Sermon on the Mount Message

11 thoughts on “Sermon on the Mount Message

    • robindd4l

      Good morning to you and God bless you. I can’t speak for other believers but for me the evidence is how I’ve been completely changed from the inside out. I am literally a new person, and not by my doings but by God’s work He’s done within me through the Holy Spirit. It’s all the evidence I need.

      Hope you have a very blessed day and thank you for the comment. Robin


      • clubschadenfreude

        But here you are trying to speak for all christians in claiming that only your version is the right one, Robin.

        all cultists claim to change. Still no evidence that your god exists. And eveyr christian claims that they have the holy spirit, and curiously enough you folks dont’ agree.


            • robindd4l

              Actually if we’re all claiming this is what the Bible states, then we’re all in agreement.

              But Christians who truly believe are to follow what the Bible teaches, unfortunately, some of us get stuck along the way, some of us are further along in their walk, and still others are believers in name only and aren’t actual believers. They come in pretending to believe but they have ulterior motives which is to create chaos and tear the Church apart.

              Hope this helps, blessings to you. Robin


              • clubschadenfreude

                The problem, Robin, is that christians don’t agree on what the bible says. Each of you have your own invented interpretation. YOu keep try to to twist my words to makae your lies work.

                And yep, here we go again with Robin sure that he is the only TrueChristian(tm) and no one else is. Everyone else, but Robin is “stuck”, everyone else but Robin is “a believer in name only and aren’t actual believers”. Everyone else but Robin is just pretending.

                It takes some hilarious arrogance for all christians to make these claims, and that not one of you self-professed chrsitians can do what jesus promised. What frauds.


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