Blessed are the Poor in Spirit

Jesus Teachings Were Powerful

Sermon on the Mount Message

Sin in the Church

Today as in biblical days, sin is everywhere including within the church. Brothers and sisters may say things, or act out against one another, that causes hurt feelings, resentment, anger and even jealousy. But, did you know that Jesus (Yehoshua, Yeshua) told us how to deal with sin in the church? Unfortunately, many churches have forgotten this practice, in fact, majority of the churches today have lost their way. They’ve lost their first love so instead of teaching the Gospel they’ve taken on the ways of this world. The text I’m referring to reads;

If another believer sins against you, go privately and point out the offense. If the other person listens and confesses it, you have won that person back. But if you are unsuccessful, take one or two others with you and go back again, so that everything you say may be confirmed by two or three witnesses. If the person still refuses to listen, take your case to the church. Then if he or she won’t accept the church’s decision, treat that person as a pagan or a corrupt tax collector. Matthew 18:15-17 (NLT)

Jesus didn’t leave us hanging, He taught us how we should live, interact with one another and even how to settle disputes when they arise. He also taught we are to love one another, which means, if a brother or sister sins against us we need to be proactive and speak to that person in private. But when we talk to that person we don’t allow our feelings to control us, NO, we speak to that person in a loving manner always being sure we exhibit the fruit of the spirit.

A House Built On Sand

Everyday I watch this country fall deeper and deeper into descent as lawlessness reigns all the way from the White House to the petty criminal on the street. It’s astounding! And unfortunately, this lawlessness has entered the Churches and have utterly rendered the members incompetent and unprepared. Many of the solid, bible believing Churches are unable to handle the issues within their own communities let along society as a whole. These Churches find themselves at a crossroads stuck somewhere in the middle while facing an enormous decision, to move forward and proclaim the Good News, or, to conform to the ways of the world.

But why is this happening?

Well, it reminds me of the teaching Jesus told during His Sermon on the Mount, which goes like this;

Therefore, everyone who hears these words of Mine, and acts on them, will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock. And the rain fell and the floods came, and the winds blew and slammed against that house; and yet it did not fall, for it had been founded on the rock. And everyone who hears these words of Mine, and does not act on them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand. And the rain fell and the floods came, and the winds blew and slammed against that house; and it fell-and it’s collapse was great. Matthew 7:24-27

You see, if a house(Church) builds their foundation on the rock(Jesus), they can weather the storm because Jesus is when them to see them through. But one who builds his house(Church) on the foundation of sand follows the doctrines of man, traditions of man and the ways of this world. That house will collapse!

So as I watch these Churches embrace these controversial issues involving wokeism, transgender ideology, climate control and same sex marriages it becomes apparent, they chose to follow the ways of this world. In other words…


Mount of Olives

I don’t believe many Christians are aware that we can pray and ask to be shown things from a time when Jesus walked among us as He established His ministry upon this earth. I often pray to God to show me things from that time period that I would like to see, which usually entails a short list of two to three different things. But, I always leave it up to our Lord what He would like to show me.

I would like to say this is NOT to PROVE that Jesus is who He says He is, because, without a doubt I know He is the Son of God, our Lord and Savior. But it’s because I have such a yearning to see Him and I’m in such awe by what He did and accomplished that I long to see it. Cause even though that time period was very different and difficult for Christians, just to see Him speak, to have the chance to see it for myself would have been so incredible. With that said, this is what happened.

A couple of days ago I dreamed, I saw Jesus sitting on a large shaped rock in an area which had a mixture of large and small trees. I don’t know how large the big tree was but it had a large branch which offered plenty of shade. The smaller trees was scattered throughout the area and helped to keep the area cool. The rock which Jesus was sitting on was position a little higher than ground level, because, I saw a woman sitting on the ground below Him. The woman was wearing a long blue robe with a white veil which covered her hair and shoulder areas. Jesus was wearing a light colored robe but that’s all I was aloud to see. I was viewing this from their side position at approximately 40 to 50 feet away so I wasn’t located directly in front of them which means I couldn’t make out their faces or specific details. As I watched I could hear Jesus speaking and could hear His voice giving scriptures as I woke up.

After going over this dream multiple times, I realized I was being shown a time when Jesus spoke on the Mount of Olives, or maybe He was speaking to a woman at the Garden of Gethsemane, either way they’re very close to one another. but I was actually allowed to hear some of His teaching of scriptures.

I urge each of you to pray to God asking to be shown things from Jesus time. It will uplift you, strengthen your faith, draws you closer to Him and gives encouragement.

Glory to God and Bless His Holy Name!

Blessed are the Poor in Spirit

The very first Beatitude found in Matthew is one I took completely out of context the first time I read it. You see, I read this scripture from a very “humanistic” view point instead of a “biblical” view. Let’s take a look at this scripture;

Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Matthew 5:3

When I read this scripture I automatically thought the “poor in spirit” were those who may be considered as depressed, lacking confidence, determination, courage, or motivation. Afterall, poor means to lack something, so, it was very easy for me to read it in that light.

But today, I see this scripture differently. For instance, “spirit” often refers to someone who is bold, courageous, someone ready for a fight, gutsy, brave, confident, arrogant, stands up to anyone, a big personality, boastful, selfish, opinionated, someone proud of themselves and their accomplishments, just to name a few.

Now, if I look at this scripture from a “biblical” view, and replace the word “poor” with lack I see this scripture in a different light. It would describe someone who “lacks” arrogance, “lacks” pride, “lacks” the need to boast, “lacks” the need to stand up to people, which, could indicate these individuals easily turn the other cheek.

So now, when I read this scripture I see it as a continuation of the teachings which “Christ” and His “Apostles” taught. Obviously, it’s not the “whole” Gospel, but, it does appear to fit within the “moral character” which Jesus wants for His people.