Seattle Washington Attack

This evening somewhere around 9:20 I received a warning urging me to give a message to the followers of Christ, which states;

Tell my people… Bomb in Washington, expose the leftist party. Persecution coming soon, very soon. I asked when but was only told soon. I then received the message to, go, meaning to let everyone know what is going to take place.

Then I received the name of the city where the attack will take place, it was Seattle. Not sure what type of attack this will be, but believe military grade explosives will be involved.

Please pray about this, ask for clarification, and pray this plot will be exposed! Even as I’m typing this, I keep hearing the word EXPOSE, EXPOSE!

Remember, we are not to fear man, but, we are all called to follow the Lord Jesus Christ regardless where it leads us. Because He is the Way, the Truth and the Life and our great hope.

Please continue to pray!

This Video Could Save Your Life

After watching this video you will never see the world the same again. If you’re struggling as a Christian, this is breaking Christian News that all Christians and non-believers need to be aware of. It could potentially save your life. If you’re a none believer, maybe it’s time for you to change your path and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. This video exposed a global plan for a one world government or as some call it, the Great Reset. You will see how some blaspheme God and the Lord Jesus Christ and consider the Bible as Fake News. Within the video it states unless you are in complete compliance with them, you will NOT be able to buy food, travel, go to the doctor, or be within society. This is prophecy found within the Bible speaking of the MARK OF THE BEAST!

Those who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, follow Him and refuse the mark of the Beast, will have eternal life. Unfortunately, many people walk blindly through this world never questioning anything, including Christians. They trust the government, doctors, and political leaders to lead them safely, however, these are mere men trying to be God. They have one agenda, a global governance. So watch this video through the lens of the Bible.

But remember;

We all have sinned, we all have turned away from God, so, God sent His son into the world to save us. We are God’s creation, made in His image. The Bible tells us;

So God’s Son, took on flesh and was born of a virgin. In Hebrew His name is Yeshua/Yehoshua the Mashiach (Messiah) of Natsareth, and in English, Jesus the Christ of Nazareth, whom we call Jesus Christ.

He preached to the Jewish people the need to repent of ones sins and turn back to God. And when you repent of your sins and believe in Him as the Son of God, the Lord Jesus the Christ, you would move from death to life. But this teaching went against the Jewish religious leaders of the time, so, together with the Roman empire they conspired to have the Lord put to death.

Christ was sacrificed on a tree, completely sinless and those who believe in Him His blood covers them through the Covenant. The Scripture reads;

But something amazing happened. On the 3rd day, the Lord Jesus Christ rose, the scriptures read;

Yes, Jesus rose and He ascended back into Heaven with God the Father. But there are many who still doubt this ever took place. But let me say this, there are thousands of people who have had a supernatural awakening, me included. The time is now to turn back to God before it’s too late! Our world is changing fast, things are happening that beyond man’s control. Put your faith in the ONLY one who can save you, the Lord Jesus Christ!

How do you know if you’ve sinned?
Have you ever told a lie?
Ever stole a piece of candy or taken money from your mom’s purse without asking?
Had sex before marriage?
Used God’s name as a cuss word?
Lusted for a new house, new car, new boyfriend or husband?

Many never realize that every action, every word, and even our thoughts can go against God. When we put our family, our wants and desires above God we’re guilty of idolatry! So Pray to Jesus, call out to Him, because religion can’t help you, only HE can!

Get on your knees, cry out to Jesus with a broken heart letting
him know you’re a sinner and you repent of all your sins. Name
every single one of them that you can remember. After you’ve
done this step, tell Him you believe in Him, you believe in His
name and you believe in the one who sent you. And you want
Him to be your Lord and Savior so you can follow in His footsteps.

Remember, Jesus is Lord and He is coming back!

The World Isn’t Ready

Listen to what I’m saying, people need to be prepared for what’s about to take place. The reason I believe this is something bigger is because several days after the, When God Harvest, dream a voice spoke to me and stated, They will try to hide it.

Be ready cause events are happening!

When Love is Absent

Pray for a Godly President

Christians Shouldn’t Protest

Darkness is Coming

The night before last I had a dream which details something that is headed our way along with a very short message, this is what I saw.

I appeared somewhere in Florida on a bright sunny day where a small group of young people decided to call in sick to work and head for the Keys, this could could represent Key West or an area with Key in it. I watched as their car drove down the road when suddenly my position changed and I was positioned above the waters approximately 50 to 100 feet away from the middle of the bridge which connects to the Keys. As I watched the car make it’s way along the bridge, I was taken to another location.

At the new location I saw another group of young people climbing up a steep rocky cliff that was mixed with a bit of sand which reminded me of Hawaii. The reason I noticed the terrain is because the last person climbing up the cliff would place their hand in the spot that the previous climber had stepped in. As I watched the last person climb up I could see how the ground was a gravel and sand mixture and how it didn’t hold the footprints due to it being loose. They had to be very careful climbing up this cliff to keep from slipping. But within a few moments the last climber reached the top and lifted the top half of their body onto the level area and kind of laid over it as if they were exhausted. The other two guys were watching and I saw one bending down as if to help lift the other person to the top. Then, the scene changed again.

Suddenly, I was in the atmosphere and watched as the bright sunny day turn into absolute blackness. This wasn’t a storm and the sky wasn’t dark, it was pitch black. As in the middle of the night black, but with no stars are moon for light. Then I saw something puzzling.

I saw an object which appeared to look like a asteroid, but, with differences. This object which appeared to be an asteroid was very rocky, with a reddish brown look, was a thinner, flatter type asteroid then what we normally picture. It also was surrounded by many smaller reddish brown rocks completely encircling the larger one. But in the middle of the larger object I saw a man driving it. The driver had on some sort of white suit and I could see him, along with another person who seemed to be located in the far back.

And I heard in my spirit, man is driving this! Over and over the voice kept saying this until I woke up.

So something is coming that will happen in the middle of a bright sunny day and blackness will completely take over the sky, then, an object similar to an asteroid will be visible. Whether it’s an ACTUAL asteroid sent as a WAKE UP CALL to man, OR, something MAN CREATED to LOOK like an asteroid OR even a FAKE Alien invasion, I’m not entirely certain. But either way, the WARNING message is quite clear, MAN IS DRIVING THIS!

These dreams are not sent to scare you, but, to prepare you for what is coming. If you don’t know the Lord Christ Jesus, now would be a good time to get to know Him and learn about Salvation. Christ is calling all sinners to REPENT of their sin and for Christians who are living a worldly lifestyle, to change. Because He is coming back and it’s a LOT sooner than many realize.

Catastrophic Flooding Update

August of last year I posted about a vision which involved flooding. I stated that I saw massive flooding in an area that was heavily wooded and I felt it had a “Northern” feel compared to where I’m located in Georgia. Pennsylvania was my first candidate but strongly felt it would affect multiple states around Pennsylvania that had that same type of wooded landscape. I also felt there maybe an issue with a dam, maybe they had to open a dam to prevent it’s failure or the dam may be in danger of breaking.

Recently, Vermont experienced catastrophic flooding along with flooding in Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maine and even parts of New York. In my vision the voice said it was “massive” and from the pictures online, that’s exactly what this event has turned out to be.

While people may not understand the reasons “why” these events take place God always provides warnings to His people. He doesn’t want us to be fearful or anxious but to put our total trust in Him.

In three days, Jesus looked deep into his eyes

This is what I’m referring to when I say more and more Muslims are turning to our Lord Christ Jesus. Kareem’s story is inspirational and for those who are non-believers how could they possibly explain this. Please take the time to read what Kareem has to say, and, pay attention how Jesus appeared to him…

Come back victorious or dead, Kareem’s mother told him.

“My mom used to pray for me and say, Kareem, may I see you a leader one day coming with victory for Islam,” he recounts on a One For Israel video on YouTube, “or a leader who is coming back dead.”

Kareem imbibed the fanaticism.

“In the Koran, we grow up with two things. First, you should give your life to (Allah). Second, you should defeat Jews and Christians,”

Mustard Seed Budget

Mankind’s Coming Fall

Just as in the days of Noah when God (the Great I Am) saw how wicked mankind had become on earth HE sent a flood to wipe out the human race, with the exception of Noah and his family. Obviously, it was a combination of things that caused this, the angels mating with women creating giants, along with, mans every thought and imagination which was consistently evil. And while mankind has come a long way from the days of old you can still see the wickedness, and evil that runs rampant in our world today. But there are those who believe the human race needs to be exterminated, euthanized and even genetically modified.

You see the elites of this world, the WEF, UN, the G7, the government powers, the banking moguls, computer wizards, the freemasons, the illuminati (and yes they still exist), and elite environmentalist are plotting against humanity, against God’s creation all in the name of transhumanism. They believe they can create a superior race by genetically modifying mankind and by merging humans with artifical intelligence. Some of these people actually believe they are gods, just as in ancient times when the romans believed they were gods.

But when man believes he is his own god and fails to praise and worship the REAL GOD (the GREAT I AM) mankind soon falls. God will NOT be mocked! Do NOT be deceived by these people, because they care only for themselves. It’s why we’re seeing the constant stream of lawlessness, corruption, and those who believe they are BEYOND the law.

So in the video below, pay close attention to the words that Yuval Noah Harari (Klaus Schwab advisor) chooses to use. It’s time the church wakes up, otherwise, many WILL perish!

These people represent what happens when God is taken out of everything. We need to pray for these people, for God to open their eyes to HIS perfect plan. And remember, iron and clay don’t mix!

Just sayin……

The Great Reset Farce

Today I was watching a documentary regarding the great reset and it just proves how insanely manipulative, controlling, and totalitarian these people really are. Klaus Schwab is the founder of the World Economic Forum and he has written numerous books detailing his plan for the great reset, but, it was Al Gore who’s been a long time advocative of global warming and is the one who really brought this to the forefront in the US. The WEF is working hand in hand with governments all around the world to take away peoples FREEDOM, their RIGHTS, their LAND, their FOOD SOURCES, their NATURAL GAS, their WAY OF LIFE all in the name of climate change.

While I do believe we should be respectful of our environment, since GOD created it, I’m opposed to any green new deal that comes at the cost of human lives. And unfortunately, this is exactly what the WEF, the elitist, the globalist, the leftist, the governments and leaders are about. They value money, power, and climate over mankind.

Ask yourself, why would ANY sitting US president support such a foreign entity and idea? And why would they want to create a economic system resembling the republic of China?

If they were really concerned about the environment they would urge governments to work together to bring clean drinking water to those less fortunate, help with sustainable farming, help those living in poverty and oppression, to build shelters for the homeless, provide drug rehabilitation facilities for those with addictions and stop flying in their multimillion dollar jets burning fossil fuels which releases CO2 emissions.

And remember what the Bible says about the fruit of the spirit;

But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. Galatians 5:22,23

But instead, they’re concerned with…….

Climate control!

A Fake UFO Invasion

Have you really given any thought to this whole UFO issue and why all of a sudden the government has released declassified documents to the general public? Is the government trying to create a false flag operation? Because when you think about it, wouldn’t this be the perfect scam for governments to gain total control over the population?

Afterall, the governments would unite to fight against them, all in the name of saving humanity. What better way to create a one world government than through a global threat to humanity instead of the climate control lie. Everyone would be praising the government for standing up to fight against this threat.

But is that really the case? What if the threat is really coming from our governments? That the “deep state” is the ones planning destruction against their own people.

I bring this up because of an recent interview I watched with a retired 25 year veteran FBI agent who was recently on the Redacted show. He stated governments have an agenda and will use a “fake” alien invasion to destroy cities as a way to control the population. Do you understand, governments allowing the “Deep State” to kill hundreds of thousands of people just to gain total control. If that’s not demonic I don’t know what is!

He also stated “aliens” are real, that they’re filled with light, can manifest in our world for a short period of time, they’re not solid like a person, and are here to help us. This FBI agent goes on to provide several instances where he states these beings appeared and intervened in human activities shutting off nuclear facilities.

But, is it really aliens?

Because the Bible does give descriptions of some of God’s Angels and if one didn’t know any better, they could be viewed as an alien spaceship. For instance, the Prophet Ezekiel says;

As I looked, behold, a high wind was coming from the north, a great cloud with fire flashing intermittently and a bright light around it, and in its midst something like gleaming metal in the midst of the fire. And within it there were figures resembling four living beings. And this was their appearance: they had human form. Ezekiel 1:4,5

We’ve been preconditioned to believe that an alien invasion is imminent and we must fight them to save the human race. I bring this up because Christians know there are demonic spirits which will try to deceive mankind into believing they’re here to help us, when in fact, they’re goal is to manipulate and deceive. And what does the Bible say about satan?

No wonder for even satan disguises himself as an angel of light. Therefore it is not surprising if his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness, whose end will be according to their deeds. 2Corinthians 11:14,15

I believe it’s possible God sends angels to protect us during uncertain times, but, I don’t believe they would be interacting with government agents. However, I do believe it’s possible these Government agents were deceived by demonic entities. While we may never know the exact truth of these entities we are warned of deceiving spirits.

People, be careful believing the whole UFO/UAP scenario because many will be manipulated and deceived!

Update On Black Sea

Yesterday I created a post entitled, “Strengthening the Black Sea” and didn’t understand what the dream meant.

After watching a Pre-Tribulation Rapture Christian movie, and looking at a Christian persecution video, the meaning was revealed.

I believe majority of the countries surrounding the Black Sea area will fall inline with Russia. And President Putin will secure this area and even possibly Ukraine. Unfortunately, this means Turkey as well.

This is the scenario I believe may happen, however, not a 100%.

Pray for this situation, pray for those being persecuted for Jesus and pray for Israel.