Blessed Are The Pure In Heart

Blessed are the souls,
that have been purified
for their hearts have been . . .
changed from the inside.

For they are committed,
to a lifestyle of holiness
and strive to achieve
a lifetime of godliness.

Blessed are the souls,
whose thoughts and desires…

Matthew 5.8

Blessed are the pure in heart:
for they shall see God.

King James Version
Public Domain

Copyright 2022
Deborah Ann Belka

~ to GOD be the GLORY ~

Reality Check

Work Hard Play Hard

Put to death, therefore, the
components of your earthly
nature: sexual immorality,
impurity, lust, evil desires, and

greed, which is idolatry.

Ephesians 4:32

One of my previous employments, as a administrative assistant, I found my boss often used the phrase, work hard, play hard. Since I worked in the purchasing department it meant we dealt with salesmen from all around the state. They would always tell stories of how my boss and some of the product salesman would go out and party together staying out till the wee hours of the night, and in some cases, all night. Making the next day a sunglass wearing work day due to too much alcohol, drugs, and partying with men and women. I was shocked when He told me he and his wife had an arrangement and I believe it was an open marriage situation. Which was odd since my boss also considered himself a Christian. But, when we look at the scriptures, we find this behavior is the exact opposite of what God expects. We’re not called to stay out all night drinking, partying, committing adultery, fornication or living life to it’s fullest, in fact, we’re called to do the exact opposite. When we believe in Jesus, and what He did for us on the cross, all we want to do is live for Him, to follow Him and sow good seed for the Lord. Our earthly nature no longer means anything, because it’s no longer about us, it’s all about the Lord Christ Jesus.

My Prayer
Lord God Almighty as I pray today I ask for your help so I can put to death any issues of my earthly nature that may cause behaviors that are unbecoming to you. Renew my mind so my thoughts are always focused on Christ Jesus and the works He wants me to do. Let the blood of Christ which was shed for my sins protect my mind from worldly temptations and the lust of the eyes. Don’t let everyday distractions such as work, family, health or financial issues cause me to stumble or fall. Let me walk by the Spirit so I can always project the love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control all Christians are called to exhibit. Lastly, keep me close so no one can snatch me out of your hand and let me offer words of encouragement, hope and life giving words that comfort and heal. Thank you for your love, compassion, mercy and Grace. These things I pray in Jesus name, Amen.

#partying #lifestyle #meditation #biblical meditation #JesusTheRighteousPath

Word of God Speak – Mercy Me

One of my favorite contemporary Christian song performed by MercyMe is the song titled, Word of God Speak. MercyMe has many beautiful songs, but, Word of God Speak held a special place in my heart. Unfortunately there isn’t an actual video attached to the song only a cover photo. But with that said, please enjoy.

Who Jesus Really Is

Following Worldly Ideologies

Humans and Dirt Have the Same Chemical Elements

Jesus Teachings Were Powerful

God’s Love Is Unique

What is a Woman?

Be Kind

Sermon on the Mount Message

We Are Intelligently Created

The Wicked

When God looks down from heaven,
is He hurt by what He sees,
a world full of chaos,
a world full of greed.

Is His heart full of sorrow,
as we chase temporary things,
seduced by worldly pleasures,
ignoring the heartache it brings.

Does anger stir within Him,
watching from His throne,
when we seek material possessions,
instead of the love we were shown.

Just like Sodom & Gomorrah,
our society continues to stray,
mocking, prideful, and immoral
pushing God further away.

So please heed the warning,
cause they were wicked to the core,
flaunting their sins before God’s eyes,
unaware of the wrath He had in store.

Written by Robin