Beware, Christian Persecution

I’ve been preparing for this for awhile and it’s “why” I’ve spoken of false teachings, false prophets, and false doctrines so much. As Christians we know our “Christian brothers and sisters” are being persecuted in places such as Iran, Turkey and all of the Middle East.

Get your house in order, repent of any sins, pray for strength, don’t be afraid to share the “True Christian Faith”. You will either stand for Christ to DEATH, or, you will perish with those who go against Christ. I say this because of Pope Francis latest address to the United Arab Emirates called the Document on “Human Fraternity”. In this document #PopeFrancis mentions God, but, never Jesus Christ. People, we’re headed into a one world religion. We know from the scriptures in Revelation chapters 1 through 3 this was the very reason Christ had John address the Churches, to warn them and us, to turn from sin, focus on Christ and to get ready because the Church would be persecuted. That time is here, believe it or not, Christ Church in the US will be persecuted!

I want to leave you with a warning from two underground Christians in Iran which was videoed by Joel Richardson’s Ministry. Joel Richardson also has a Partner located in Israel at the Gaza Strip. They preach the word, work with missionaries in #islamic countries and do such amazing things. But the video I want to share with all Christians is below. Please take time to watch! Pray for our Christian Brothers and Sisters in other countries and share this video so we can warn others.

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