How Islam Surrounds Israel

Yesterday I posted an article entitled, List of Countries Persecuting Christians, which was furnished by the Open Door Intiative. Today I wanted to discuss what else I see within this list that maybe a prelude to the future.

Open Doors World Watch List 2023

Country Religion Type of Government

  1. North Korea – Agnosticism – Single Party Dictatorship
  2. Somalia – Islam – Federal Parliamentary Republic
  3. Yemen – Islam – In Transition
  4. Eritrea – Islam – Presidential Republic
  5. Libya – Islam – Transitional Government
  6. Nigeria – Christianity – Federal Presidential Republic
  7. Pakistan – Islam – Federal Parliamentary Republic
  8. Iran – Islam – Theocratic Republic
  9. Afganistan – Islam – Islamic Emirate of Afganistan
  10. Sudan – Islam – Presidential Republic
  11. India – Hinduism – Federal Parliamentary Republic
  12. Syria – Islam – Authoritarian Presidential Republic
  13. Saudi Arabia – Islam – Absolute Monarchy
  14. Myanmar – Buddism – Parliamentary Republic
  15. Maldives – Islam – Presidential Republic
  16. China – Agnosticism – Communist Party led state
  17. Mali – Islam – Semi-Presidential Republic
  18. Iraq – Islam – Federal Parliamentary Republic
  19. Algeria – Islam – Presidential Republic
  20. Mauritania – Islam – Presidential Republic
  21. Uzbekistan – Islam – Authoritarian Presidential Republic
  22. Colombia – Christianity – Presidential Republic
  23. Burkina Faso – Islam – Presidential Republic
  24. Central African Republic – Christianity – Presidential Republic
  25. Vietnam – Buddism – Communist State
  26. Turkmenistan – Islam – Authoritarian Presidential Republic
  27. Cuba – Christianity – Communist State
  28. Niger – Islam – Semi-Presidential Republic
  29. Morocco – Islam – Parliamentary Constitutional Monarchy
  30. Bangladesh – Islam – Parliamentary Republic
  31. Laos – Buddism – Communist State
  32. Mozambique – Christianity – Presidential Republic
  33. Indonesia – Islam – Presidential Republic
  34. Qatar – Islam – Absolute Monarchy
  35. Egypt – Islam – Presidential Republic
  36. Tunisia – Islam – Parliamentary Republic
  37. Congo DR (DRC) – Christianity – Semi-Presidential Republic
  38. Mexico – Christianity – Federal Presidential Republic
  39. Ethiopia – Christianity – Federal Parliamentary Republic
  40. Bhutan – Buddism – Constitutional Monarchy
  41. Turkey – Islam – Presidential Republic
  42. Comoros – Islam – Federal Presidential Republic
  43. Malaysia – Islam – Federal Parliamentary Constitutional Monarchy
  44. Tajikistan – Islam – Presidential Republic
  45. Cameroon – Christianity – Presidential Republic
  46. Brunei – Islam – Absolute Monarchy
  47. Oman – Islam – Absolute Monarchy
  48. Kazakhstan – Islam – Presidential Republic
  49. Jordan – Islam – Parliamentary Constitutional Monarchy
  50. Nicaragua – Christianity – Presidential Republic

From this list, let’s look at only the countries that are the closest to Israel to see what their religious preference reflects.

  1. Lebanon – Islam
  2. Syria – Islam
  3. Egypt – Islam
  4. Saudi Arabia – Islam
  5. Sudan – Islam
  6. Eritrea – Islam
  7. Yemen – Islam
  8. Libya – Islam
  9. Ethiopia – Christianity (suffering persecution)
  10. Somalia – Islam
  11. Iraq – Islam
  12. Iran – Islam
  13. Turkeye – Islam
  14. Oman – Islam
  15. Jordan – Islam

If you turn to Ezekiel 38:2 the Prophet Ezekiel is prophesying against Gog, of the land of Magog, the Prince of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal. A little further down in Ezekiel 38:5 he prophesies that Persia, Ethiopia, and Libya are with them, all of them with shield and helmet. The ancient country Persia is today’s modern Iran.

Looking at the 2nd list Ethiopia is the only Christian nation that is close to Israel and, unfortuanately, many of the Christian residents are being persecuted. So when I look at this list, I believe Ethiopia will be forced to convert to the Islam religion leaving Israel completely surrounded by Muslims.

From the looks of the Middle East, it’s highly probable, the next big empire will revolve around the Islam religion. I’ve already seen articles stating Erdogan of Turkey is wanting to revive the Ottoman Empire.

The Ottoman Caliphate or Empire was created by Turkish tribes in Anatolia around the 13th century and it grew to be one of the most powerful empires for more than 600 years before it came to an end in 1922. Among some of the countries which were aligned with them were, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Asia Minor (Turkey), East Thrace, Iran, the Levant, Mesopotamia and the Socotra Archipelego, North Africa, the Caucasus, and Eastern Europe.

While I always believed Russia would be a part of the antichrist system I don’t believe it will be it’s leader. From everything I’ve read compared to how the way the Middle East is taking shape, and, if Erdogan has his way, the Ottoman Empire will be revived. Turkey will be it’s leader along with many of the other Muslim countries.

For an indepth study of where the sons of Japheth is located read the Table of Nations listed in Genesis 10, you may realize what you’ve been told throughout your lifetime regarding the nations of the End Times isn’t exactly correct. If one wants to know the truth, studying the Bible, instead of listening to man, is the best way to learn. Alot of false doctrines out there so beware…..

Because your soul may depend on it!

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