Iran Attacks Israel News

Breaking news that will affect every Christian is the attack on Israel by Iran today. Which means Christians will go through tough days ahead if this attack continues and turns into a full pledge war. If it does escalate chances are many countries will be involved. As Christians we must ensure we are adhering to the Lord Jesus Christ teachings during these Biblical times. This means we pray for Israel, but, we also pray for all of God’s people in the Middle East.

We must pray and ask God for His protection over His peopleHis remnant, His Church and His Chosen Ones. This includes all who believe and follow Yeshua the Messiah/Jesus the Christ regardless of their nationality or the country they reside in. Yes, we pray and ask God to bless Israel, but, we must also remember to stay in alignment with the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ. Especially those teachings where the Lord spoke of persecution and our enemies. The Scriptures read;

Christians tend to forget, that yes while we love Israel, we must be very careful how we approach this subject. Scripture teaches;

Pray for All people to REPENT and turn their hearts to the Son of God, Jesus Christ (Yeshua Messiah), who was sacrificed for our sins and reconciled us to God through His blood. I’m also reminded of the scripture which reads;

This is why all Christians must be very careful what they say and how they say it. While we love Israel and pray for the Jewish people, we’re called to LOVE all God’s People.

May God’s Grace bless you daily,
bring you closer to the Lord Jesus Christ
and Sanctify you in God’s Truth!

He is Risen

Can you imagine the anguish and pain the Apostles felt along with the disciples after the crucifixion of the Lord Jesus Christ? Now imagine their joy and happiness when they realized He had risen.

Matthew 28:6 – He is not here; for He has risen, as He said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay.

He has Risen! Glory hallelujah our King is Risen!

Be Kind to All

If you read the Bible one of the first things you’ll notice in the New Testament is just how humble and compassionate the Lord Jesus was to the Israelites when He walked among them.

He walked throughout Israel healing, casting out demons, raising the dead and preaching the Good Message of the Kingdom, all while teaching God’s Chosen people the right way to live. He showered the people with mercy, forgiveness, compassion  and love.

He also taught we should be kind to all people, including, loving our enemies. For many Americans this is difficult, especially, with what’s happening within our Country today. But since I’m a follower of Christ I know I must have the same mindset. Because the Lord Jesus said;

But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. Matthew 5:44,45

For me, this Scripture says it all. So my prayer is that all Christians realize this message before it’s too late. Jesus left us a blueprint for living the right way through His teachings. But He also gives us the ability to make our own choice. To follow Him, or, follow the ways of this world.

Peace Instead of Choas

Our world seems to be spinning further out of control. While many have lost hope, my hope, is in the Lord Christ Jesus, the Son of God, who came to save the world. Which means as a believer I must speak God’s truth. Which is the same Truth Jesus (Yeshua/Yehoshua), the Christ (Messiah), of Nazareth taught. Since I believe in Him all of my belief, my trust, my faith and my hope is in Christ Jesus, along with everything He taught. One of those teachings Jesus taught is the need to love our enemies and do good to them. But it doesn’t stop there, because the Apostle Peter also taught something similar, the scriptures read;

From Jesus teachings to the teachings of the Apostles, it’s pretty clear, violence, riots, insurrections, and protests was never intended for a believer. Unfortunately, many Christian believers are abandoning these teachings and purchasing guns and stocking up on ammunition. Jesus never condoned violence and He taught His Apostles the same. So, why is it many Christians are more concerned with their families, property, and earthly treasures instead of following the Lord Jesus teachings? Remember what Jesus said;

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, we should be encouraging one another, building each other up and standing firm in the Faith. We cannot fear but must proclaim the Truth Jesus taught. It’s better to die in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, then it is to shoot someone all in the name of protecting your earthly treasures.

Glory be to God and if you’re not a believer, Get to Know the Lord Jesus Christ in the Post, What is the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Jesus Wept

One of the most amazing works of the Lord Jesus, in the New Testament besides the crucifixion, is when He raised Lazarus from the dead. Can you imagine the shock and awe the people felt when this miracle was performed? I’ll be honest, I don’t know how I would have reacted, but, it’s definitely a testament to who the Lord Jesus truly was.

What’s really interesting about this narrative is how Mary and Martha sent word to Jesus letting Him know that Lazarus was sick. But instead of Jesus leaving immediately to heal Lazarus He waited an additional two days before leaving for Judea. But His disciples raised objection due to His recent controversy with the Jews and the the near stoning issue. Regardless, Jesus told them;

Of course the disciples didn’t realize Jesus was actually telling them Lazarus had died, they thought Lazarus was actually sleeping. Jesus told them directly, “Lazarus is dead.” After Jesus arrived at Martha’s and Mary’s, he was greeted by Martha. Basically, she expressed to Christ that if He had been there her brother wouldn’t had died, but, she knew whatever Jesus ask of God, God would grant it. Jesus told her, Your brother will rise again but Martha thought Jesus was referring to the resurrection so Jesus continues to tell Martha;

Mary answered, Yes, Lord, I believe that You are the Messiah (Christ), the Son of God, who is to come into the world. After speaking with Jesus Mary then went and told Mary The Teacher has come and is calling for you. Mary rose quickly and headed to Jesus. Those who were there to offer their support assumed she was going to the tomb of Lazarus so they followed. When Jesus saw Mary weeping along with the Jews who followed her, He groaned in the Spirit and was troubled. He asked where they had laid Lazarus and, Jesus swept.

Jesus was groaning in Himself when He arrived at the tomb and He asked for the stone to be removed. Martha, said to the Lord, by this time there is a stench since he’s be dead for 4 days. But Jesus says to Martha, did I not say to you that if you would believe you would see the Glory of God? Jesus lifted up His eyes and said, Father, I thank You that You have heard Me. And He continues telling the Father that He spoke this because of those standing there so they would believe that the Father sent Him.

Once Jesus said these things, He cried out with a loud voice, Lazarus, come forth! Lazarus who had died came out bound hand and foot with graveclothes, and His face was wrapped with a cloth. Jesus said to them, Loose him, and let him go.

While this is definitely one of my favorites next to the crucifixion, it completely verified who Jesus was when He walked among the Jewish people and what He will do when He comes back.


During my reading of the Prophet Isaiah certain scriptures really stood out to me. I say this because I see a correlation in what He wrote about referring to transgressions, sin, and Truth to what is currently happening within the United States, in fact, the whole world. You see, many continue to deny God’s Truth, who He is, and how we’re suppose to live. Instead they prefer to deny His very existence while trying to force their own ungodly views on the rest of us. The scriptures I’m referring to in Isaiah read;

From these scriptures, it becomes evident that Christ ministry also reflected this same theme. The Lord Jesus, the Son of God, preached the Good news of the Kingdom which spoke of the cause of sin, the need to repent of our sins, the need to turn back to God, to seek righteousness, to believe in the Lord Jesus as the Messiah (Christ), and believe in the One who sent Him (God), along with the need to love the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind and strength.

But today’s society is just the opposite, instead, many continue to deny God, to mock the Lord Jesus, and twist the very Words of the Bible. These are those who prefer to live their lives on their on terms. They live according to man’s standards instead of God’s promoting their lies through false ideologies, misinformation and lawless deeds, including, what’s transpiring in many Church denominations today. But the scriptures read;

As a Christian I’m not called to judge or condemn the lost, but, we are called to speak the Truth in love with gentleness. However, when Christians try to speak openly to non-believers about Jesus, the love He has for us, and the sacrifice He made, we’re automatically deemed as hateful. So it’s not surprising how many Churches are changing doctrine to accommodate the lost and their twisted ideology. It reminds me of the scripture;

What is the Truth?

For me, the Truth is summed up by two scriptures in the Bible that speaks of what God did, why He did it, who Christ is, what His mission was and what He provides to those who believe and follow Him, the scripture reads;

But there is Hope in the Lord Christ Jesus for all who believe, question is, will you?

Following Christ Seeing God

Tongues of Fire

If I Could Speak to Benjamin Netanyahu

His Suffering Was Heartbreaking

As I journey through the scriptures, I read a passage which broke my heart into pieces last night. While many believers claim to be a Christian, Jesus told His Apostles that if they truly love Him, they would do the will of His Father and follow His commands. Each of us must evaluate ourselves in truth because Christ is coming back, and those who mock, ridicule, blaspheme against Him will pay the ultimate price. There are two sets of scriptures I’m sharing and I’ll be writing them back to back, hopefully, you’ll understand the emotion I felt. The first passage reads;

You see, Jesus came to the land of Israel, to the Jewish people first, His people. They rejected Him, the one who could save them. He was their Messiah, the King of Israel, the Chosen One from the House of David. Yet, they rejected Him because their minds were worldly.

And it’s no different today, cause while Christ suffered and died on a cross for all man’s sins, there are those who still deny, reject and mock Him. They put their FAITH, their BELIEF, their HOPE in science, in politics, and in themselves! But the Word teaches all these things will perish along with those who put their TRUST in these worldly things.

So make NO mistake, Jesus IS COMING BACK and all will fall on their knees and confess, JESUS IS LORD! Question is, whose side will YOU be on?

Why I Read the Old Testament

Sometimes many forget just how important the Old Testament is to a believer. It provides insight into God’s ways, gives us stories of the Patriarchs, the history of the Jewish people, it told of God’s Creation, it teaches one how to bare their soul to God and how to praise Him. It also provides warnings, insight, blessings, and curses through His prophets when a nation or people go astray.

While God did many wonderful works in the Old Testament, the information I believe the most important is the coming of the New Covenant. Remember, God always warns His people long before it happens and that’s exactly what He did through His prophets. One of the most revealing reads;

But there are other fascinating scriptures which help us grasp just why the Old Testament is so important and still valid. And other scriptures which help us understand the bigger picture of God’s New Covenant. A few of these scriptures read;

But did you know the Old Testament also prophesied of the coming Messiah? Yes, God’s only Son was prophesied long before He appeared. Some of these scriptures are;

And of course, who can forget the passage which speaks of the most heartbreaking scriptures found in the Old Testament prophesied hundreds of years before it occurred, the crucifixion of the Christ, the Messiah.

The Lord God announced the New Covenant long before it went into effect. He told His people He would write His Law on their hearts and put it within them, give them a new Spirit, HIS SPIRIT, so they could walk in His judgments (Law). Which means, the 10 commandments are valid, they’re written on the Heart of every true believer, they’re put within them, and God’s Spirit will help us to walk in them. For we walk by FAITH, not by sight.

THIS is the reason I read the Old Testament…

Live by the Spirit

If we live by the Spirit, let’s follow
the Spirit as well. Let’s not become
boastful, challenging one another,
envying one another.

Galatians 5:25

Our country is living in dark times with many choosing to follow the ways of this world. But distractions are nothing more than temptations used against man to push them further away from Christ. As a believer I’m called to walk in the Spirit and to embrace the fruit of the Spirit with open arms. For me to walk in the Spirit I must choose love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control. All things which help me to keep my focus on Christ, on His Church and to spread the Good News of His Kingdom. When we live by the Spirit we must ensure we are walking in the Spirit with persoanl integrity, godly character and moral courage, otherwise, non-believers, will use us as their reason to continually reject Christ.

My Prayer
Heavenly Father, I pray for this world that is so full of hate, unrest and is completely divided. My heart grieves, because, I see so many forsaking the gift of salvation for worldly passions and desires. I pray that in these dark times your people will continue to be led by the Spirit so we can walk upright with integrity, righteousness and courage. That we keep our focus on Jesus, as we stand boldly facing adversity and the flaming arrows of spiritual warefare. All these things I pray in the name of Yeshua, Jesus, and through Him, Amen.

An Unrepentant Heart

Over the past couple of weeks my schedule has changed and I’ve found myself in bed by 9 or 10:00 pm. It doesn’t happen every night at this time but it is happening more frequently. This allows me to get up early and enjoy some Bible reading on my patio before it gets too hot or an unpredictable rainstorm comes in. I really enjoy and look forward to this time of solitude.

Of course, last night didn’t go as planned and the last time I remember looking at my phone it was 4:00 in the morning. I was working on a combined project with my husband before realizing it was extremely late, or, early depending on how you choose to view it. But I told myself I still wanted to do some Bible reading even if it’s only one chapter. I love reading the Bible before I lay down because it helps to keep my focus on Yeshua (Jesus) as I fall asleep.

While reading the Bible before I laid down I came across a scripture that really made me stop and think. You see, for awhile now I’ve had such a burdened in my soul for those who are lost in this world so when I read this scripture I felt that familiar conviction. The scripture reads;

But because of your stubbornness and unrepentant heart you are storing up wrath for yourself on the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God, who WILL REPAY EACH PERSON ACCORDING TO HIS DEEDS: to those who by perserverance in doing good seek glory, honor, and immortality, He will give eternal life; but to those who are self-serving and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, He will give wrath and indigation. Romans 2:5-8 NASB

Normally, I’m not a fan of the modern translations but I was really impressed with how the New Living Translation worded this scripture. In their translation it reads;

But because you are stubborn and refuse to turn from your sin, you are storing up terrible punishment for yourself. For a day of anger is coming, when God’s righteous judgment will be revealed. He will judge everyone according to what they have done. He will give eternal life to those who keep on doing good, seeking after the glory and honor and immortality that God offers. But He will pour out His anger and wrath on those who live for themselves, who refuse to obey the truth and instead live lives of wickedness. Romans 2:5-8 NLT

For me this is a very scary scripture because what I see happening in our world today has a direct correlation to people with an unrepented heart and a stubbornness that is unreasonable, irrational and extreme. But the Bible is clear, those who refuse to seek good and live lives obedient to Christ will receive the full force of God’s anger and wrath.

Our world is falling deeper and deeper into descent, and while many claim that the “right president” can turn all this around in the US, I believe, it’s a call for the antichrist to step up and take center stage soon. Keep your focus on Christ Jesus (Yeshua, the Messiah) because it is written;

Watch therefore, for you do not know what hour your Lord is coming. Matthew 24:42 NASB

Overcome Evil With Good

Yesterday as I was reading my Bible I came across a scripture which reminds me of the words Jesus spoke during His crucifixion, which were; forgive them Father, for they know not what they do (paraphrasing). While Jesus hung on a cross for the sins of the world, He asked God(Yahweh, Jehovah, Adonai, Abba) to forgive those who had caused this, because, they didn’t know what they were doing.

How extraordinary is that! The Son of God being nailed to a cross and He still had the ability to think about others. This shows me exactly who Jesus was and the incredible love and compassion He had for the people of this world.

So it’s no wonder when I read this scripture last night I immediately thought of the words Jesus spoke on the cross. The scripture I’m referring to, reads;

But if your enemy is hungry, feed him; If he is thirsty, give him a drink; For by doing this you will heap burning coals on his head. Romans 12:20

To completely comprehend what the Apostle Paul was indicating I did some research, and for me, it’s changed how I see this particular scripture.

According to the Thayer’s Greek Lexicon this scripture is a proverbial expression, which means, it was quoted from Proverbs 25.22, signifying to call up, by the favors you confer on your enemy, the memory of the wrong he has done you (which shall pain him as if live coals were heaped on his head), that he may more readily repent. The Arabians call things that cause very acute mental pain burning coals of the heart and fire in the liver.

So with that said, this is how I see this scripture, because of your good deeds it causes your enemy to be weighed down with so much shame that it causes them to remember all the hurt and pain they caused you and how much pain and shame it has caused them. Hopefully, they choose to repent of their past deeds towards you and turn their life around. And because you chose to overcome evil with good, you’ll be rewarded by the Lord.

I really like this scripture and while I had to do a little digging to fully comprehend the exact meaning, I believe, it truly reflects the character of Jesus.