Prayers of Peace

I decided on this title a while back. It is no secret that Jesus is coming back soon and today was the perfect day to publish prayers of peace. Not only what believers are in need of, but Israel after the attack and possibility of a looming war.

Jesus came and was not received by His own, but we were grafted into His covenant that includes peace, and it is a gift like no that that He left us in John 14:27, but we do have to receive it.

There is a time appointed, that the Jews would call a moedim. God has good plans for Israel still. But there will be a lot that happens, yet there are many who will come to know the Messiah and be saved, I believe before the Great Tribulation, as well as some during.

Many are unaware of prophetic words and the impact on all believers in all countries. But we should be praying for those in the government, military and leadership to make the best decisions and for protection of God’s people everywhere and that those hearts that will turn to Him will understand real peace by His Spirit.

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