The Beast System is Coming

A few moments ago I came across this video on YouTube and I encourage everyone to watch because it deals with the #beast system which is now beginning to show up in Circle K’s all around the US along with other retail locations. I’ve stated several times I believe we are in the beginning of the tribulations because of the very words Jesus spoke, which says;

For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are but the beginnings of birth pains.

Matthew 24:7,8 (ESV)

If you’ve read my post entitled, We’re in the Beginning of Tribulation, you’ll understand the reason I feel this way. But ask yourself, why would all these different stores be putting in high tech scanning equipment unless the beast system is getting ready to be implemented? And notice what Chelsi said, the cashier stated, they could scan an arm or hand.

From the very beginning I’ve watched this push for a global governance by the WEF along with others when they pushed for the Great Reset. And in the Book of Revelation it speaks of this very thing when it speaks of the mark that will be implemented. No one will be able to buy are sell unless they have the mark which also means the antichrist will be a global leader and the power he received is probably given to him by the likes of #Klaus Schwab, #Bill Gates and other elitist or in other words the WEF, UN, WHO will all be in unison regarding this man.

So yes, we’re in the start of the #tribulation period which last for 7 years and we were warned to be aware of these #EndTimeSigns. The great tribulation doesn’t occur until the 3 1/2 year mark which happens to be when Israel will be invaded. I do believe Jesus is coming for His Church soon because I continue to have dreams where this is taking place and we also know from scripture the antichrist is being held back until someone steps out of the way. But watch this short video and start asking yourself, are you ready????

A Warning Dream

Sometime early this morning after 4:00 am, I dreamed of something catastrophic which would take place within the US, and, this is what I saw.

I was standing in the road of a suburan neighborhood watching people running in and out of their homes, packing up their belongings and leaving the area. These people were in complete panic mode and while I don’t know the actual location there are some indicators pointing to the area.

As I continued watching the people running back and forth to their cars, I was told by the guide, that the people were warned ahead of time of what was coming. It would be a deep fiery flow of fire that would engulp the entire area, obviously, this explained why people were panicking and fleeing the area. As I examined the area, I remember looking up to my right and seeing this huge, rocky boulder which was massive in size and height. This boulder was literally in their back yard. So my first thought was, why don’t people escape to the top of the boulder? But then, my gaze shifted to my left and I could see mountains positioned a little further back from the boulder, with a valley in between them. In the middle of the valley I saw a large rectangular, solid white, city, complex, santuary area and again I thought, why don’t the people take refuge in this city? I was perplexed.

My guide and I ended up riding in a car with two women as they were leaving that area. While I didn’t actually see the woman driving the car the impression I received was of someone who appeared to be in her 40’s. This woman was talking to a younger woman sitting in the passenger seat and explaining to her how worried she was because she couldn’t get in contact with her husband, who was away on a business trip. She stated she had tried calling him, but, couldn’t get through. I also noticed the female driver was on a major highway and while we did pass a sign I wasn’t able to read it.

Within a few moments, the young woman sitting in the passenger seat, phone rang and when she answered it, it was the husband of the woman who was driving. The young woman interacted with him and I remember him telling the young woman to tell his wife that he would be coming back tomorrow. After he stated this to the young woman, the call ended and she hung up. What’s interesing is, I actually heard his voice speaking to the young woman and his response was different than I expected. When he stated he was coming back tomorrow, he was very calm, wasn’t upset, worried or anxious, just very matter of fact. Then the dream ended.

This is a WARNING dream!

I believe this is probably affecting majority of the Rocky Mountain states and possibly something which affects the East Coast, the deep flow of fire leads me to believe a massive volcano eruption or possibly something happening which triggers a massive volcano eruption burning everything in site. The White rectangular sanctuary city reminds me of the new Jerusalem coming to earth but waiting for the remaining believers to enter and the man I heard talking to the young woman reminds me of, Jesus, letting His bride know that He’s coming soon.

If you’re a non-believer or one who believes they’re a Christian but lives a worldly life, NOW, is the time to examine your heart. Time is getting closer and what is going to transpire will leave this world in total chaos and many will NOT be prepared. Jesus is coming, and, it’s a lot sooner than many realize!

This dream is one of HOPE for believers and chaos for non-believers. We are not to be worried or anxious, but, to spread the Good News of Christ Jesus so others can repent, turn from their sin, and accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

To get to know Jesus, read my post entitled, What is the Gospel of Jesus.

Michigan House passes “Hate Speech” bill

The Michigan State Legislature is pushing forward a new “Hate Speech” bill that threatens anyone who speaks the truth on a variety of controversial and inherently offensive topics. The proposed legislation, HB 4474, does more than threaten the First Amendment and the free speech rights of Americans. The proposed legislation amends the state’s Ethnic Intimidation Act of 1988 – making it a “hate crime” if a person causes “severe mental anguish” to another individual……..People, you better wake up!

End Time Bible Prophecy

Pray for Israel

Israel has been under attack by terror groups, but, this doesn’t just affect Israel because there are thousands of civilians that are caught in the middle. It doesn’t matter whether they are from Israel, from Palestine, from Syria, from Iran, are even Turkey, the civilans are the ones who always pay the price for what these terror groups instigate.

So pray for the lost sheep of Israel, pray for the lost men, women and children who are being killed in these countries where terror groups are taking over. And pray for the Church in the Middle East, especially, those being beaten, attacked, harassed and killed for their belief in Yeshua, the Messiah, who are fighting the good fight.

They are all in need of our prayers

For Love of Money

Christians are at a crossroads because the Biden administration is ushering in the CBDC Digital Payment System that is launching July 2023. It’s called, FEDNow 24/7 Instant Payments, and you can learn all about it in the Learning and Resources News Center section of their site or read all about it at What is Central Bank Digital Currency(CBDC)?

Now, I’m not suggesting this is in the mark of the beast, at least, not at this phase because it still remains to be seen. However, from my understanding the CBDC Banking system needs to be in place in all the participating countries before it can be connected on a global level. But do NOT be deceived their whole initative is to have a global financial system and I believe this will play a part in it. Not to mention, the US has spent years developing this behind closed doors so there’s no telling just how deep into it we really are. Meaning, we may be alot closer globally than many realize. Couple this with what’s going on in the world and you see the Biblical scriptures come to life, which says;

A mouth was given to him speaking arrogant words and blasphemies, and authority to act for forty-two months was given to him. And he opened his mouth in blasphemies against God, to blaspheme His name and His tabernacle, that is, those who dwell in heaven. It was also given to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them, and authority was given to him over every tribe, people, language, and nation. All who live on the earth will worship him, everyone whose name has not been written since the foundation of the world in the book of life of the Lamb who has been slaughtered. If anyone has an ear, let him hear.. Revelation 13:5-9

When you read this carefully, you can see how all the governments have the spirit of the antichrist in them. Why do I say that? Because all of them are trying to implementwokeism“, the killing of babies through legalizing abortion, transgender ideology, pushing LGBQT indoctrination in schools, establishing a global CBDC so actual cash will be completely phased out. So yeah, the governments are drowning in the spirit of the antichrist. And these are just a few of the blasphemies and heresies against God that is taking place in our age today.

Remember, the Bible says you can tell by their fruit. All this means is you can tell by a person’s character, their actions, how they speak, their morals and values what they’re truly about, in other words, what really matters to them. In the case of Biden, his administration and his family, it’s pretty apparent what they stand for. Let’s take a look at what the fruit of the spirit scripture says;

But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. Galatians 5:22,23

This means, the governments, the leaders, the powerful, the elites, the WEF, UN and the Pope(probably) will be the ones who usher in the antichrist and will give their power to him. But notice what else the Bible says;

He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Revelation 13: 16,17

I believe the mark is Spiritual as well as an actual physical mark and there’s no doubt in my mind governments are diligently working to implement their system. It’s why you see banks collapsing, cash apps disappearing, countries working together in global unity to create a global financial currency, a global military, and a global religion.

Do NOT be tricked, misguided or manipulated, they will always claim their method is safer, more secure, faster and more efficient. Eventually, everyone will need some kind of mark to participate in their program. Whether it’s a digital ID, a chip, an implant or whatever, those who refuse it, Christians, Preppers and Homesteaders, will be deemed an enemy.

But as a Christian I know better, I know the Bible is very clear, those who refuse to worship the beast will be killed.

And he deceives those who dwell on the earth by those signs which he was granted to do in the sight of the beast, telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the beast who was wounded by the sword and lived. He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed. Revelation 13:14,15

It’s coming and every Christ follower needs to be prepared!

The Carbon Footprint Lie

Many have bought into this whole global warming, climate change, carbon footprints, greenhouse emissions fiasco that governments, elites, scientist and the left or trying to sell. I agree we should be willing to take care of our planet since, God created it, and we should also remember what GOD said. God told us He put man over the fish in the sea, the birds and the living creature that moves on the ground. He also gave us every seed bearing plant and every tree that has fruit to be eaten as food (Genesis 1:28-30) for us as well as the animals.

The issue is when governments, the WEF, the UN, enviromentalist, the elities, scientist and crazy leftist, lie to people about this whole climate change, global warming issue. There’s no need to reduce our carbon footprints, to stop using natural gas or oil and certainly NO NEED for millions to die because these people believe they can control the environment by reducing carbon footprints and greenhouse gases.

You’re probably wondering, just how do you know it’s not global warming?

Because thousand of years ago the Prophet Isaiah in the Nevi’im (Old Testament) spoke of this very thing and warned the people. And get this, it’s NOT global warming!

What is it?

It’s God sentencing the earth because people have defiled it by disobeying God’s laws and breaking the everlasting covenant. We’re gonna look at what the Prophet Isaiah said, but, we’re going to do it from two different Bibles so you can really understand the impact;

The earth dries up and crumbles away, the world dries out and crumbles away, the exalted of the people of the earth fade away. The earth also is polluted by its inhabitants, because they have transgressed laws, violated statues, and broken the everlasting covenant. Therefore, a curse devours the earth, and those who live on it suffer the punishment of their guilt. Therefore, the inhabitants of the earth are burned [under the curse of God’s wrath], and few people are left. Isaiah 24: 4-6 AMP

This has NOTHING to do with climate change or global warming and EVERYTHING to do with sin and the failure of our nations to repent, turn away from sin and follow God’s teachings. But to really understand and feel the full impact let’s revisit this scripture using the NLT Bible, which says;

The earth mourns and dries up, and the land waste aways and withers. Even the greatest people on earth waste away. The earth suffers for the sins of its people, for they have twisted God’s instructions, violated His laws, and broken His everlasting covenant. Therefore, a curse consumes the earth. Its people must pay the price for their sin. They are destroyed by fire, and only a few are left alive. Isaiah 24:4-6 NLT

See what I mean? This was put in place long ago by God, but, the elites and leaders of the nations want people to believe they can influence climate change or global warming by suppressing carbon emissions and greenhouse gases. When in fact, there is NO global warming, they just want you to believe their lies so they can implement the beast system. And while we’re discussing all of this, don’t forget governments are prolific weather manipulators all to gain more power and control over the people.

Do NOT be fooled by them. They will do ANYTHING to war against God because they have been blinded to the TRUTH. Instead, pray for God to open their eyes and to reveal HIS glory, then, place them in God’s hands.

Trust in the Lord Not Man

My heart is very concerned with what I see going on in the United States right now. People are gathered in the New York City area to support Donald Trump over this whole arrest issue. Don’t get me wrong if Donald Trump is innocent it will come out. But let me say this, Christians need to be extremely careful during this time.


Because this situation is bordering idolatry and fueling hate. When a society lifts up a mere man higher than God and puts all their trust in him, they are committing idolatry. When protest leads to violence, anger and ugly words being yelled, it causes hate and division. Jesus taught us to love one another and above everything to love the Lord God with all our heart, all our soul and all our minds. Let’s look at the scriptures to see what else is said;

Don’t put your confidence in powerful people; there is no help for you there. Psalm 146:3 (NLT)

Don’t put your trust in mere humans. They are as frail as breath. What good are they? Isaiah 2:22 (NLT)

This is what the Lord says: Cursed are those who put their trust in mere humans, who rely on human strength and turn their hearts away from the Lord. Jeremiah 17:5 (NLT)

See what I mean? God wants us to turn to him not to man and this is the very reason I say it’s bordering idolatry. Now, there’s nothing wrong with standing up when your own rights are being suppressed, threatened or when government powers try to over reach in Christian beliefs through totalitarian or dictator moves, but, it should always be in a peaceful manner. What we’re seeing in New York City will turn ugly. That’s because people are allowing their emotions to rule them and it’s going to cause more idolatry, more division, more hate, and probably cause New York City to be locked down.

Is it fair the way the democrats have gone after Donald Trump?

NO, it’s not. Because, many of these politicans themselves are liars, corrupt, compromised and definitely untrustworthy. And while it may not be fair what’s happening to Donald Trump, he is the one who made those decisions. It’s his battle. And you never know, God maybe sending him a message or wakeup call during this time of trouble, so Christians need to be extemely careful and know whose side they’re on, mere man or God.

As Christians we’re told to use discernment and for those who don’t have the gift of discernment you can always tell by their fruit.

Meaning, you can always identify a person’s true nature by paying attention to their actions.

Is Jesus Returning Soon?

Recently I listened to one of my favorite Biblical teachers teaching on one of my favorite subject, the second coming of Christ. So, for the past week I’ve been doing some research in the Bible trying to understand. One of the scriptures which was mentioned in the teaching was a statement which God made that really caught my attention. And with everything going on in this world, I believe it’s vital for Christians to be aware. The scripture says;

Remember the former things long past, for I am GOD, and there is no other; I am GOD, and there is no one like Me, declaring the END from the BEGINNING, and from ancient times things which have not been done, saying, “My plan will be established, and I will accomplish all My good pleasure.’; Isaiah 46:9,10

Notice the statement God made which says, declaring the End from the Beginning. From this statement it would seem that God is telling His people that, yes, while He was busy during the 6 days of creation, He also created the end.

What does this mean exactly?

It means God set a date to when everything we see around us would come to an end. God would NOT strive with man forever, instead, He sent His Son, Jesus, as a sacrifice to make atonement for our sins. But there’s another scripture which stands out written by the Prophet Hosea and it says;

He will revive us after two days; He will raise us up on the third day, that we may live before Him. Hosea 6:2

Remember, the Bible teaches that a thousand years is like one day to the Lord so the two days which Hosea mentions would “actually” be 2000 years. It would also mean that Jesus’s coming would be 2000 years after His crucifixion.

Let me say this, no one knows the day or hour, but, we’re told to keep watch for the signs of His return. So we can know the season. To understand this I’m going to start from the timeline of Christ’s crucifixion.

We don’t know the actual date Jesus was crucified but there seems to be two dates which meet the criteria. The dates are Friday, April 3, 33AD and Friday, April 7, 30AD.

This means two thousand years from the death of Jesus, He would revive the dead in Christ first and they who are alive would be caught up on the third day. So how does this come together?

For example, if Christ was crucified on Friday, April 7, 30AD it would mean His return will be somewhere around the timeline of 2030. Just add 2000 years to the date of His death and somewhere within that first week of April we’re entering the beginning of the 7 year tribulation. So it really depends on His crucifixion date. If we use the Friday, April 3, 33AD date then His coming would be somewhere around 2033.

To expand more on this, many believe that the 6 days God used to create our world is the exact timeline used for the end. And scholars believe that from the time of Adam to Christ is 4000 years and the time of Christ’s crucifixion to present is getting very close to that 2000 year mark. Six days God created the earth and on the seventh He santified it and made it Holy. It became the Sabbath.

If this is correct, then the 7th day, the Sabbath, will be the 1000 year Millennium spoken of in Revelation 20.

Is this correct?

To me it makes sense because we are approaching unprecedented and dangerous times. And we know from scripture Jesus told us;

But about that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone. For the coming of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah. For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and they did not understand until the flood came and took them all away; so will the coming of the Son of Man be. Matthew 24:37-39

Just as in the days of Noah!

Wokeism and What it’s Really About

“It can be everything that we fought against in the last century or two. Political oppression, such as denial of political rights and civil liberties to other people, including, but not limited to, free speech, freedom of expression, voting, and rights to education, and others. We are fighting against racial injustice and all forms of racial discrimination, including but not limited to racial inequality. Fighting against denial of rights, and fighting discrimination against a particular race, color, or ethnicity. Fighting for gender equality, which includes, but again, is not limited to fighting for gender inclusivity in society, such as in work and education; fighting for greater rights. Fighting against gender discrimination in all of its forms, and promoting equal representation in work, media, and others.” 

But realize this, that in the last days difficult times will come. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, slanderers, disobedient to parents, ungratefuly, unholy, unloving, irreconcilable, malicious gossips, without self-control, brutals, haters of good, treacherous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, holding to a form of godliness although they have denied its power; avoid such people as these. 2 Timothy 3:1-5

See what I mean?

Biden Transferring US Power to WHO?

In case you’re not up to speed on what’s going on with Biden, in four days he is transferring power or officially signing over soverign power to the World Health Organization(WHO) which is funded by the Bill Gates foundation. This would give the WHO the ability to govern US citizens during pandemics or health issues by mandating lockdowns, creating vaccine mandates, monitoring and surveillance of populations and the ability to take away a person’s individual freedoms when it comes to privacy, health and our land.

People, unless you’re living in a cage, you better fight this! Let your govenor, congressman, representative of your state know that you do NOT support Biden and his corrupt government. I’ve already sent a message to our Congressman regarding this very issue and it’s not my first time contacting her. I encourage you to do the same in your state.

If you think the whole Covid-19 shutdown was an issue, get ready, cause it’s about to get alot worse. I’ve stated over and over on my blog, Christians will be persecuted and it’s exactly what Jesus taught. We are living in the times of Bible prophecy, a time when Jesus is coming. So, get your heart ready and do NOT fear man, because these people are blinded to the truth!

Remember this, you’ve been warned!

Below is the original video from Redacted which provides documents to support this claim. Don’t be ignorant, be READY!