Truth Is

Christians, it’s time to stand firm on the Word of God, put on your Armor and speak God’s TRUTH. As Christians we’re not called to be ugly, hateful or disrespectful, but, we are called to Detest what is evil and Cling to what is good. We’re to love sincerely, from the heart and to be devoted to one another, like minded. More than ever it’s imperative to speak the TRUTH in love so those who are backsliding or don’t know Christ has an opportunity to seek Him before it’s too late.

But, the simple TRUTH IS, Science does NOT know how the world was created, but, as a Christian I do because God’s Word tells me, we’re intelligently Created by Him. TRUTH is, God made two genders, male and female. TRUTH IS, God made marriage between a man and a woman so they could procreate. TRUTH IS, abortion is murder regardless of how you look at it. TRUTH IS, the transgender ideology issue is merely people who are dealing with mental health issues or someone who has a demon. TRUTH IS, lawlessness and sin is completely unrestrained in America because people are choosing the ways of this world instead of following the Lord Jesus Christ. TRUTH IS, politicians are passing laws which goes against Christian values and are inline with this woke agenda. But look how the scriptures read;

Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for
whatever one sows, that will he also reap. For the
one who sows to his own flesh will from the
flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the
Spirit, will from the Spirit reap eternal life.
Galatians 6:7,8

You see, God will not allow Himself to be ridiculed or His Word to be treated with contempt or completely pushed aside. Because those who sow to their sinful flesh and live a worldly lifestyle will reap ruin and destruction. I urge all Christians to ensure they’re following The Way Christ Jesus gave us through His teachings along with His Apostles, instead of the ways of this world. Eat, sleep and breath the Lord Jesus, because, whether many realize or not, He is Coming Back!


Flee sexual immorality. Every sin that a man
does is outside the body, but he who commits
sexual immorality sins against his own body.

1 Corinthians 6:18

There’s no doubt we’re living in a perverse generation according to what the Bible tells me. Because when I read and study the Scriptures, it becomes clear our society is completely breaking down. Man has decided to turn away from God instead of turning too Him. I know this because within our culture today sexual immorality of all kinds is prevalent. Everything from adultery, being promiscuous, living together, pornography, same sex relationships, and the list continues to grow daily. But out of all the sins spoken of in the Bible, the only one which goes against the body is sexual immorality. Why is this? Because our bodies are the Temple of the Holy Spirit. Which means, everything we do, that does not align with scripture, we are putting the Holy Spirit through the same thing. Whether this is by thought, deed or watching these things in movies, we know it’s sinful. And as a Christian, this is absolutely mortifying to me.

My Prayer
Heavenly Father, as I approach Your throne of Glory and Grace, I pray for those who are struggling with sexual immorality of all kinds. I especially pray for Christians who are experiencing these issues and ask to open their eyes to this destructive, deadly path. Remove this stain from them so they can begin a time of healing filled with repentance. Lead them in your righteousness as they begin a new journey filled with love, praising, worshiping, praying and glorifying You. For those who are non-believers, I pray their hearts are humbled allowing them to realize just how much they’re in need of the Lord Jesus. All these things I pray, in Jesus name and through Him I pray…Amen

The Sinful Nature