Update On Black Sea

Yesterday I created a post entitled, “Strengthening the Black Sea” and didn’t understand what the dream meant.

After watching a Pre-Tribulation Rapture Christian movie, and looking at a Christian persecution video, the meaning was revealed.

I believe majority of the countries surrounding the Black Sea area will fall inline with Russia. And President Putin will secure this area and even possibly Ukraine. Unfortunately, this means Turkey as well.

This is the scenario I believe may happen, however, not a 100%.

Pray for this situation, pray for those being persecuted for Jesus and pray for Israel.

The Black Sea

Yesterday morning as I was trying to sleep I heard a voice say to me, “Strengthening the Black Sea.” As someone who has never traveled out of the United States I was completely dumbfounded by this. In fact, I had to pull up a map to see the exact location of it. And from what I could tell Ukraine sits primarily over the top of the Black Sea and shares coastlines with Russia, Georgia, Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania, and Moldova.

Guess things are about to take a turn!