Don’t Dim the Light

As I continue my journey through the scriptures, I find it extremely interesting how everything Jesus taught, during His ministry on earth, man embraces the exact opposite. Because when Jesus began His teachings, He taught the Good News, or Good Message, of the Kingdom of God. That is, we are to repent of our sins, accept Jesus as the Son of God, the Messiah, turn away from all sin and live a life pleasing to God.

But in today’s culture, lawlessness is rampant, murder is through the roof, theft is becoming legal, drug use is at an all time high, same sex marriage is legalized, transgender ideology is ruling the nation, abortion is being contested up to the time of birth, legal entry is not required, children are being exploited and sold, euthanization is accepted in Oregon, Hawaii, Washington, Maine, Colorado, New Jersey, Washington DC, California, Vermont and will probably spread into more US states.

Does this sound like a nation following God, following the Good Message which Jesus taught?

And remember what the Apostle Paul told us, how man would be in the last days, it was part of his teachings to the Churches. While Christians have heard this scripture many, many times when you meditate and reflect on it and compare it to what we see in the world today, there’s no doubt, time is drawing near. The scripture I’m referring to reads;

If you take this scripture and apply it starting at the very top of our leadership to the very least of mankind, it paints a very dark picture.

But, Jesus instructed us to let our light shine and to not hide it. Which means, as a believer I must stand on God’s TRUTH. His truth is simple, to repent, turn from your old ways, believe in the only begotten Son, Christ Jesus and follow Him.