Mankind’s Coming Fall

Just as in the days of Noah when God (Yaweh, Elohim, Jehovah) saw how wicked mankind had become on earth HE sent a flood to wipe out the human race, with the exception of Noah and his family. Obviously, it was a combination of things that caused this, the angels mating with women creating giants, along with, mans every thought and imagination which was consistently evil. And while mankind has come a long way from the days of old you can still see the wickedness, and evil that runs rampant in our world today. But there are those who believe the human race needs to be exterminated, euthanized and even genetically modified.

You see the elites of this world, the WEF, UN, the G7, the government powers, the banking moguls, computer wizards, the freemasons, the illuminati (and yes they still exist), and elite environmentalist are plotting against humanity, against God’s creation all in the name of transhumanism. They believe they can create a superior race by genetically modifying mankind and by merging humans with artifical intelligence. Some of these people actually believe they are gods, just as in ancient times when the romans believed they were gods.

But when man believes he is his own god and fails to praise and worship the REAL GOD (YAWEH, Jehovah, the GREAT I AM) mankind soon falls. God will NOT be mocked! Do NOT be deceived by these people, because they care only for themselves. It’s why we’re seeing the constant stream of lawlessness, corruption, and those who believe they are BEYOND the law.

So in the video below, pay close attention to the words that Yuval Noah Harari (Klaus Schwab advisor) chooses to use. It’s time the church wakes up, otherwise, many WILL perish!

These people represent what happens when God is taken out of everything. We need to pray for these people, for God to open their eyes to HIS perfect plan. And remember, iron and clay don’t mix!

Just sayin……

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