The Beast System is Coming

A few moments ago I came across this video on YouTube and I encourage everyone to watch because it deals with the #beast system which is now beginning to show up in Circle K’s all around the US along with other retail locations. I’ve stated several times I believe we are in the beginning of the tribulations because of the very words Jesus spoke, which says;

For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are but the beginnings of birth pains.

Matthew 24:7,8 (ESV)

If you’ve read my post entitled, We’re in the Beginning of Tribulation, you’ll understand the reason I feel this way. But ask yourself, why would all these different stores be putting in high tech scanning equipment unless the beast system is getting ready to be implemented? And notice what Chelsi said, the cashier stated, they could scan an arm or hand.

From the very beginning I’ve watched this push for a global governance by the WEF along with others when they pushed for the Great Reset. And in the Book of Revelation it speaks of this very thing when it speaks of the mark that will be implemented. No one will be able to buy are sell unless they have the mark which also means the antichrist will be a global leader and the power he received is probably given to him by the likes of #Klaus Schwab, #Bill Gates and other elitist or in other words the WEF, UN, WHO will all be in unison regarding this man.

So yes, we’re in the start of the #tribulation period which last for 7 years and we were warned to be aware of these #EndTimeSigns. The great tribulation doesn’t occur until the 3 1/2 year mark which happens to be when Israel will be invaded. I do believe Jesus is coming for His Church soon because I continue to have dreams where this is taking place and we also know from scripture the antichrist is being held back until someone steps out of the way. But watch this short video and start asking yourself, are you ready????

17 thoughts on “The Beast System is Coming

  1. Kelly Rowe

    Hi Robin, I just wanted to mention to you that Daniel 9:27 says that the Antichrist will enter into a covenant with the many for one week (7 years) and in the middle of that he will attack the Jews and set up the abomination of desolation on a wing of the temple and demand to be worshipped as God. I believe the beginning of the last seven years will be when we see that a leader that enters into an agreement (which I believe will be Islamic) to allow the Jews to renew their sacrifices, but then he breaks the agmt. in the middle of it. But, it’s okay if you don’t agree, We’re all entitled to our own opinions and this is not something that should divide us as Christians.

    Liked by 2 people

    • robindd4l

      Oh I understand what you’re saying and totally agree with you about the covenant for 7 years. You know something I’ve been thinking about and I’m curious about your thoughts; Is it possible that the Abraham Accords signed in 2020 could be that agreement? which would put the 3 1/2 year date around Sept 15, 2024 which also ties into the Feast of Trumpets? Just curious what your thoughts are on this matter? Thanks so much Kelly….God bless you…

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Kelly Rowe

    I believe the birth pangs Jesus spoke of have been going on since the time of Christ (and even before), but he said they would get closer together and more intense as we got closer to the end. Just some food for thought.

    Liked by 2 people

    • robindd4l

      Absolutely agree and we can definitely vouch for the fact that the intensity and the frequency have definitely increased. I know many don’t agree with me, but, I do believe we’re in the early stages of the tribulations. But do agree, as Christians it’s not something that should divide us, instead, we should be watching the signs and waiting for Christ to appear. Many, many blessings to you…Robin

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Kelly Rowe

    Also the word tribulation means a trial or test. Definitely we have been in the birth pains I believe for some time. One thing also I think you mentioned is that the Great tribulation does not start until the middle of that seven year agmt. The first three and a half years will probably be a time of peace or false peace ushered in by the antichrist.

    Liked by 2 people

    • robindd4l

      Possibly, or maybe he’s working behind the scenes until everything is in place? Could that be possible? You know the WEF made a remark couple of weeks ago stating we need a global world leader…interesting right?

      Liked by 1 person

      • Kelly Rowe

        Yes that is interesting and I’m sure he is working behind the scenes. There is a new guy on YouTube his channel is called Last Days. He shared some very interesting dreams and visions. One was on the tribulation. You might want to go listen if you haven’t.

        Liked by 1 person

        • robindd4l

          Oh yeah that would be very interesting to watch, I’ll check it out. Thank you so much for the information I always find prophecy interesting and it’s right up my alley so I’ll check it out shortly after I head to your site. Thank you so very much, many, many blessings to you….Robin

          Liked by 1 person

  4. lily☕︎

    I understand that we are not in the beginning of the great tribulation but we have been in birth pangs and things are intensifying… the antichrist has not been revealed. He will be revealed after the rapture.. and I believe the the great tribulation will start in the great tribulation for 7 years. Church will be gone. And at the 3 1/2 mark then the abomination of desolation happens to sum it up. Peace and grace dear sister Robin.

    Liked by 1 person

    • robindd4l

      Yeah from what I understand we’ve been in it for awhile just seems as if things are starting to speed up and your right, antichrist has not been revealed. Have you heard where some of the rabbis in Israel have said they have spoken to their messiah? Just curious, anyway, many, many blessings to you sister Lily and have a wonderful evening.


      • lily☕︎

        Yeah, I know of some of that and I’m sure he is alive and waiting as the leaders get everything set up. As my pastor and I agree with him based on verses of course, that we still have some time. I just now we’re in serious times and there is so much going on out there that we do and do not know. A lot of lies mixed with truth all over. Very interesting topic to talk about. God bless sister Robin. Have a good weekend.

        Liked by 1 person

        • robindd4l

          Yeah I agree, we do still have time. I believe that’s exactly what’s happening, leaders are getting everything ready for the one when he’s allowed to step out. Definitely serious times indeed. God bless you as well sister Lily and hope your weekend is filled with many, many blessings. God Bless, Robin


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