Jesus On Murder and Anger

Usually when one commits murder we view it as someone with deep seeded anger issues. Generally, these people may wear a façade so we’re unable to see what is hidden deep within them, causing many to miss important warning flags. And just like the story found in Genesis when Cain killed Abel, there was anger involved.

Cain and Abel both brought offerings to the Lord, but, the offering given by Abel was respected and the one given by Cain was not. This lead Cain to becoming annoyed, hostile and angry with his brother. But the Lord spoke to Cain about his offering and said;

Basically the Lord is saying by believing Him, doing what is acceptable and pleasing to Him Cain’s offering would be accepted, but, if he ignored the Lord’s instruction then sin would be there waiting for him. Unfortunately, Cain murdered his brother Abel out of jealousy, rage and anger which meant, he wasn’t able to overcome his anger.

I used the story of Cain and Abel as an illustration to complement what Jesus taught regarding murder and anger with your brother. Because Jesus said;

Since the Lord sees our heart, He knows everything about us. Our thoughts, our desires, and even our stumbling blocks. So, it shouldn’t be a surprise that Jesus, is teaching that we need to change how we interact with one another. Instead of allowing anger to consume us and fester within, we need to be proactive, seek that person out and make things right. Talk it out, apologize, do whatever it takes to keep the peace, because, sin is always waiting at the door! And remember what Jesus said;

When we listen and follow the Lord’s instruction, we’re accepted, but, if we choose to resist Him, sin will be there waiting…

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