little girl, more about that in another post.

Collapsing City

Last night during prayer time I had a vision, and, as I tried to push it aside more images was given to me. Remember, all dreams and visions are given to edify the church and also as warnings so one can prepare themselves on a spiritual level. Regardless of how dark it may seem there is always hope in our Lord Christ Jesus. With that said, this is what I saw;

From a distance of roughly 50 feet in the air I was located above a city which seemed to have alot of trees surrounding and inside of it’s city limits. Located directly in front of me were small buildings and I could see what appeared to be plumes of smoke rising from them. I’m not sure if it was actual smoke because it seemed light in color instead of the darker color often associated with smoke. Which makes me wonder if these buildings were on fire OR if the plumes was left over dust rising caused from the buildings collapsing. But everywhere I looked, I saw these plumes throughout the city. In the distance to my right in the sky I saw what appeared to be a black flying object but the distance was so great it was hard to be certain what it was.

Then immediately to my right was a large building that had collapsed. This building was at least 5 stories high, lots of thick cement walls with all the floors appearing to be smashed together and the whole building seemed to buckle in the middle then land in a backward projection. I could even see what appeared to be cars around this building and it’s why I’m not sure if this is a multi-level parking garage or a large apartment building. But either way, the damage was catastrophic.

As I saw these images, I said to the Lord, “Lord people who read my blog will want to know where this is going to happen”, then a voice said to me, ___________ California.

Since I wasn’t actually expecting a response, the first word said was hidden from me, but, I was allowed to hear the name of the state and the name given was, California. While I wasn’t given the cause of this disaster, I will say, it did remind me alot of the buildings that collapsed during the Turkey earthquake. But with the object flying in the sky I just can’t say for certain if this disaster is caused by a natural disaster such as an earthquake or something more sinister.

I don’t know when this disaster will strike but it is coming, so, prepare your hearts by believing and trusting in the Lord Christ Jesus. That way when this disaster strikes your faith, hope and trust is in Him and He will be with you regardless of what happens.

On Their Way

Last night during prayer time I immediately saw an impression of what appeared to be an ancient city with a huge stone wall and a matching staircase attached to the left side of the wall, if you’re walking down it. The otherside of the staircase was completely open and the wall appeared to be approximately 3 to 4 stories tall with the staircase going all the way to the lower level. There was a group of people walking in a procession down the staircase, all wearing white with a gold looking sash around the waist and they seemed to be carrying something. I even remember saying, are they carrying something? Is that the Ark of the Covenant? Then the vision faded. I completed my prayers and turned to my nightly Bible reading.

After reading in the Book of Acts I laid down, fell asleep and somewhere very early in the a.m. I begin dreaming. I was in an area that I couldn’t make out but I could hear someone speaking to me. It was a male voice and he was saying, “They’re on their way, they’ll be there in 14 minutes. Again the voice said, “They’re on their way, they’ll be there in 14 minutes. Then the voice wanted me to repeat what he had told me and so I did. Then the dream ended.

I can’t recall ever having to repeat a message back, so, this was a bit puzzling for me, especially, the 14 minutes. So when I awoke I thought of the scripture, a day is like a 1000 years to God and a 1000 years is like a day (paraphrasing). But because he had me repeat the message it must be very, very, very important. I wasn’t told “who” was on their way, so I’m hoping the Holy Spirit will reveal more information within the next couple of days, otherwise, I’ll be constantly praying about this.

Playing in Heaven

I’ve never dreamed of seeing myself as a child so this was totally a new experience, but, a couple of weeks ago I had a dream I was a little girl and was running and playing outside in a large backyard area that was carpeted with lush green grass. The yard slanted downward, meaning it wasn’t a level yard. What was so interesting is I remember seeing myself run along this grassy area toward a litter of baby puppies that was lying together and as I approached them I remember saying baby puppies, in a child like manner, as I bent down to touch them. Then my attention turns away from the puppies and I start running to a different area where a litter of baby kittens were lying together and when I saw them I said, baby kitties. Then the dream ended.

The day was sunny with blue skies and not a cloud in the sky could be seen. But I did notice someone walking to the right of me at a safe distance behind as to not interfere with my exploring, It was a male figure dressed in a robe watching me as I ran up and down that grassy hillside like a wildchild. They never spoke, in fact, they didn’t interfere at all just watched as I ran around and played.

While I don’t recall anyone ever speaking to me, I do believe I was in heaven running around enjoying myself and having the time of my life outside in that picture perfect scene. The colors were vivid, it was peaceful, and the man reminded me of the same robe like figure that appeared when I dreamed about the valley of bones when I was approximately 8 years old.

When the Water Stops Flowing

Early this morning before I awoke sometime after daybreak(I believe the sun was already up), I had a short dream involving water so thought I would share what I saw.

Me and someone was standing on a bridge that is in real life located approximately 3 to 3.5 miles from me. The man was standing on the right side of the bridge looking at the water while I stood on the left side of it looking below.

As I stood on the bridge watching the flowing river I noticed the water was beginning to slowly dissipate and I could see the water level dropping. At that point I didn’t know what was happening so I continued standing there watching it. Puzzled, I made the remark to the man that the water level was dropping and ask what was happening on his side. I continued watching until the river had completely stopped flowing and as I continued gazing below a small dog standing close by jumped from the top of the bridge to the ground below. But, the bizzare thing was once the dog landed on what should’ve been a muddy ground that whole area turned into concrete, even the sides of it. But the dog landed and happily ran off.

It was at that point I walked over to the man’s side of the bridge to see if I could tell what was causing the water issue. But as I approached his side, the water level was deep, however, it did appear directly under the very edge of the bridge there was some sort of obstruction which was preventing the water from flowing to the other side of the bridge. At first I thought it was fallen trees and debris that had became entangled and blocked the water underneath, but then I realized, the water was dammed up.

Water shortage is coming so prepare as best you can, but remember, God is in CONTROL!

Remember, God is in control and He always warns His people ahead of time. Don’t be anxious but place your Hope, Trust and belief in His Son, Jesus(the Christ, the Messiah, Yeshua, the Good Shepherd), and He will guide, protect, and take care of His own. 

If you don’t know our Lord and Savior, there’s no better time like the present to learn about the, Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Dirty Murky Flooding

Two nights ago during prayer time I was given a vision. I tried to ignore it, but, it appeared a second time so I knew I had to acknowledge it.

The vision was very brief, but, I saw a wooded area that was flooded with murky, brown dirty standing water. This water had no movement to it, just seemed to be very still or dormant.

While I don’t know the location it did remind me of a rural wooded area or even a swampy, boggy area minus the green scum. Pray for this situation and remember Elohim (GOD) always provides warnings so HIS people can be prepared. And we always have HOPE in Yeshua (Jesus), the Messiah our Lord.

Turkey Children See Man in White

When Turkey and Syria experienced the devastating earthquakes my heart was so heavy and burdened. So I prayed as I knew hundreds of thousands other men and women would be praying also. But I was so torn up as I watched the images of children being rescued from the rumble and it just broke my heart to see what was happening to them.

Then yesterday I saw one of the stories floating around on the internet speaking about these children that was rescued days after the earthquakes. Many of these children spoke of a man dressed in white appearing, feeding them and giving them water. Right then I started praising the Lord. What a wonderful testimony to our Lord.

If you would like to read the story of the 6 year old girl who saw the Man in White I believe you will find it inspiring, full of hope and a reflection of God’s grace. You can also listen to Joel Richardson speak about this on his youtube channel. But, as you read, or listen to these testimonies, pay attention to how she describes him. Cause it sure reminds me of my vision I had entitled, Man in White.

Billowing Smoke

As I’ve stated before I have difficulty sleeping so it was after 3am before I went to bed and even then I tossed and turned. I had woken up early this morning somewhere between 7 and 8 then dozed back off. Around 9 I woke up, checked my phone for some gardening supplies then decided to try and sleep a little longer. So around 10:45 this morning as I was tossing and turning I had a vision and this is what I saw.

Position from above and to the right of me, I saw very very dark billowing clouds with a just a few lighter ones scattered along the top. These clouds were extremely thick, mostly dark with only a few lighter ones scattered at the top of the darker ones, had a very puffy appearance and I was so close to these clouds I could have reached out and touched them. Further away from me, but closer toward the ground within the cloud coverage, I could see what reminded me of red hot coals. You know when you use coals in a barbeque pit and those coals look like red hot embers. That’s what it reminded me of.

A volcano eruption with large billowing puffy clouds and multiple streams of lava flow is definitely what it reminded me of. But, since I couldn’t see through the smoke clearly and could only see the red hot flowing embers I can’t say absolutely that it was volcanic in nature. Could be due to a gas line explosion, to an earthquake which causes a domino affect. But whatever the case maybe, things are heating up.

Pray for this situation, ask for clarification and above everything else, make sure you’re following our Lord Christ Jesus. Remember, God, YHWH, is ALWAYS in control. And He gives these dreams, or visions, as warnings so His people will turn from their sinful ways, repent, and accept Jesus, Yeshua, as the Son of Christ and follow His teachings.

Now, more than ever we need to be looking to YHWH!