
Last night during prayer time an image appeared before my eyes which was a first for me. It’s a vision of something to come that I’m to share and warn others on, and with that said, this is what I saw.

I was positioned above a city but off to the left side of the buildings roughly 100 to 300 feet away from them. There were several highrise buildings then all of a sudden I saw something flying through the air and hitting one of the buildings causing a massive explosion. And naturally, a large fire broke out. The explosion happened on a beautiful sunny day, in broad daylight, appeared to be warm like spring time weather and while I wasn’t given the location of this city I could tell it was a modern one.

The vision happened so quickly that I don’t recall seeing roads, but, the buildings seemed to be positioned along water or a coastline and from the way this city was positioned it seemed to be facing eastward. I didn’t see any trees, or actual land, just a modern city with blue in front of it. Which indicated a possible city which sits very close to water. The image above is similar to how I saw this city located near the water so you have an idea of what I’m referring to. Like I said, I don’t know the location just the wallpaper was similar, but, there are several locations I can think of which could fit what I saw, however, I don’t want to speculate.

While I don’t know what caused the explosion something appeared to fly through the air then the whole scene changed to an explosion and an eruption of fire.

Pray for this situation as I will also continue to pray, but, do NOT loose hope! Because God is in control, He has a plan and you can believe, trust, hope and rely on Him.

If you don’t know our Lord and Savior, there’s no better time like the present to learn about the, Gospel of Jesus Christ.

2 thoughts on “Explosion

  1. 1WhoConquers

    I experienced something similar, but not in a vision. Something flying through the air and making a building explode? 9/11 The World Trade Center. I was there.

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