Do Not Be Deceived

Many times Christians tend to point fingers at others for their sin while completely disregarding their own. But as my momma used to say, you better clean up around your own doorsteps before telling others to clean up around theirs. Which is exactly what Jesus taught, remember, when He spoke about removing the plank from your brothers eye and ignoring the one in your own eye? Yes, Jesus taught against finger pointing, however, He did not teach against helping others see the error of their ways, as long, as it’s done in a gentle, loving manner and your own doorsteps are clean. Keep in mind what the scriptures say, which read;

Remember, God will not be mocked…Sin is sin and one of the worst is sexual immorality. Now, sexual immorality comes in many forms, everything from having lust in your heart for another, fornication, adultery, same sex relationships, Lewdness, Whoring or Prostituting, Rape, Exposing ones Private Parts or Voyeurism, and Incest. While this is not an exhaustive list it basically covers, everything experienced in our world today. As a Christian I’m not called to judge non-believers who are committing these sins, but, I am called to speak the Truth. As for Christians, we know sexual immorality is wrong and those who find themselves somewhere on the list, please repent because the scriptures read;

Sexual Sins

Scripture memorization is extremely important to me to help when I’m fighting against Spiritual Warfare, so, I try to dedicate a portion of my day to learning scripture. Tonight as I was writing down scriptures I came across a few that really made me question where our culture is today. It’s no secret within the United States sin is completely off the charts, specifically, sexual immorality and lust. But it’s not just non-believers, unfortunately, there are many Christians struggling with this same issue. Whether it’s adultery, pornography, fornication, sexually promiscuous or the issue of lusting, it’s sin and considered wickedness to God. So as I was researching this topic I came across this scripture which reads;

It’s extremely important to remember who God is, He’s Holy, Divine and deserves respect along with our complete loyalty. Because He loved us so much He gave His only Son, the Lord Jesus, as a sacrifice for the penalty of our sin, death. It cost Christ His life just so we could be made right with God. If you’re a Christian please stop and think before you defile the body because scripture tells us God will destroy those who defile the body.


My Prayer,
Heavenly Father, thank you so much for your Gift of Grace through faith and for the Lord Jesus Christ, your Son. It’s with a heavy heart I pray today, because, we see many Christians falling away from the Faith and choosing to live a life that is worldly instead of Godly. Some, are stuck in their walk unsure how to continue moving forward due to false doctrines being implemented in their Churches are dealing with these worldly ideologies being forced upon them. So I pray to help Christians who are struggling, who are living worldly lives that’s not consistent with Jesus teachings so they can repent of their past deeds and truly devote themselves to the Lord. Help us stay strong, to fight the good fight, never compromising or giving in. All these things we pray, in Jesus name and through Him I pray, Amen.

Work Hard Play Hard

Put to death, therefore, the
components of your earthly
nature: sexual immorality,
impurity, lust, evil desires, and

greed, which is idolatry.

Ephesians 4:32

One of my previous employments, as a administrative assistant, I found my boss often used the phrase, work hard, play hard. Since I worked in the purchasing department it meant we dealt with salesmen from all around the state. They would always tell stories of how my boss and some of the product salesman would go out and party together staying out till the wee hours of the night, and in some cases, all night. Making the next day a sunglass wearing work day due to too much alcohol, drugs, and partying with men and women. I was shocked when He told me he and his wife had an arrangement and I believe it was an open marriage situation. Which was odd since my boss also considered himself a Christian. But, when we look at the scriptures, we find this behavior is the exact opposite of what God expects. We’re not called to stay out all night drinking, partying, committing adultery, fornication or living life to it’s fullest, in fact, we’re called to do the exact opposite. When we believe in Jesus, and what He did for us on the cross, all we want to do is live for Him, to follow Him and sow good seed for the Lord. Our earthly nature no longer means anything, because it’s no longer about us, it’s all about the Lord Christ Jesus.

My Prayer
Lord God Almighty as I pray today I ask for your help so I can put to death any issues of my earthly nature that may cause behaviors that are unbecoming to you. Renew my mind so my thoughts are always focused on Christ Jesus and the works He wants me to do. Let the blood of Christ which was shed for my sins protect my mind from worldly temptations and the lust of the eyes. Don’t let everyday distractions such as work, family, health or financial issues cause me to stumble or fall. Let me walk by the Spirit so I can always project the love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control all Christians are called to exhibit. Lastly, keep me close so no one can snatch me out of your hand and let me offer words of encouragement, hope and life giving words that comfort and heal. Thank you for your love, compassion, mercy and Grace. These things I pray in Jesus name, Amen.

#partying #lifestyle #meditation #biblical meditation #JesusTheRighteousPath

How We View Adultery

What would you say if I made the remark that almost every man and woman has committed adultery at least once in their life time. Would you agree or disagree? Seriously, if you’re being totally honest with yourself and God, how would you answer?

First, you would probably think, I’ve never committed adultery, so, why would you say such a thing? But, according to Jesus (Yehoshua/Yeshua), the way mankind defines adultery is totally different than the way He views it. You see, Jesus tells us;

You see, in our limited thinking we only view adultery as a ‘physical’ act, and, we believe it all starts in the mind, because, that’s where our thoughts come from. But Jesus, who knew the very essence of man didn’t teach it started in the mind, instead, He taught adultery starts in the heart! Jesus also stated;

See what I mean….


When I first started reading the Bible I was surprised to read the scriptures on adultery and how Jesus viewed it. By His standards, probably, majority of us have already committed adultery without the actual physical act. Let’s look at Jesus teaching to understand;

You have heard that it was said, You shall not commit adultery. But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart. If your right eye causes you to stumble, gouge it out and throw it away.

Matthew 5:27,28

The act of adultery tears at the very fabric of families, but, to look at someone in a lustful manner, isn’t what the average person views as adultery. Yet, this is the very issue which Jesus is speaking of. Why? Maybe because lust comes from what our eyes see which can lead to shameful thoughts, shameful desires, shameful deeds and a loss of control over the body, heart and mind. When this happens we’re no longer walking in the Spirit, instead, we’re walking in the flesh. But look what else is said;

For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murders, acts of adultery, other immoral sexual acts, thefts, false testimonies, and slanderous statments. These are the things that defile the person; but to eat with unwashed hands does not defile the person.

Matthew 15:19,20

For those who claim to be Christians, but tend to live in the flesh, their hearts will reflect issues such as adultery, sexual immorality along with a host of other sins. Adultery destroys the character of a person and I believe this is one of the reasons the Bible teaches we are to guard ourselves, our eyes, our thoughts, our speech and our hearts.

If we don’t our relationship with God is at risk, and, before you know it our hearts become rebellious, hardened, unrepentative and we find ourselves living a life far from God.