Every Word

With everything taking place within the United States it’s easy to see how Christians will fall away from the Faith. Maybe it’s due to a lack of love for God, maybe because some are luke warm, maybe they’re afraid of persecution, maybe they’re a Christian in name only, or maybe they’re just to worldly and refuse to give it up.

But, now more than ever, we need to ensure we’re following the Word of God. That we’re putting Christ and His teachings to work in us. We’re memorizing scriptures and have made peace with the knowledge that some of us may be called to give our lives for Christ, just as He did for us. But remember what Christ said;

I have told you these things so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take courage; I have overcome the world!”

John 16:33

Be Still

Be still, and know that I Am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth!
Psalms 46:10

This morning as I was reflecting on this scripture, one of my thoughts was that it refers to praising God. And that’s definitely one way to apply it. But after doing a little research, I realized the word exalted reveals so much more. You see, the word exalted means to hold someone in high esteem and indicates someone you respect, cherish, admire, glorify, honor or regard with deep affection. It’s also used when someone is Holy, Divine or Sacred. So I begin to think as a Christian, how many of us truly apply each of these terms to God when we praise and worship Him. Because we know we can talk to God just like a close friend or family member at anytime. We can praise Him throughout the day whether we’re driving to work, sitting in a coffeeshop or making dinner. But unlike a close friend or family member it’s also important to remember who God truly is and ensure we acknowledge Him as Holy, Sovereign, Divine and unmistakably Omniscient.

My Prayer
Lord, have mercy on me, in my ignorance when I’ve sinned against you and failed to realize your absolute Holy and Divine nature. Forgive me for speaking words of arrogance, pride or thoughts that are unbecoming to You and who You truly are. Blot out worldly desires, renew my mind and replace them with Godly thoughts, actions and deeds that are reflective of Christ when He walked among us. I pray for a love that surpasses all understanding, a kind, gentle nature, the ability to forgive even in difficult times and a joy that fills me everyday. I trust the Holy Spirit to guide, teach, remind and keep me walking in Your Righteous Ways so I can produce good fruit that is consistent with your will. Thank you for loving me, thank you for the Lord Jesus, and thank you for the gift of Grace for all who believe. Amen

Division in the Church

The United States today is divided in almost every way possible. We’re divided over religion, ideologies, politics, science and the whole border issue. I’ve found that even Christians are divided by denominations, doctrines, and the scriptures themselves. But the Bible teaches all believers in the Lord Jesus should be of like mind, they read;

From the scriptures it’s pretty clear, Christ taught His Apostles to be of one mind. Maybe the reason we’re so divided today is because many lack true love for one another within the faith. And if there’s a lack of love for one another, how can we claim to love Jesus when we’re not following His example. Because if we truly love the Lord Jesus the way the Apostles loved Him and one another, there wouldn’t be any division among us today.

Don’t be deceived because a lack of love tends to lead to protests, riots, or convoys that have and are popping up all around our country. Since these protest have nothing to do with following the Lord Jesus and deal with worldly desires, they go completely against what Jesus taught. As Christians, we are called to be a peaceful, loving people regardless of what comes our way. We do not repay evil for evil, instead, we love even our enemies just as Christ loved those who persecuted Him. Confrontation is not part of the Christian faith, as believers we’re called to love, forgive, and treat others the way we want to be treated. But remember the words the Lord Jesus spoke about division, which states;

Now more than ever God is calling His people to walk in The Way of Righteousness, to turn from fleshly desires and turn back to Him. To come out of this world, repent of your sins, follow the Lord Jesus, worship God and live a life consistent with the sacrifice He made. Instead of listening to the world, be still and listen to God!