Hungering and Thirsting for Righteousness

When I look at our world today I see so much hate for all people and I begin to wonder as a believer in Christ Jesus why are Christians failing to follow what the Scriptures speak? Because, the Lord Jesus taught we are to love our enemy and we are called to pray for them when they persecute us. And it doesn’t matter if people are from Israel, Iran, China, Russia, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia or any place in the Middle East, the Americas or the UK, and it doesn’t matter the color of a person’s skin. We are ALL CREATED in the image of God! Followers of Christ are taught to love their fellow man, to speak no evil against them and not to repay insult with insult. But what I’m seeing all around the world is the exact opposite of what the Lord Christ Jesus spoke of. People are choosing sides between Israel and Iran, calling each other names and speaking evil against one another.

This hurts me so much seeing what is happening within the Christian community. It’s as if Christians have lost their love for Christ. Because as the Lord Jesus said, if you love Me, keep My commandments. And instead of hungering and thirsting for righteousness as the Lord Jesus spoke of, I see many drawing lines and taking sides. Please remember, we’re not called to get caught up in the politics of man, we’re called to live Holy before our God, because He is Holy.

How can we combat this?

Simply by following the Lord’s teachings. Meditate on these scriptures below and think about your actions and whether or not they align with the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ, they read;

For additional thought, read this scripture because for me, it really opened my eyes, it reads;

These Scriptures should scare ALL Christians, cause if we’re not adhering to the teachings Christ taught, what are we really doing?

Update On Black Sea

Yesterday I created a post entitled, “Strengthening the Black Sea” and didn’t understand what the dream meant.

After watching a Pre-Tribulation Rapture Christian movie, and looking at a Christian persecution video, the meaning was revealed.

I believe majority of the countries surrounding the Black Sea area will fall inline with Russia. And President Putin will secure this area and even possibly Ukraine. Unfortunately, this means Turkey as well.

This is the scenario I believe may happen, however, not a 100%.

Pray for this situation, pray for those being persecuted for Jesus and pray for Israel.

The Black Sea

Yesterday morning as I was trying to sleep I heard a voice say to me, “Strengthening the Black Sea.” As someone who has never traveled out of the United States I was completely dumbfounded by this. In fact, I had to pull up a map to see the exact location of it. And from what I could tell Ukraine sits primarily over the top of the Black Sea and shares coastlines with Russia, Georgia, Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania, and Moldova.

Guess things are about to take a turn!

War in America Dream

This is one of the most difficult post for me to write because with this particular dream something happens which America is not ready for and has never experience within our own borders. However, with the escalation between China, Iran, Russia, North Korea and the US it’s time to share my dream.

While living in Florida, before my husband and I moved to Georgia, I had an experienced which shook me. I saw myself sitting on the front steps of a large white building watching a regime of soliders marching in front of me. This white building felt like it was looming over me, the weather was pleasant, meaning warm but not hot, and as I sat on the steps, the soliders never looked my way, but, continued marching forward in unison. I also could see a bunch of trees which seemed as if we were in a rural area and the soliders uniforms were so different, unique.

The reason I know they were not from the US is I was told they were a regime, they wore camo outfits with capri type pants and a dark, dark green beret which had a red emblem located on the front. These outfits were totally different from uniforms of the US military. And, while I wasn’t told which country this invasion was coming from I do know it’s foreign.

What’s important to understand is, when we decided to move from Florida we were “actually” headed to Tennessee but after stopping to rest a few nights at a local motel we decided to say where we were. The location was great, only approximately 45 minutes from the Tennessee line and the mountain view was gorgeous. We found a lovely 2 story townhouse and moved in.

Usually, I write all the dreams down, date them and include anything that stands out in my dream journal so I can go back and read them from time to time. But, since I lost the journal during our move I wasn’t able to go back and read them, because, we packed in a hurry due to a hurricane. So, I hadn’t thought much about the dream until around April when I walked outside to my car to retrieve an item when the memory of the dream came flooding back.

My mind automatically went back to the scene where I was sitting on the front steps in front of a large white building watching the regime pass by. Then it hit me, this was the location of my dream! The large white building with the steps where I was sitting was “actually” our 2 story white townhouse. Now we live in a very small complex with a mixture of 20 townhomes and apartments but located across the small parking lot, is a group of pine trees, shrubs and hardwood which gives a rural feeling. When I realized this was the location, I got goose bumps! Below is a picture of our parking area and the wooded area across from the parking lot.

Now, we’re planning on moving because our lease is up in March of next year. The reason this is significant is if this invasion happens while we are still living at our “current” location it means the invasion would need to happen between now and March of next year “if” we move. I hope I’m wrong, but just in case, start preparing!

But as always, pray for God’s people and for His will to be done. Because it’s the pouring out of His spirit which provides these warnings. And if you don’t know Almighty God, YHWH, or His Son Jesus Christ, Yeshua, as your Lord and Savior there’s no better time like the present.

To receive salvation you must be born again and to be born again you must repent of your sins.

Repenting is easy, it’s just a prayer where you pour out your heart to God letting him know you’re sorry for your sins, let him know you love him with all your heart, all your soul and all your mind. And tell him your so thankful for his Son Jesus who died on the cross, the sacrificial lamb, for our sins, who rose on the 3rd day and ascended into Heaven. Let God know you believe in Him and you believe in Jesus as your Lord and Savior. And if you want that prayer to be even more powerful, kneel and name your sins to him. Then start reading the Bible and following Christ’s teachings.