Sexual Sins

Scripture memorization is extremely important to me to help when I’m fighting against Spiritual Warfare, so, I try to dedicate a portion of my day to learning scripture. Tonight as I was writing down scriptures I came across a few that really made me question where our culture is today. It’s no secret within the United States sin is completely off the charts, specifically, sexual immorality and lust. But it’s not just non-believers, unfortunately, there are many Christians struggling with this same issue. Whether it’s adultery, pornography, fornication, sexually promiscuous or the issue of lusting, it’s sin and considered wickedness to God. So as I was researching this topic I came across this scripture which reads;

It’s extremely important to remember who God is, He’s Holy, Divine and deserves respect along with our complete loyalty. Because He loved us so much He gave His only Son, the Lord Jesus, as a sacrifice for the penalty of our sin, death. It cost Christ His life just so we could be made right with God. If you’re a Christian please stop and think before you defile the body because scripture tells us God will destroy those who defile the body.

12 Steps to Solving Spiritual Problems (Christian Spiritual Audit)

Welcome to today’s blog post! I will dive into the topic of “spiritual audit” and how it relates to solving spiritual problems.

Now, you may be wondering what exactly a spiritual audit is. Well, let’s start by understanding the term “audit.” In the business world, companies often conduct audits to examine their financial records and ensure accuracy. Similarly, a spiritual audit involves examining our own lives with an unbiased lens.

As Christians, we are called to live a life that is pleasing to God. However, sometimes, we may face challenges or struggles that hinder us from doing so. This is where the spiritual audit comes in. It allows us to dissect these problems and uncover the root cause of them.

But unlike a business audit, the spiritual audit is not just about finding the problem and solving it. It’s also about understanding the underlying spiritual factors that may have influenced or contributed to the issue. Was it generational patterns? Or perhaps a result of our own sin OR an open door to the devil?

Asking ourselves these questions during the spiritual audit process can help us gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and our relationship with God. It also allows us to approach problem-solving in a systematic way, with vigor and intentionality.

Ready? Let’s go

Why I’m writing this post

As a Christian blogger, I am approached with questions on how to handle various spiritual problems and concerns. And let me tell you, I don’t take these questions lightly. I pray over the person and each email before I respond.❤ So, in short, I completely understand where people are coming from because I used to be in their shoes.

In 2012, I hosted a Pastor from Tanzania who was incredibly knowledgeable and had an answer for everything backed by the Holy Word. I became heavily dependent on her, constantly seeking her guidance and counsel at every turn.

But then, something happened. Her stay ended, and she moved on to other things, leaving me without my go-to source of spiritual direction. During this time, I realized the importance of developing my tools and skills for spiritual audit.

This post will outline my spiritual audit process, which is a method of dissecting and understanding spiritual problems in order to find solutions. And while I may not have a physical checklist to follow, I have developed my own strategy for tackling these issues in my head. I’ve attempted to write down this post to outline my thinking process.

As you continue to grow in your spiritual journey, you will also gain more confidence in handling these challenges.

An example of a spiritual audit

Sometime back, I was dealing with a spiritual warfare issue that needed resolution. I initially thought of going to the courts of heaven, but using the outline below (in my head LOL), the Lord directed me to go through a season of consecration. I got BIG WINS.

Friends, don’t assume the Lord will always direct you to fast, etc. He may give a multi-faceted approach (fasting + declaring the Word + courts of heaven etc.) OR a surprisingly different solution (backed by scripture) to solve your situation!

By sharing my own experiences and insights, I hope to help others gain a deeper understanding of how to approach and overcome their own spiritual struggles.

Important Note: ⚠ Please don’t view the steps below from a legalistic way. It’s merely a way to help you brainstorm and understand that YOU can confidently go to our Heavenly Father (through Jesus) and get a solution to your problem- with 0 earthly intermediaries. (Read Hebrews 4:14-16)

Step 1: Invite God to reveal any areas that need to be addressed.

Scripture: “Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” – Psalm 139:23-24

“Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.” – Psalm 51:10

These verses remind us of the importance of having a pure heart before God. They invite us to reflect on our inner selves and invite God to reveal any areas that may need to be addressed.

It prompts us to conduct a spiritual audit of our hearts and minds, allowing God to search us and bring any hidden issues to light.

Made of Still

Washing of Water

Renewing the Mind

What is a Woman?

Spiritual Warfare and Demons

Peace And Safety

It has come to my attention how many believers are under attack lately. Spiritual warfare on those who truly believe and are not merely identifying themselves as Christians without knowing Jesus personally. There are some who don’t know Him at all or only think they do,

Led by the Spirit

I decided to do something a little different than normal so instead of writing about a subject that’s on my mind and I’ve been reflecting on for the past couple of days, this evening, I was lead to just open the Bible and select the first scripture my eyes focused on. The scripture my eyes fell on reads;

Arise, shine; for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD has risen upon you. Isaiah 60:1 NAS

I see this more as a personal message for me. But to fully understand this particular scripture and how it may hold a message intended for me I decided to compare this scripture to my Amplied Bible. And this is the interpretation, which reads;

Arise [from Spiritual depression to a new life], shine [be radiant with the glory and brillance of the Lord]; for your light has come, and the glory and brillance of the Lord has risen upon you. Isaiah 60:1 AMP

When I read the Amplified Bible’s version of this scripture it really jumped out at me. And I knew the Holy Spirit was definitely sending me a message I needed to hear. Because today I took care of some household chores, watched a movie while playing an online game on my phone but once the movie ended I felt….bored…..listless. Guess I didn’t realize at the time but I was battling spiritual warfare, however, the Holy Spirit knew. It’s like He said,

“I gave you time to take care of your household chores, now, it’s time to get up and focus on the Lord.”

While I had no clue I was battling spiritual warfare, the Holy Spirit did so He sent this message in a way which I have never experienced before and one which I would understand.

Being Tempted

Being tempted is something all of us has wrestled with and experienced at one point in our lives. And, temptation comes in many different forms, so, what I experience may be completely different than what you experience. But we can empathize with one another when someone is warring with the flesh because it’s a form of spiritual warfare.

But why are we tempted in the first place? Does God tempt us? Does He just leave us to our own devices to contend with it? Look what James had to say about it;

Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am being tempted by God”; for God cannot be tempted by evil, and He Himself tempts no one. But each one is tempted when he is dragged away, enticed and and baited by his own desire. Then when the illicit desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and when sin has run its course, it gives birth to death.

James 1 :13-15

So what do we know? We know God doesn’t tempt people because He is Holy. We also know that temptation is from our own desires of the flesh. Since people are of the world they crave worldly things and we’re often tempted by them. But look what else the Bible says;

No temptation has overtaken or enticed you that is not common to human experience; but God is faithful, and He will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but along with the temptation He will provide the way out as well, so that you will be able to endure it.

1 Corinthians 10:13

God will provide a way out, but the key is knowing who God is, doing his will, accepting Jesus as the Son of God who died on the cross for our sins and accepting Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. Then get baptized in the name of God the Father, in Jesus Christ the Son of God and the Holy Spirit. Because once you’re baptized into the family of God, you’ll receive the Holy Spirit which guides and directs our steps. And of course, start reading the Bible because when we draw near to God, He draws near to us.

God tells us He will not allow us to be tempted beyond our ability, but of course, that chose is “always” up to you!