How We View Adultery

What would you say if I made the remark that almost every man and woman has committed adultery at least once in their life time. Would you agree or disagree? Seriously, if you’re being totally honest with yourself and God, how would you answer?

First, you would probably think, I’ve never committed adultery, so, why would you say such a thing? But, according to Jesus (Yehoshua/Yeshua), the way mankind defines adultery is totally different than the way He views it. You see, Jesus tells us;

You see, in our limited thinking we only view adultery as a ‘physical’ act, and, we believe it all starts in the mind, because, that’s where our thoughts come from. But Jesus, who knew the very essence of man didn’t teach it started in the mind, instead, He taught adultery starts in the heart! Jesus also stated;

See what I mean….

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