Why I Read the Old Testament

Sometimes many forget just how important the Old Testament is to a believer. It provides insight into God’s ways, gives us stories of the Patriarchs, the history of the Jewish people, it told of God’s Creation, it teaches one how to bare their soul to God and how to praise Him. It also provides warnings, insight, blessings, and curses through His prophets when a nation or people go astray.

While God did many wonderful works in the Old Testament, the information I believe the most important is the coming of the New Covenant. Remember, God always warns His people long before it happens and that’s exactly what He did through His prophets. One of the most revealing reads;

But there are other fascinating scriptures which help us grasp just why the Old Testament is so important and still valid. And other scriptures which help us understand the bigger picture of God’s New Covenant. A few of these scriptures read;

But did you know the Old Testament also prophesied of the coming Messiah? Yes, God’s only Son was prophesied long before He appeared. Some of these scriptures are;

And of course, who can forget the passage which speaks of the most heartbreaking scriptures found in the Old Testament prophesied hundreds of years before it occurred, the crucifixion of the Christ, the Messiah.

The Lord God announced the New Covenant long before it went into effect. He told His people He would write His Law on their hearts and put it within them, give them a new Spirit, HIS SPIRIT, so they could walk in His judgments (Law). Which means, the 10 commandments are valid, they’re written on the Heart of every true believer, they’re put within them, and God’s Spirit will help us to walk in them. For we walk by FAITH, not by sight.

THIS is the reason I read the Old Testament…

3 thoughts on “Why I Read the Old Testament

  1. Michele Sperber

    I find much revelation applicable to present circumstances in my life when I look up the meanings of the names, kings and places in the old testament. I love it! So many Christians are missing out by not studying the old testament. Your writing was/is a needed nudge. 🌟Bless you for your faithfulness Robin.

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    • robindd4l

      Thank you so my dear sister Michele. I really enjoy the different stories and for me, it reveals the mighty works of Yehovah…Many, many blessings to you sweet sister….Lots and lots of blessings to you…Robin

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