The Warring Offsprings

Lately when I find myself watching television it’s usually programs which provide further information and understanding of what this world is currently experiencing from a Christian perspective. One of my favorites to watch is Skywatchtv on youtube, mainly, because they discuss everything from prophecy, current events, fallen angels, the tribulations, the missing years of Jesus, the Essenes and discuss the recent Dead Sea scroll finds.

But yesterday as I was watching a couple of their episodes a scripture came up several times which really caught my attention. The scripture in question reads;

And I will make enemies of you and the woman, and of your offspring and her descendant; He shall bruise you on the head, and you shall bruise Him on the heel. Genesis 3:15

This scripture is God talking to the serpent after Adam and Eve had eaten the forbidden fruit. But notice what it says, “And I will make enemies of you and the woman, and of your offspring and her descendant“. Did you catch that? God said, “Your offspring and her descendant“.

There’s two things within this scripture I noticed. First, the word descendant is written in singular form, meaning, one child. Second, God used the words, YOUR OFFSPRING, which means the serpent will also have an heir. And while I had to read this scripture several times, it does seem to be the first prophecy scripture pointing to Jesus (Yeshua) and the offspring of the serpent.

I had never really thought about it from this view point of the serpent having his own seed, but, after reading this scripture and the entire passage guess there’s more to the story than I actually realized.