Living as the World

2 thoughts on “Living as the World

  1. BT

    To live and walk in heavenly places causes us to be free from the turmoil of this chaotic world. It is through the warfare of the Spirit of Christ within that we find grace to touch the “Peace of God that passeth understanding”. The storm is coming to our land and we have time and grace to learn of Him now to walk “in our high places” in Him.

    Such a good word. They who walk and live in the natural have no resources to be free from the hatred and animosity of this world. The prayer of my heart is to no longer love my life unto death that I may honor Him who laid down His life for me. Easy words to say but His grace is sufficient for us to know the victory of Him over all the weakness of ourselves.


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    • robindd4l

      I agree, this hatred is being pushed all over social media, news outlet and governments. These are not what Christ taught, and it seems many Christians have forgotten this. Stay safe, continue to pray for the hearts of man to soften and turn to Christ Jesus. Thank you so much for the comment. Robin


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