Bitter for Sweet

It’s very heartbreaking for me what I see going on in our country. Everywhere I turn there’s nothing but chaos, lawlessness, filthiness, violence and darkness being pushed on those who choose to follow Christ Jesus. Even churches are turning from biblical doctrine and are embracing worldly ideologies, which, scripture tells us are merely doctrines of demons. All these things remind me of the scripture which reads;

Isn’t this exactly what we’re seeing take place today? As a Christian I have to follow what the Lord Jesus and His Apostles taught. Not to take on the ways of this world, the lust, the desires, pleasures or the hate which this world has. It also means I’m not called to buy guns for self defensive, to march in protest, to riot, to break into homes and businesses, instead, to keep my eyes on the Lord Jesus Christ and follow Him. The scripture reads;

For Christians who are following the ways of this world instead of Jesus Christ, REPENT while you still have an opportunity, because none of us know when He’s returning.

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