Your Past Victories Will Become Your Current Breakthroughs

Throughout biblical history the Lord continually exhorts His people to tell the stories of the miraculous victories that they have witnesses and testimonies of successes that they have experienced. They were instructed to their children— and then their children’s children. Why? Because the testimony of Jesus— regarding past victories and successes sets a foundation of faith for future victories and future generations. They prophesy of God’s faithfulness and favor into your life and the lives of those who hear them.

Throughout the Old Testament we read of monuments being erected in the place where a victory was won. Why? Because they created a place of remembrance. A monument is a place that declares God’s promise was fulfilled to those who dared to trust in Him and follow His ways.

All too often, even among believers, people live with a life perspective of “the glass half empty.” This perspective sets a precedent of believing for lack or for disappointment. Unfortunately, the enemy will see the other half of that glass that faith has not filled and use it as unoccupied space to reek havoc in a believer’s life. It’s like putting out a sign that says, “Open Season” to the powers and principalities that seek to devour you. Faith in God and in every word that He has ever spoken must fill the cup of our lives— leaving no space unoccupied or open to the enemy.

Faith and unbelief cannot coexist. Unbelief will seep into the purity of faith and pollute it. This will cause the believer to no longer recall the stories of victories in their lives but will create a focus on the disappointments, delays and what they perceive as personal failures. This focus will begin to drain the half filled cup of faith until unbelief becomes the only thing in the cup of their life.

There have been seasons of my life that surely could have set a precedent of defeat or unbelief, especially during my younger years. From dealing with years of infertility to financial struggles, to depression and even losing homes to fires— but my monuments were not laid in those places but rather in the place where the Lord brought miraculous victories amid impossible circumstances. I recount the miraculous adoption of our oldest daughter (and I mean MIRACULOUS!)…