Heartfelt Prayer Against Spirit of Offense

Hello Friends! As Christians, it is important for us to understand the meaning of “spirit of offense.”

This term refers to when we allow ourselves to become easily offended and hold onto that offense rather than letting go and forgiving.

If we look at the Greek root of offense via the Blue Letter Bible, we find the word skandalizō which means a stumbling block that can entice us to sin, cause us to fall away or judge others unfavorably!

So in short, the spirit of offense should not be taken lightly!

In this blog post, I will start off with scripture so that you understand what offense means, and then we will move over to the prayer.

Ready? Let’s go

Scripture anchors for the prayer against spirit of offense

In Mark 4:16-17 KJV, Jesus speaks about those who receive the Word with joy but have no root in themselves and endure only for a short time, as they are offended when tribulation or persecution arises. Verse 17 states, “When affliction or persecution ariseth for the word’s sake, immediately they are offended.” This shows us that allowing ourselves to be easily offended can hinder our spiritual growth and relationship with God.

In Matthew 24:10 KJV, Jesus also warns us about the dangers of offense, saying that many will be offended, betray, and hate one another in the last days. This is a warning for us to be on guard against the spirit of offense, as it can lead us down a destructive path.

Furthermore, in Luke 17:1-2, Jesus teaches us that it is impossible not to be offended in this world. But He also offers a solution in verse 3 – to forgive those who offend us and let go of our anger. This is because holding onto offense can prevent us from serving effectively, as it consumes our thoughts and emotions. It also leads to bitterness, which can poison our relationships and hinder our spiritual growth.

Moreover, holding onto offense gives the enemy a legal ground to block us from receiving God’s blessings in our lives. This is because when we refuse to forgive others, we are essentially blocking ourselves from receiving forgiveness from God (see Matthew 6:15). Therefore, it is crucial for us to pray for the strength and ability to forgive others, as well as ourselves, in order to break free from the spirit of offense.

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