Four Crescent Moons

Last night before I laid down to sleep I practiced some scripture memorization, read in the Book of Enoch then switched to the Bible and did some reading in the Book of Acts, Romans and Psalm. Since I’m so drawn to the Book of Psalm I try to read at least one chapter before I fall to sleep. And of course during my prayer time I like to remind God, I’m His servant put here to do His will. And with that said, He sent me a dream along with an answer to something I’ve been praying about.

It appeared to be late evening or in the wee hours of the morning when I saw what looked like 4 (possibly 5 but believe I counted four), crescent moon signs sticking in the ground. Each sign was standing at different heights with a dull dark orange tint behind them. After briefly glancing at them, I looked at each of the signs starting with the far right, the shortest, and continued till I came to the last one standing in the center, the tallest.

Immediately after looking at these crescent moon signs I was taken to a bright sunny day location to pick up my children. As we got in the car and I started it up I realized it was packed with people. My husband was sitting in the passenger side, I was driving, and my children were sitting on the edge of the back seat leaning forward as they talked to us. But the car was packed with people I didn’t know and before I could put the car into reverse and hit the gas pedal it begin to roll backwards. My children and the other people began to panic wondering what was happening as it gained momentum and begin to speed up in a reverse projection. It was as if the car had a mind of it’s own, and, I couldn’t do anything to stop it. Then, the car begin to cross over the road and I thought we would crash, but, instead it was picked up.

All of a sudden the car started spinning round as it was caught inside of a white wind tunnel. I could hear and see the wind all around us, and even though it was loud it wasn’t destructive. The car was being controlled, never tipping, tilting, rolling over or anything of that nature, it remained completely level. Since there wasn’t any damaging issues with the car itself, we became calm inside and enjoyed a smooth and comfortable ride. Then one of my daughters stated, we’re going over the railroad tracks, it was at that point we were completely lifted up into the air and the dream ended.

I believe these crescent moon signs are literally “actual” signs that point to something “significant” taking place in September. Please, get your hearts right with God, study His word and do as Jesus taught, because, everything is about to change…

Remember, all dreams are given to edify the Church, pray and ask Jesus to provide the truth to you. Because our faith, our belief, our trust, and our hope is in Jesus, Yeshua, the Messiah, our Lord. God bless.

12 thoughts on “Four Crescent Moons

  1. Michele Sperber

    This is the interpretation that came for your dream Robin: The sun and moon spiritually represent revelation. The moon is a reflector of light that doesn’t originate in itself and comes when we are in darkness of understanding. It spiritually represents revelation that comes “outside” of ourselves like preaching, teaching and written messages by the body of Christ.

    A sign literally points to something, and spiritually it’s to the truth. In your dream, there were four moons and four is the number of creation which spiritually symbolizes the creative word that builds a strong foundation in us. Orange is the color that represents counsel which is red (understanding) and yellow (wisdom) together, and the moons being surrounded by a dull and dark tint shows that it was not clear to you.

    A crescent moon spiritually represents a revelation that’s either growing or waning, and that you were looking at the heights of the four moons indicates a raising up (a growing), not a diminishing of light (a waning.)

    Next you were brought to a bright sunny location (full revelation) to pick up your children which represent words of truth. When you got into your car, you (your soul) was driving with your husband (your spirit) going along on the passenger side. Your children taking the back seat means that the words of truth took a secondary position, but they were sitting on the edge of the seat and leaning “forward” which indicates a readiness to hear. The Lord says “I am the truth,” and lots of people being in the car represent the truths they have. A car is a symbol that means “life, person or ministry” and I see you carrying the truths these people have, but you aren’t in union with them in your innermost place shown by your saying that you didn’t know them.

    You were going to put the car in reverse (not go forward with the revelation given to you,) but it was taken out of your control. You were forced to reverse your position (roll back) and “cross over” where you were picked up by a powerful wind of the Spirit causing you to turn around and around and around. This has to do with your thinking, and afterwards the car was completely controlled by the Spirit leveling everything out which brought you peace. In the end you went over the railroad tracks and then were completely lifted up into the spirit (air.) According to “Understanding the Dreams You Dream” by Ira Milligan, railroad tracks represent “tradition.”
    So there you have what was given to me, and I pray it will minister to you. -Blessings and much, much love.

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    • robindd4l

      Hey sister Michele thank you so much for your interpretation. It’s true I’ve been going round and round over something until a couple of hours ago I was led to the truth by the Holy Spirit. My heart and spirit is finally content, the leveling out. Absolutely accurate!

      Thank you so much sister Michele your wisdom and knowledge is so uplifting very enduring to me. Lots and lots of 💕 and many, many blessings to you my beloved sister.

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  2. Kelly Rowe

    Very interesting. I looked up in my A to Z Dream Symbology Dictionary (by Barbee Breathitt, in case you want to get one) and it said that a crescent moon indicates the beginning or end of a season of time. Interesting that you saw four. It could be four months or years, seasons, etc. A dark tornado can represent spiritual warfare; judgment; trial; witchcraft; great or violent destruction. Under white tornado, it says: God is bringing a strong powerful wind of change into your situation, a violent, rotating column of the Spirit releasing great change; a spiritual force and angelic power coming from heaven to earth. Ps. 55:8. Your vehicle usually represents your ministry and all the people in it were probably people you minister to (or maybe Christians, as a whole). Going in reverse would seem to be a negative, but it was evident that the Lord was keeping you and the people in your vehicle safe, in the midst of the storm. Going up could represent the rapture or the Lord transporting you into some new place spiritually.

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    • robindd4l

      Yeah it was white, but, I noticed if you count those 4 crescent moons it puts us around the Feast of Trumpets. I believe the backwards projection is what’s happening in this world.

      I just saw where Troy Black posted a dream 2 weeks ago and in the dream He was told, Look up your redemption draws nigh, sometime in September. My dream is almost 3 weeks old, he shared his 2 weeks ago. Just believe something is coming.

      God bless you Kelly and also to your husband. Let me know if he dreams anything.

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      • Kelly Rowe

        Yes, Dutch Sheets also mentioned something coming in September, maybe the shaking. My husband had a dream the other day where he rode a train out west (it looked like California or that area). He said he saw many tornadoes and fires. I think there are definitely some shaking events coming.

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        • robindd4l

          Yeah I agree, I just had a dream this morning, and people was being warned of a catastrophe event. I saw in the neighborhood how people were panicking, they were packing up and headed for the mountains or to a different location. I heard this event would cause a fiery lava flow so deep that no one would survive in that area. I remember looking up at my surroundings and I noticed I was in a mountain area then in a valley between the mountains I saw what appeared to be a white city. It was totally chaos. Going to post it on the blog shortly, but, I believe something has shifted. I believe it was what my dream was about. The 4 crescent 🌙 moons are the warning signs before it takes place.

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