Abram and Lot Separate

Lot, Abram’s (#Abraham) nephew, also accompanied Abram to Egypt along with all of his possessions, flocks, herds and tents. Between the two of them they owned so much livestock and possessions that the land wasn’t able to sustain them both. Plus, when you had quarreling into the mix between their herdsmen, Abram knew eventually things would take a turn for the worse. To avoid any further dissension Abram made a suggestion.

Abram (Abraham) spoke to Lot and basically told him, we’re brothers so let’s not have any strife between us. This is when Abram suggested to Lot they should separate to avoid any further issues. Abram told Lot to choose which way he wanted to go, right or left and Abram would go in the opposite direction. Lot liked how the plain of Jordan looked since it was well watered, so, he decided on the plain of Jordan and began his journey toward the east. This left Abram in the land of Canaan and Lot living in various cities of the plain till he pitched his tent at Sodom.

Lot had no way of knowing just how wicked and sinful the men of Sodom were against the Lord. But, as my momma used to say, you’ve made your bed, now, you got to lay it in. In other words, for those who don’t understand Southern idioms, you made your choice now you’ve got to live with the consequences.

After Lot left, the Lord spoke to Abram.

Basically, The Lord tells Abram to look all around him to the North, South, East and West because this is the land He’s giving to him, along with his descendants, forever. The Lord also tells Abram that He would make his descendants as the dust of the earth; so that if a man could number the dust of the earth, then Abrams descendants also could be numbered.

The Lord tells Abram to get up and walk in the land and inspect it since it was what the Lord had given him. Abram decides to move his tent and dwell by the terebinth trees of Mamre, located in Hebron, and he built an altar there to the Lord.

While it appeared Abram and Lot wanted to live close to one another, it just wasn’t feasible. Because all the possessions between them was too much for the land to bare so they separated themselves. But maybe there’s more to it than that, after all, the Lord had set His eyes on Abram to receive a great blessing. I also noticed Lot eyed the land which appeared to be more lush, well watered, and green while Abram humbled himself and took the less desirable area. I guess it didn’t matter to Abram because after Lot left, the Lord Himself told him he would make his descendants as the dust of the earth. I don’t think anything could compare to that!

Next, Abraham Rescues Lot

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