Reading the Bible Symbolically

Reading and understanding the Book of Revelation can often be a daunting task, but, the Bible does tell us that the Holy Spirit will guide, teach and direct us. He may lead us to someone that’s more knowledgeable but He will always teach us. But regardless, there is a rule of thumb when reading the Bible.

Regardless where you’re reading in the Bible, you should read the text as it is written without any symbolic interpretation UNLESS the Bible tells you to. Meaning, if the interpretation isn’t necessary you just read the text as it appears and don’t interpret it. If the text is symbolic, the scripture will interpret itself usually further down within the scriptures.

Let’s look at an example found in Revelation 11, which refers to the 2 witnesses.

And their dead bodies will lie in the street of the great city which is spiritually called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified. Revelation 11:8

So how would one interpret this scripture?

You don’t interpret it, instead, you read it just the way it’s written. This scripture is letting the reader know there will be 2 witnesses that will be killed and their bodies will remain in the street. But what else does it say? It says in the great city, which is spiritually called Sodom and Egypt, where our Lord was crucified.

How do we interpret the phrase, spiritually called Sodom and Egypt? Again, you don’t because if you continue reading the answer is provided. It provides the answer when it states, where also our Lord was crucified. Where was our Lord Jesus crucified? JERUSALEM.

Even within the different books of the prophets an angel would appear to interpret the prophet’s dream. So all one needs to do is continue reading and let the Bible guide you.

It’s important to understand one shouldn’t make assumptions when reading the Bible. We want to focus where the Bible focuses, and be silent when the bible is silent on any particular subject. When the Bible speaks symbolically, the text will interpret itself.

Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy!

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