Sexual Sins

Scripture memorization is extremely important to me to help when I’m fighting against Spiritual Warfare, so, I try to dedicate a portion of my day to learning scripture. Tonight as I was writing down scriptures I came across a few that really made me question where our culture is today. It’s no secret within the United States sin is completely off the charts, specifically, sexual immorality and lust. But it’s not just non-believers, unfortunately, there are many Christians struggling with this same issue. Whether it’s adultery, pornography, fornication, sexually promiscuous or the issue of lusting, it’s sin and considered wickedness to God. So as I was researching this topic I came across this scripture which reads;

It’s extremely important to remember who God is, He’s Holy, Divine and deserves respect along with our complete loyalty. Because He loved us so much He gave His only Son, the Lord Jesus, as a sacrifice for the penalty of our sin, death. It cost Christ His life just so we could be made right with God. If you’re a Christian please stop and think before you defile the body because scripture tells us God will destroy those who defile the body.