All Have Sinned

During my study in the Book of John yesterday a scripture popped into my mind that I couldn’t ignore. I’m sure the Holy Spirit placed it there for me to meditate and reflect on. And, maybe to view it from a different perspective instead of just reading the words. The scripture I’m referring to says;

For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, Romans 3:23

Definitely a scripture I believe all Christians agree and believe in, but, as I stopped to reflect upon this scripture it holds a deeper connection for me. You see, as a Christian I want everyone to know Jesus and the sacrifice He made for each of us on the cross. But this scripture says “we ALL have sinned and we ALL fall short of the glory of God“, which means we are ALL flawed. None of us are perfect and sometimes as a Christian, I struggle. It doesn’t mean I love Jesus any less, but, it does mean as a Christian I must keep my focus on Him because for now we’re still living in this world, although we’re not of the world, we do still live in it and if we’re not careful we can be influenced.

It also helped me understand that non-believers have their own struggles and if I’m trying to witness to someone the best way to do it is just by presenting the Gospel. Not by finger pointing and telling someone how bad they are, naming off every single sin, cause let’s face it, I’ve been there and know what that’s like. I’m not here to hurt that person, to tear them down or to play games with them.

You see, I’ve realized that my job is to plant the seed about the Gospel of Jesus in a loving biblical manner that displays the fruit of the Spirit, which is;

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. Galatians 5:22,23

When I read this scripture I can clearly see there is no finger pointing, there is no judging, there is no arrogance, there is no anger, there is no outspokenness and there is no game playing. I am called to plant the seed and let the Gospel of Jesus do what it was intended to do, save non-believers.

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